Publication: HCT 116 ve HT 29 kolon karsinoma hücrelerinde epibrassinolid tarafından tetiklenen apoptotik süreçte poliaminlerin rolü
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Kolon kanseri gastrointestinal sistemde meydana gelen, kanserden ölümlerde akciğer kanserinden sonra gelen yaygın bir kanser türüdür. Kötü beslenme, hareketsiz yaşam tarzı ve sigara kullanımı gibi farklı çevresel etkenlerle tetiklenebilir. Risk faktörü olarak bunların yanı sıra genetik etmenler de rol oynamaktadır. Kolon kanserinin populasyondaki yüksek insidansına bağlı olarak yeni tedavi stratejilerine ve moleküler mekanizmaların aydınlatılmasına gerek duyulmaktadır. Kolon mukozasının epitel hücrelerindeki genetik değişikliklere bağlı olarak artan hücre proliferasyonu pek çok hücresel aktiviteye bağlıdır, bunların arasında hücrenin metabolik regülasyonunda işlevsel olan amin türevleri olan poliaminlerin (PA) önemli rollere sahiptirler.PA'lar (putresin, spermidin, spermin) DNA'nın stabilizasyonu ve hücre bölünmesindeki önemli rolleri ile bilinmektedirler. Daha önceki çalışmalara dayanarak, PA biyosentez enzimi ornitin dekarboksilazın aşırı anlatımının kanseri bir onkogen olan c-myc ile birlikte çalışarak tetiklediği gösterilmiştir. PA biyosentezinin artmasına karşılık aynı zamanda kanser hücrelerinde katabolik yolakta meydana gelen sorunlarla PA'ların hücre dışına atılamadıkları ve hücrelerin sürekli olarak hücre döngüsünde kalarak kanser oluşumunun tetiklendiği belirlenmiştir. Son yıllarda antikanser strateji olarak hücre içi PA katabolizmasının aktive edilmesi üzerine çalışılmaya başlanmış ve çeşitli kemoterapötik ajanların bunu sağlayabildiği gösterilmiştir. Hücresel PA'ların üretimine ket vurmak, PA katabolizmasının aktive olması ile mümkündür. PA katabolik enzimlerinden spermidin-spermin asetil transferaz (SSAT) hücre içi PA'ları asetilleyerek bir önceki formlarına dönüşümlerini sağlar ya da hücreden atılabilmesi için oksidasyon işlemini gerçekleştirecek olan PA oksidaz (PAO) enzimi için substrat haline dönüştürür ve bu durumda hücrede fazla PA birikimi önlenmiş olur. Yapılan çalışmalar PA katabolizmasını aktive ederek hücresel PA düzeylerinde azalma sağlayan kemoterapotiklerin aynı zamanda hücrelerde apoptozu teşvik ettiğini de göstermiştir. Antikanser tedavi stratejilerinde gözlemlenen en önemli problemlerden biri tümör hücrelerinde ilaçlara karşı geliştirilen direnç mekanizmasıdır ve bununla ilgili olarak birçok etken bulunmaktadır. İlaçlara karşı direnç mekanizmalarının gelişmesinde pek çok etken bulunmaktadır. Hücre sağkalım sinyalinin ilaçlarla kesilememesi veya sinyal yolaklarındaki proteinlerin aşırı anlatımları direnç mekanizmasına örnek verilebilir. Hücre sağkalımında görevli protein ailelerinden biri olan MAPK ailesi üyeleri, AP-1, c-Myc gibi transkripsiyon faktörleri aracılığı ile hücre bölünmesini tetiklemektedir. Bir diğer hücre sağkalım yolağı ise fosfotidilinositol-3 fosfat/ protein kinaz B (PI3K/AKT) tarafından yönetilmektedir. Bu yolakta farklı olarak normal şartlarda apoptotik hücre ölümünü tetikleyen ForkHead/Winged Helix Box Class O (FOXO) transkripsiyon faktörü ailesi inhibe edilmekte ve hücre bölünmesinde görevli hedef genlerin transkripsiyonu gerçekleşmektedir. Epibrassinolid (EBR), bir bitki büyüme maddesi olan brassinosteroidlerin (BR) bir üyesi olup, bitkilerde büyümeyi teşvik etmektedir. EBR omurgalılarda bulunan ve büyümeyi teşvik eden steroid hormonlara benzerlik gösteren doğal bir polihidroksi steroiddir. Bitkilerde büyüme üzerine olan etkisi birçok çalışmada gösterilmekle beraber memeli hücreleri üzerine etkisi son yıllarda ele alınmaya başlanmıştır. 2008 Malikova ve ark. tarafından EBR'nin çeşitli kanser hücre hatlarında çoğalmayı önleyici etkisinin varlığı ve hücre döngüsüne etki ederek apoptoz mekanizmasını başlattığı öne sürülmüştür. Bu araştırma kapsamında EBR'nin farklı genomik özelliklere sahip HCT 116 ve HT 29 hücrelerinde mitokondri ve kaspazlara bağımlı apoptozu tetiklediği, bu süreçte farklı Bcl-2 ailesi üyeleri EBR'ye karşı cevap oluşturduğu gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca EBR'nin tetiklediği apoptozun PA katabolizması ile ilişkili olduğu her iki kolon kanseri hücre hattında da belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, EBR'nin, tümör hücrelerinde sağkalımı tetikleyen PI3K/AKT yolağını indirgeyerek, FOXO3a transkripsiyon faktörü aracılı ve Bim aktivitesi ile apoptozun tetiklendiği belirlenmiştir. Aynı zamanda MAPK yolağının da aktif olduğu ve PA metabolizmasında görevli ornitin dekarboksilaz (ODC) enziminin transkripsiyon faktörü c-Myc'in de indirgendiği gösterilmiştir. Son olarak EBR ile tetiklenen apoptozun p53-bağımsız gerçekleştiği belirlenmiştir.
