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  • Publication
    Onur’lar House
    (2016) USTA, GÜLAY; USTA, AYHAN; 6674; 5854
  • Publication
    Settling on the Temporary
    (2019-09) Melikoğlu Eke, Armağan Seçil; USTA, GÜLAY; 30997; 6674
    Several thoughts on temporality - a term for things lasting or used for only a short period of time as opposed to the permanent, or for things that are palliative- have been produced and these thoughts appear in various studies. On the other hand, “place” is at the center of architectural discussions and researches. The concept of “temporality” has recently been popular among the theories and practices of the discipline of architecture. Although establishing “the first shelter to be protected against environmental conditions" -as one of the fundamental reasons of the emergence of architecture- is a representation of temporality, permanence became the core of humans’ act of forming shelters. However today, people are migrating and leaving their homes. Migration is an act changing places, either voluntarily or compulsorily, due to economics, war, natural disasters. People who leave the places they once inhabited are given new temporary models of shelter such as refugee camps or disaster relief housing. Things become clearer when one looks at the number of people who had to change places due to ongoing wars. For instance, 6.864.445 citizens of Syria moved out of their country in 2017 and %37,57 of the remaining population had to change places (URL-1). A great number of people who migrated from Syria because of the civil war settled in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. According to the data of International Organization for Migration (IOM), the immigrant population in Turkey constituted % 3,77 of the settled population in 2015 but this percentage changed to % 6,03 in 2017. The number of immigrant moving from Syria to Turkey was 1.568.494 in 2015, however, this number raised to 4.880.917 in 2017 (URL-1). The total number of immigrants in Turkey is now recorded as 4.880.917 (URL-1). This data explains that new approaches and solutions on the subjects of homelands, homelessness, migration, refugees, asylum seekers should be proposed and developed because “homelessness" means losing home, language, culture, friends, relatives, in other words, it is being deprived of daily routine. What is more, the immigrants get into contact with a society which they are unfamiliar with and they seek refuge in that society. Therefore, spaces that are arranged for people away from their homelands, namely immigrants, should give them the opportunity to re-establish their routine and form relations with the new society they live in people. On the one hand, there is the fact of being migrant, change of places, temporality and on the other hand, there are concepts representing permanency like settlement, identification, adaptation, and home. New places are being established for those who are trying to survive among such concepts. Heidegger establishes his philosophy of place on “dasein” - the ways in which humans are and exit in the world- and on “dwelling", as in residing somewhere. Consequently, he claims that places represent a form of taking root for the being and experience of the human and that they are not just dead locations as they possess qualities related to life. According to the architectural design approach which is based on Martin Heidegger’s “Building Dwelling Thinking”, dwelling is one’s seamlessly identification with the environment offering integrity. It is natural way of human existence. It is suggested that human beings are not just amphibian forms of consciousness. Instead, they are in need of belonging to a ‘place’ that has distinct features. This approach defines place through a hypothetical case of a bridge and suggests that the place creates the dwelling though the bridge (URL-2). It could be observed that one of the very recent issues that architecture deals with in the context of temporality is the need for designing places which would meet social and humane needs. Producing spaces that can be called as “place” by people who change places because of migration has become a subject for which a considerable number of designers are looking for new and creative solutions. For instance, Shigeru Ban is known for his work with recycled cardboard tubes built in areas where disasters took place. Alejandro Aravena won the Pritzker Architecture Prize thanks to his participatory housing projects. Projects which have been realized so far show that fast and easily built modular systems, productions carried out with already made tools, conversion of desolated urban spaces, using alternative places for settlement and creating the sense of belonging by user participation have been examples of various approaches. Under the light of abovementioned information, this paper aims to investigate the approaches towards designs of temporary/permanent places for people who change places. Applied examples are analyzed and evaluated within the scope of this study. The findings gained through the analysis and evaluation are considered to be as possible data which can be used for designing temporary/permanent places in Turkey.
