Publication: Türk hukuku'nda anlaşmalı boşanma davası ve hukuki sonuçları
Yargıç, Zeynep
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / Özel Hukuk Ana Bilim Dalı / Özel Hukuk Bilim Dalı
Çalışmamız; anlaşmalı boşanma davalarını konu edinmekle, anlaşmalı boşanma davalarının tarihsel gelişim içindeki yerini, anlaşmalı boşanmanın İslam Hukuku, Roma Hukuku ve Kara Avrupası'ndaki yeri ile özellikle Türk Hukukundaki yerini, anlaşmalı boşanma davasının şart ve usullerini, çekişmeli boşanma davaları ile kıyasen incelenmesini, anlaşmalı ve çekişmeli boşanma davalarının doğurduğu hukuki sonuçlar ile eşler ve çocuklar yönünden kişisel ve mali sonuçları yer almaktadır. Konumuza ilişkin yürürlükten kalkan Medeni Kanun ile yürürlükteki Medeni Kanun karşılaştırma ve değişikliklerine de değinilmiştir. Gerek anlaşmalı boşanmalarda gerekse de çekişmeli boşanma davaları neticesinde özellikle çocuklar yönünden ortaya çıkan sonuçları ile eşlerin çocuklara ve birbirlerine karşı görev ve yükümlülüklerinden de ayrıca bahsedilmiştir. Çocuklar yönünden; velayet, velayetin kaldırılma ve değiştirilme sebepleri ile kişisel ilişki konuları da gerek anlaşmalı boşanmada gerekse de kıyasen çekişmeli boşanma davalarında örnekler verilerek irdelenmiştir. Hukukumuza yeni giren ortak velayet kavramı ve getirdiği yeniliklere de anlaşmalı boşanma yönünden değinilmiştir. Eşler yönünden ise hem anlaşmalı hem çekişmeli boşanma davalarında mali ve kişisel doğacak sonuçlardan bahsedilmiştir. Arabuluculuğa ve özellikle aile arabuluculuğuna da değinilmiştir. Çalışmamız sırasında doktrinden ve hukuk duayenlerinin görüşlerinden ve özellikle Yargıtay kararlarından yararlanılmış ve kıyaslamalar yapılarak karşılaştırılmalı görüşlere de yer verilmiş, konulara ilişkin kanaatlerimiz ile uygulamadan örneklere de yer verilmiştir.
Our study deals with the subject of uncontested Divorce lawsuits and includes the place of uncontested divorce lawsuits in historical development; the place of the uncontested divorce in Islamic Law, Roman Law and civil law and especially in Turkish Law; conditions and procedures of uncontested divorce. lawsuits; comparative research with contested divorce lawsuits; legal consequences of uncontested and contested divorce lawsuits, personal and financial consequences for spouses and children. Regarding the subject, the comparison and amendments of the Old Civil Code and the New Civil Code are also mentioned. Both the results of uncontested divorce and contested divorce lawsuits, especially in terms of children, and the duties and obligations of spouses towards children and each other are also mentioned. In terms of children; custody, reasons for abolition and modification of custody and personal relationship issues have been examined by giving examples both in uncontested divorce and contested divorce lawsuits. The new concept of joint custody and the innovations it has brought into our law are also mentioned in terms of uncontested divorce. In terms of spouses, financial and personal consequences of both uncontested and contested divorce lawsuits are mentioned. Also mediation and specially family mediation is told in this case. During the study, the doctrine and the opinions of the law doyens/doyennes and in particular the decisions of the Supreme Court were used, and comparative opinions were made by making comparisons, and my opinion about the subjects and examples from the practices were also included.
Our study deals with the subject of uncontested Divorce lawsuits and includes the place of uncontested divorce lawsuits in historical development; the place of the uncontested divorce in Islamic Law, Roman Law and civil law and especially in Turkish Law; conditions and procedures of uncontested divorce. lawsuits; comparative research with contested divorce lawsuits; legal consequences of uncontested and contested divorce lawsuits, personal and financial consequences for spouses and children. Regarding the subject, the comparison and amendments of the Old Civil Code and the New Civil Code are also mentioned. Both the results of uncontested divorce and contested divorce lawsuits, especially in terms of children, and the duties and obligations of spouses towards children and each other are also mentioned. In terms of children; custody, reasons for abolition and modification of custody and personal relationship issues have been examined by giving examples both in uncontested divorce and contested divorce lawsuits. The new concept of joint custody and the innovations it has brought into our law are also mentioned in terms of uncontested divorce. In terms of spouses, financial and personal consequences of both uncontested and contested divorce lawsuits are mentioned. Also mediation and specially family mediation is told in this case. During the study, the doctrine and the opinions of the law doyens/doyennes and in particular the decisions of the Supreme Court were used, and comparative opinions were made by making comparisons, and my opinion about the subjects and examples from the practices were also included.