Publication: Mimari Tasarımda Esneklik Yaklaşımlarına Kurumsal Bir Bakış
İslamoğlu, Özge
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Günümüzde zamana bağlı yaşanan hızlı değişimler, yapıların bu değişime hızlı bir şekilde uyum
sağlayabilmesini gerekli hale getirmiştir. Bu hızlı değişim ve uyumun sağlanabilmesi, yapının
esneklik kapasitesine bağlıdır. Esneklik, süreç içerisinde olası değişimler karşısında yapının
değişimleri karşılayabilmesini sağlayan, mekansal ve yapısal stratejiler içeren bir tasarım
yaklaşımıdır. Çalışma tarihsel süreçte kuram ve uygulama alanında geniş bir çerçevede ele alınmış
olan mimari tasarımda esneklik kavramı üzerinde kurgulanmıştır. Bu kurgu dahilinde amaçlanan
çağdaş bir tasarım yaklaşımı olan esneklik kavramına ilişkin bütüncül bir tanımlama yapılması ve
esneklik sağlamaya yönelik stratejiler belirlemektir. Bu bağlamda tarihsel süreç içerisinde birçok
ünlü mimarın konuya ilişkin söylemleri ve tasarımları analiz edilmiş, analizler irdelenerek mimari
tasarımda esnekliğin sağlanabilmesi için 7 strateji ortaya koyulmuştur. Bu stratejiler; hareketlilik,
çok amaçlı kullanım, modülerlik, eklenebilme / çıkarılabilme, nötr alanlar, birleştirilebilme /
bölünebilme ve farklı plan tipleri olarak belirlenmiştir.
Rapid changes that are experienced today due to time have made it necessary for buildings to adapt to this change fast. Achievement of this rapid change and adaptation is dependent on the flexibility capacity of the building. Flexibility is a design approach which contains spatial and structural strategies and allows the building to compensate for the changes that are likely to occur in the process. The study was shaped around the concept of flexibility in architectural design which has been discussed in a broad perspective in the historical process in its theoretical and practical aspects. The objective within this structure is to make a holistic definition about the concept of flexibility which is a modern design approach and determine strategies towards achieving flexibility. In this context, the discourses and designs of several famous architects in the historical process were analyzed, and 7 strategies were presented for achievement of flexibility in architectural design by examining the analyses. These strategies were determined as mobility, multi-purpose use, modularity, includability / excludability, neutral areas, combinability / divisibility and different types of plans.
Rapid changes that are experienced today due to time have made it necessary for buildings to adapt to this change fast. Achievement of this rapid change and adaptation is dependent on the flexibility capacity of the building. Flexibility is a design approach which contains spatial and structural strategies and allows the building to compensate for the changes that are likely to occur in the process. The study was shaped around the concept of flexibility in architectural design which has been discussed in a broad perspective in the historical process in its theoretical and practical aspects. The objective within this structure is to make a holistic definition about the concept of flexibility which is a modern design approach and determine strategies towards achieving flexibility. In this context, the discourses and designs of several famous architects in the historical process were analyzed, and 7 strategies were presented for achievement of flexibility in architectural design by examining the analyses. These strategies were determined as mobility, multi-purpose use, modularity, includability / excludability, neutral areas, combinability / divisibility and different types of plans.
Esneklik, Esnek Tasarım, Esneklik Stratejisi, Flexibility, Flexible Design, Flexibility Strategy