  • Publication
    “Hayat Eve Sığar" Evi Nasıl Dönüştürecek?: COVID-19 Süreci ve Sonrası İçin Konut Tasarım Stratejileri
    Bu proje COVID-19 pandemisinin konutun fiziksel ve psiko-sosyal durumunu etkileyerek, dönüştürdüğü, yeni ve farklı işlevler ve ihtiyaçlar eklediği ve insanların konuttan beklentilerinin değişime uğradığı/uğrayacağı tezine dayanmaktadır. Projenin temel amacı, bu değişimin sorgulanarak tespit edilmesi, bu tespitlere dayanarak mevcut konut stokunun kullanım olanakları ve yeni yapılacak konutlar için tasarım stratejileri geliştirmektir. COVID-19 pandemisiyle birlikte evlerde yaşanan mekânsal (fiziksel) ve anlamsal (psiko-sosyal) değişimlerin tespit ve sorgulama süreci için pandeminin devam etme durumuna bağlı olan bir araştırma tasarımı geliştirilmiştir. Bunun için niceliksel ve niteliksel araştırma yöntemleri birlikte ve diyalektik bir yapı içinde kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın ilk adımı olan literatür bölümünde konutun fiziksel ve psiko-sosyal bileşenlerine yer verilmiş, COVID-19 pandemisinin süreçleriyle birlikte bu bileşenlerin nasıl bir değişimden geçmekte olduğu ve konuta eklenen yeni işlev ve ihtiyaçlar araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın ikinci adımında, nicel araştırma yöntemi olan anket tekniği COVID-19 pandemisinin Türkiye’de en çok etkilediği illerin başında gelen İstanbul ilinde yaşayan katılımcılara uygulanmıştır. Katılımcıların COVID-19 pandemisi karantina öncesi, süresi ve sonrasının herhangi bir zaman diliminde evin fiziksel ve psiko-sosyal durumu, COVID-19 pandemisiyle eklenen hijyen önlemleri, sosyal yaşam ihtiyaçları, evden/uzaktan çalışma ve eğitim durumlarına ilişkin görüşleri alınmıştır. Araştırmanın üçüncü adımında anket tekniği ile elde edilen verileri derinleştirmek için niteliksel araştırma yöntemi olan açık uçlu-yarı yapılandırılmış sorular ile online görüşme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Nitel araştırma bölümü, nicel araştırma bölümünde ulaşılan sonuçların daha kapsamlı araştırılmasına yönelik ilerleyen bir süreç olmuştur. Örneklem grubunun tanımlanmasında ve yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşme formunun hazırlanmasında nicel araştırmanın sonuçları referans alınmıştır. Nicel ve nitel tekniklerin bir arada kullanıldığı araştırma tasarımından gelen veriler birlikte değerlendirilerek, bütüncül sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma tasarımından elde edilen sonuçlar ve öneriler, son bölümü oluşturan tasarım stratejisi adımında mevcut konut stokunun kullanım olanakları ve yeni yapılacak konutlar için tasarım üretimlerine dönüştürülmüştür.
  • Publication
    Mimarlık Eğitiminde ve Tasarımında Empatik Yaklaşım
    (04-05 Aralık 2014, İstanbul Kemerburgaz Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 2014-12-04) USTA, AYHAN; USTA, GÜLAY; 5854; 6674
  • Publication
    How Does "Stay Home" Transform a House? The Route Map of a Research
    COVID-19 pandemic caused transformation by influencing the physical and psycho-social status of houses, and by introducing different functions and needs which led to or will lead to changes in individuals' expectations from their houses. Drawing on this idea, this study allows for the detection of such changes through examination and for the consideration of future house arrangements, housing designs and their production by identifying the usage possibilities of existing houses. The research design is structured in three main steps. First step is the literature part that draws the conceptual framework of the study. Second step includes survey technique with use of panel design as a quantitative research method. In the research, third step has built with semi-structured interview to be deepen analyzing of the results of the quantitative part. The findings reached through this study have the potential to lead future house arrangements as well as housing production and design which are also significant in terms of innovative and creative housing designs studied within disciplines such as interior architecture and architecture. Sample of the research is the city of Istanbul which is first of the most affected cities from COVID-19 pandemic. Selecting a big and multi-component metropolis like Istanbul as research area for residential spaces brought different difficulties in the application processes of research methods while allowing the multidimensional examination of the subject. The research design proposed by this study possess the quality of a guiding sample for future scientific studies.
  • Publication
    User Consideration About Dwelling and Its Environment Trabzon- Turkey TOKİ Dwelling Sample
    (2014) İslamoğlu, Özge; USTA, GÜLAY; 151995; 6674
    The migrations since 1950, has been revealed dwelling problem more seen in big cities. To solve this revealed dwelling problem, housing application has been started by Emlak Bank since 1960. However, because of finadequate financing fundings, private companies and building companies couldn’t be sufficient. By occuring budgetary and extrabudgetary sources in 1980, housing applications has been accelerated. Today in large part of housing application is realising by TOKI. Made quickly in these applications to solvingin housing problem, prioritising maxim of quantity, In terms of the quality of the negativity of the opinion that it is quite common. In this study extensively in all cities located within housing production practices TOKI, has been the subject of evaluation on users. That have been applied in the city of Trabzon in two separate regions of residents who live in public housing, housing and the environment to reveal the satisfaction of statistical analysis were used. The objective here before quantitative targets, for users to evaluate the quality of life, the emphasis is to make.
