Publication: Telekomünikasyon sektöründe sabit mobil yakınsaması (Fmc): Operatörlere finansal etki modelleri
Gençel, Ahmet Kamil
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Bu çalısmanın konusu telekomünikasyon sektöründe sabit mobil yakınsamasının ilgili operatörlere ne gibi finansal etkilerinin olduğunu arastırmak ve analiz etmektir. Çalısmanın sonunda olusturulan her finansal etki modeli gerçek verilerle analiz edilerek etkilerin boyutlarının somutlastırılması hedeflenmektedir. Çalısmanın ilk kısmı çalısmanın esasını teskil eden ve verilerin ait olduğu Türkiye Telekomünikasyon pazarını incelemekte, ilerleyen bölümlerde ise dünya üzerindeki örnekler incelenmekte, Türkiye'ye adapte edilmesinde ne gibi sartların ortaya çıkacağı incelenmekte ve bahse konu uygulamaların operatörlere ne gibi finansal etkileri olacağı matematiksel olarak modellenmistir. Modellemenin sonunda operatörlerin finansal etkileri gerçek veriler ısığında analiz edilmis ve finansal etkiyi olusturan faktörlerin etkileri karsılastırılmıstır.
The subject of this thesis is to research and analyze the financial impacts of fixed-mobile convergence in the telecommunication industry on the relevant operators. The analysis of each financial effect model produced as a result of this study with the real data and reification of the dimensions of such effects is the central issue of this thesis. The first part of this study aims at examining the Turkish Telecommunication Market which constitutes the basis of this thesis, and from which the data used herein have been derived, and the following parts explore and evaluate the world benchmarks and address the question of which requirements will arise out of the adaptation of these benchmarks to Turkey, and it has been mathematically modelled which financial impacts the cited applications will have on the operators. At the end of the modelling, the financial impacts on the operators have been analyzed in the light of real data, and the effects of those factors producing the financial impact have been compared.
The subject of this thesis is to research and analyze the financial impacts of fixed-mobile convergence in the telecommunication industry on the relevant operators. The analysis of each financial effect model produced as a result of this study with the real data and reification of the dimensions of such effects is the central issue of this thesis. The first part of this study aims at examining the Turkish Telecommunication Market which constitutes the basis of this thesis, and from which the data used herein have been derived, and the following parts explore and evaluate the world benchmarks and address the question of which requirements will arise out of the adaptation of these benchmarks to Turkey, and it has been mathematically modelled which financial impacts the cited applications will have on the operators. At the end of the modelling, the financial impacts on the operators have been analyzed in the light of real data, and the effects of those factors producing the financial impact have been compared.