Colon cancer at the gastrointestinal track system is the second most commonly death cause of cancer after the lung cancer. Malnutrition such as a high fat, alcohol or red meat intake, obesity, smoking, lack of physical exercise are major risk factors of colorectal cancer . Because of the high incidence of colon cancer in world population, it is necessary to develop new therapeutic strategies and to reveal the molecular mechanisms. Cell proliferation is increasing depending on the genetic modification in epithelial cells of colon mucosa and it is related with cellular activities such as amine derivative polyamines.Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) have important roles at DNA stabilization and cell division. Earlier studies have shown that over expression of the biosynthetic enzyme ornithine decarboxylase trigger the carcinogenesis, in collaboration with oncogene c-Myc. While polyamine biosynthesis is increasing in cancer cells, they cannot exclude from the cell because of the problems occurring at polyamine catabolic pathway and they stay within the cell and induce carcinogenesis. In recent years researchers trying to activate the intracellular polyamine catabolic pathway as an anticancer strategy and they showed that some chemotherapeutic agents can provide this. It is possible to inhibit the cellular polyamine production by activating their catabolism. One of the polyamine catabolic pathway enzyme spermidine-spermine acetyl transferase (SSAT) supply interconversion by acetylating polyamines and provide acetylated substrates to an other catabolic enzyme, polyamine oxidase (PAO), which is going to realize the oxidation procedure and exclude them from the cell; therefore inhibit the polyamine accumulation. Recent studies revealed that chemotherapeutics causing decrease in polyamine levels, by activating the polyamine catabolism, could also trigger apoptosis. One of the problems of the anticancer theprapy strategies is acquired drug resistance mechanisms in tumor cells. There are several factors leading to resistance against drugs. The disabilities of drug to inhibit cell survival signaling or overexpressions of survival factors could be stated as examples of acquired resistance. MAPK protein family is one of the major signalling pathways inducing cell survival and proliferation through transcription factors, like AP-1 or c-Myc. The other main survival pathway is driven by PI3K/AKT. This pathway transmits the cell proliferation signal by inhibiting FOXO transcription factor family members which have role in the activation of apoptotic cell death. There are also additional transcription factors initiating the target gene expressions which play role in cell division. Epibrassinolide (EBR), a member of plant growth regulator family stimulate the plant growth. EBRs are natural polyhydroxy steroids present in all vertebrates and they are similar to steroid hormones that stimulate cell growth. Several studies revealed their growth effects in plants, but their roles in mammalian cells are unclear yet. The EBRs inhibitory effects on proliferation in different cancer cell lines established by Malikova et al. (2008). They also revealed that EBR induce apoptosis by effecting cell cycle.In this study, it has been determined that EBR trigerred mitochondria-meditated and caspase-dependent apoptosis by modulating Bcl-2 family members in HCT 116 and HT 29 colon cancer cells with different genetic characteristics. EBR-induced apoptosis was found related with polyamine catabolism in each cell line. In addition, EBR treatment was able to inhibit PI3K/AKT signalling pathway and induce FOXO3a-mediated and Bim-activated apoptosis. In the same time, it has been also found that MAPK pathway was activated in response to EBR and its downstream target, c-Myc, the transcription factor responsible for polyamine metabolic enzyme transcription ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) was downregulated. Finally, our data suggested that EBR-induced apoptosis was p53-independent
