Publication: 6098 sayılı Türk Borçlar Kanunu'na göre kira bedelinin belirlenmesi
Öztürk, İzzettin Özkan
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / Özel Hukuk Anabilim Dalı / Özel Hukuk Bilim Dalı
Kira sözleşmesi, niteliği ve ülkemizin ekonomik şartları itibariyle kişiler tarafından uygulamada en çok kullanılan sözleşme türlerinden biridir. Bu sözleşmenin kiraya veren ile kiracı olmak üzere iki tarafı bulunmakta ve her iki tarafta sözleşmeden kaynaklı olarak karşılıklı borç altına girmektedir. Buna göre kiraya verenin asli borcu bir şeyin kullanılmasını devretmekken bunun karşılığında kiracının asli borcu kira bedelinin ödenmesidir. Hukukumuzda taraflarca sözleşme ilk defa kuruluyorken kira bedelinin belirlenmesinde herhangi bir sınırlama öngörülmemiş olmasına rağmen, sözleşmenin uzayan dönemlerinde kira bedelinin nasıl belirleneceği konusunda belirli sınırlamalar getirilmiştir. Bu sınırlamalar dönemin ekonomik ve sosyal şartlarına göre zaman içerisinde bazen kiracı bazen ise kiraya veren lehine değişiklik göstererek günümüzdeki halini almıştır.
The rent contract is one of the most widely used types of contracts due to its use and the economic conditions of our country. This contract has two sides: the lessor and the lease holder. The sides have mutual debt as determined by the contract. Whereas the lessor's principal debt is transferring the use rights of a property, the leaseholder's main debt is the payment of the rent. Although there is no restriction in the law in determining the rent amount while the contract is being established by the two sides for the first time, certain limitations have been imposed on how to determine the rent amount in the extended periods of the contract. With changes in the economic and social conditions of the period, these limitations have changed either in favor of the leaseholder or the lessor, and the contract as we use it in the present day has been shaped as such.
The rent contract is one of the most widely used types of contracts due to its use and the economic conditions of our country. This contract has two sides: the lessor and the lease holder. The sides have mutual debt as determined by the contract. Whereas the lessor's principal debt is transferring the use rights of a property, the leaseholder's main debt is the payment of the rent. Although there is no restriction in the law in determining the rent amount while the contract is being established by the two sides for the first time, certain limitations have been imposed on how to determine the rent amount in the extended periods of the contract. With changes in the economic and social conditions of the period, these limitations have changed either in favor of the leaseholder or the lessor, and the contract as we use it in the present day has been shaped as such.
Kira, Kira sözleşmesi, Rent, Lease Agrement