  • Publication
    The impact of physical and socio-cultural factors on structuring vernacular dwellings in Eastern Black Sea Region
    (2012-02-29) Onur, Dilara; Ziyrek, Burcu Efe; USTA, GÜLAY; 6674; 151254
    People live in their physical and social environments and they ought to arrange their relations via physical and social environments surrounding them to meet sheltering need, which is their essential requirement. When, especially, traditional residential architecture that represents historical and cultural backgrounds of societies is examined, the critical importance of human-environment relation is observed. When Anatolian traditional residential architecture is examined, it is observed that, as in many societies, dwellings are the reflections of the physical and social structures of the region where they are located. Dwellings that are structured differently in various parts of Anatolia signify both physical conditions and social characteristic and rich cultural background of the region they are located. In this sense, vernacular dwellings in Eastern Black Sea Region have a key position in the Anatolian residential architecture. Within the scope of this study, the impact of physical and social factors on residential architecture was analyzed by focusing on the vernacular dwellings in Eastern Black Sea Region (in Turkey). In this study, structuring process of the vernacular dwellings in Eastern Black Sea Region was examined from the housing scale to the location scale in terms of physical and social factors.
  • Publication
    İç mimarlık eğitimini tartışma zemini olarak kongreler: İÇMEK-İç mimarlık eğitimi ulusal kongresi örneği
    Çalışma kapsamında, tüm tasarım disiplinlerinde olduğu gibi iç mimarlık alanına yadsınamaz katkılar sağlayan iletişim ortamları tartışmaya açılmakta ve bu ortamlarda önemli bir yere sahip olan İÇMEK- İç Mimarlık Eğitimi Ulusal Kongresi’nin tarihsel arka planı okunmaktadır. İÇMEK- İç Mimarlık Eğitimi Ulusal Kongresi’nin temel amacı iç mimarlık eğitimini çok yönlü tartışmaya açmaktadır. İÇMEK iç mimarlık eğitimini tartışmaya açan ilk kongrelerden biri olması, sonrasında düzenli bir şekilde eğitimi farklı açılardan konu alarak tarihsel bir birikim ortaya koyması açısından önemli görülmektedir. Diğer yandan, İÇMEK kongresinde sunulan bilimsel çalışmalar, iç mimarlık eğitimde günceli takip etmeye imkan vermekte ve sunduğu paylaşım ortamıyla da meslek paydaşlarını bir araya getirerek iletişim ortamı yaratmaktadır. Çalışmanın ilk adımı olarak iç mimarlıktaki iletişim ortamları kongreler üzerinde incelenmiştir. İkinci adımda İÇMEK kongresinin amacı, kapsamı, her yıl tartışmaya açtığı üst ve alt temaları açısından dökümü yapılmıştır. Aynı zamanda İÇMEK kongrelerinde sunulan bildirilerin anahtar kelimeleri analiz edilmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler aracılığı ile kongrelerde öne çıkan konular ve kavramlar belirlenmeye, buna bağlı olarak da eğitimde hangi konuların öne çıktığı saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, İÇMEK kongresi üzerinde iç mimarlık eğitimde ne zaman hangi konuların öne çıktığı, nasıl bir anlayışın benimsendiği ve eğitim yaklaşımları ortaya konmuştur.
  • Publication
    The Quarter: A Complex of Neighbourhood Units in Turkey
    (2010) USTA, AYHAN; USTA, GÜLAY; 6674
    In history, spatial organizations for houses have been changed and improved depending on the natural conditions, well-being of people, utilization of resourses, population density, family structure and urbanization rate. It can be said the spatial organization of housing that they are both in a relationship with culture and they are a total configuration of social, demographical, psycological, human behaviorial and environmental structure. Any housing settlement in Turkish Islamic tradition is macro and micro scaled organization in which social relation and cultural characteristics of society that are necessary for physical environment and society reflect. Basic element of urban spatial organization in Turkish Islamic housing pattern is "the quarter". (Quarter is called as "mahalle" in Turkish culture) The quarter contains functional and semantic characteristics which are common for most Islamic civilization and Turkish Islamic cities. In this study, what meaning does the quarter have as smallest spatial organization element in Anatolia will be examined. In additon what kind kind of evolutionary process does the quarter face in Turkish settlement.
  • Publication
    Determination of Spatial Properties of Ankara Hotels
    (2015) İslamoğlu, Özge; USTA, GÜLAY; 151995; 6674