Colon cancer at the gastrointestinal track system is the second most commonly death cause of cancer after the lung cancer. Malnutrition such as a high fat, alcohol or red meat intake, obesity, smoking, lack of physical exercise are major risk factors of colorectal cancer . Because of the high incidence of colon cancer in world population, it is necessary to develop new therapeutic strategies and to reveal the molecular mechanisms. Cell proliferation is increasing depending on the genetic modification in epithelial cells of colon mucosa and it is related with cellular activities such as amine derivative polyamines.Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) have important roles at DNA stabilization and cell division. Earlier studies have shown that over expression of the biosynthetic enzyme ornithine decarboxylase trigger the carcinogenesis, in collaboration with oncogene c-Myc. While polyamine biosynthesis is increasing in cancer cells, they cannot exclude from the cell because of the problems occurring at polyamine catabolic pathway and they stay within the cell and induce carcinogenesis. In recent years researchers trying to activate the intracellular polyamine catabolic pathway as an anticancer strategy and they showed that some chemotherapeutic agents can provide this. It is possible to inhibit the cellular polyamine production by activating their catabolism. One of the polyamine catabolic pathway enzyme spermidine-spermine acetyl transferase (SSAT) supply interconversion by acetylating polyamines and provide acetylated substrates to an other catabolic enzyme, polyamine oxidase (PAO), which is going to realize the oxidation procedure and exclude them from the cell; therefore inhibit the polyamine accumulation. Recent studies revealed that chemotherapeutics causing decrease in polyamine levels, by activating the polyamine catabolism, could also trigger apoptosis. One of the problems of the anticancer theprapy strategies is acquired drug resistance mechanisms in tumor cells. There are several factors leading to resistance against drugs. The disabilities of drug to inhibit cell survival signaling or overexpressions of survival factors could be stated as examples of acquired resistance. MAPK protein family is one of the major signalling pathways inducing cell survival and proliferation through transcription factors, like AP-1 or c-Myc. The other main survival pathway is driven by PI3K/AKT. This pathway transmits the cell proliferation signal by inhibiting FOXO transcription factor family members which have role in the activation of apoptotic cell death. There are also additional transcription factors initiating the target gene expressions which play role in cell division. Epibrassinolide (EBR), a member of plant growth regulator family stimulate the plant growth. EBRs are natural polyhydroxy steroids present in all vertebrates and they are similar to steroid hormones that stimulate cell growth. Several studies revealed their growth effects in plants, but their roles in mammalian cells are unclear yet. The EBRs inhibitory effects on proliferation in different cancer cell lines established by Malikova et al. (2008). They also revealed that EBR induce apoptosis by effecting cell cycle.In this study, it has been determined that EBR trigerred mitochondria-meditated and caspase-dependent apoptosis by modulating Bcl-2 family members in HCT 116 and HT 29 colon cancer cells with different genetic characteristics. EBR-induced apoptosis was found related with polyamine catabolism in each cell line. In addition, EBR treatment was able to inhibit PI3K/AKT signalling pathway and induce FOXO3a-mediated and Bim-activated apoptosis. In the same time, it has been also found that MAPK pathway was activated in response to EBR and its downstream target, c-Myc, the transcription factor responsible for polyamine metabolic enzyme transcription ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) was downregulated. Finally, our data suggested that EBR-induced apoptosis was p53-independent