Publication: Osmaneli kentsel sit alanı içindeki iki farklı dokunun karşılaştırılması ve alan için koruma önerileri
Gündoğdu, Gizem Cansu
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Bilecik'e bağlı bir ilçe olan Osmaneli, Sakarya Nehri kenarında konumlanması, elverişli tarım alanlarına sahip olması, ticaret yolları üzerinde bulunması ve İstanbul, Adapazarı, Eskişehir, Ankara, Bursa gibi büyük kentlere yakın olması gibi birçok coğrafi avantaja sahiptir. Osmaneli'nde ilk yerleşimin M.Ö. 1000'li yıllara dayandığı bilinmektedir. Osmaneli, tarih boyunca birçok uygarlığa ev sahipliği yapmıştır ve İpek Yolu'nun üzerinde bulunmasından dolayı her zaman önemli bir ticari merkez olmuştur. Osmaneli'nde mübadeleye kadar Türkler ve Rumlar bir arada yaşamıştır, ancak Kurtuluş Savaşı'ndan sonra Rumlar, kasabayı tamamen terk etmiştir. 1874 yılında, Osmaneli'nin büyük bir yangın geçirdiği ve yerleşmedeki 1200 hanenin 1000 hanesinin yandığı çeşitli kaynaklarda belirtilmektedir. Yangın sonrası yanan alan, ızgara plan olarak yeniden planlanmıştır. Bunun soncunda, kentsel sit alanında organik ve ızgara planlı olmak üzere iki farklı kentsel doku görülmektedir. Bu tez çalışmasında, Osmaneli'nin yapı ve çevre bazında analizleri gerçekleştirilerek, alanın değerleri, sorunları, tehditleri ve potansiyelleri belirlenmiş, özellikle yerleşmedeki iki farklı dokunun fiziksel özellikleri çeşitli açılardan karşılaştırılmış ve tarihi bölgenin korunması için öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Güney Marmara Geleneksel Konutları, Konutta Üretim Mekanı, Izgara Planlı Doku, Geleneksel Organik Doku, Sağlıklaştırma.
Osmaneli has many geographic advantages such as being settled near Sakarya river, having prosperus agricultural areas, being located on the crossroad of trade routes and close to big cities like İstanbul, Adapazarı, Eskişehir, Ankara, Bursa. It is well-known that first settlements in Osmaneli goes back to 1000s BC. Osmaneli has been home for ancient civilizations throughout history and an important center due to its location on Silk Road. In Osmaneli, Greeks and Turkish people have lived together until population Exchange in 1924. After the independence war Greeks of Turkish nationality have left the town. In 1874, Osmaneli had a great fire and almost 1000 residential buildings had burnt down out of 1200 as stated in different references. After the fire, the destroyed area was rebuilt upon a grid plan. As a consequence, both organic and grid plans continued to exist in the urban historic site. In this thesis, urban analyses have been made in building and enviromental scale to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the area. Various aspects of physical properties of two different urban contexts have been compared and various proposals for the rehabilitation of the site have been developed. Key words: Southern Marmara Traditional Houses, Production Space In House, Grid-Iron Plan, Traditional Organic Urban Fabric, Rehabilitation.
Osmaneli has many geographic advantages such as being settled near Sakarya river, having prosperus agricultural areas, being located on the crossroad of trade routes and close to big cities like İstanbul, Adapazarı, Eskişehir, Ankara, Bursa. It is well-known that first settlements in Osmaneli goes back to 1000s BC. Osmaneli has been home for ancient civilizations throughout history and an important center due to its location on Silk Road. In Osmaneli, Greeks and Turkish people have lived together until population Exchange in 1924. After the independence war Greeks of Turkish nationality have left the town. In 1874, Osmaneli had a great fire and almost 1000 residential buildings had burnt down out of 1200 as stated in different references. After the fire, the destroyed area was rebuilt upon a grid plan. As a consequence, both organic and grid plans continued to exist in the urban historic site. In this thesis, urban analyses have been made in building and enviromental scale to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the area. Various aspects of physical properties of two different urban contexts have been compared and various proposals for the rehabilitation of the site have been developed. Key words: Southern Marmara Traditional Houses, Production Space In House, Grid-Iron Plan, Traditional Organic Urban Fabric, Rehabilitation.