Publication: mTOR sinyal yolağının rapamycin ile baskılanması durumunda CDK inhibitörlerinin terapotik etkilerinin LNCaP, DU145 ve PC3 prostat kanseri hücrelerinde incelenmesi
Berrak, Özge
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Anabilim Dalı
Prostat kanseri dünyada 40 yaş üzeri erkeklerde en sık rastlanan ikinci kanser türüdür. Hormonal kontrol prostat kanseri gelişiminin ana nedenlerinden biri olup, metastatik formlarının androjenlerden bağımsız olması nedeni ile yüksek mortalite oranları görülmektedir. Bu nedenle prostat kanseri tedavisine yönelik olarak yeni terapötik hedeflerin araştırılması halen araştırıcıların ilgi odağı olup, bu hedeflerin etkileşime girdikleri hücresel sinyal yolakları aydınlatılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Kanser hücrelerinin aşırı çoğalma potansiyelinin indirgenmesi hücre döngüsünde görev alan siklinler ve sikline bağımlı kinazlar (CDK)'ı hedef haline getirmiştir. Yeni nesil CDK inhibitörlerinden roskovitin (CYC202, seliciclib) ve purvalanol A kendilerine özgü CDK hedeflerini inhibe ederek hücre çoğalmasına ket vurmaktadırlar ve bu nedenle yüksek apoptotik potansiyele sahip ajanlardır. Hücrede enerji metabolizmasında önemli anahtar görevi gören mTOR molekülünün inhibitörü olan rapamisinin terapotik etkinliği, hücre siklusu üzerindeki potansiyeli ile ilişkilidir. mTOR inhibisyonu aynı zamanda otofajinin indüklenmesine neden olmaktadır. Ancak mTOR'un otofaji ve apoptoz arasındaki moleküler etkileşimi birçok klasik kemoterapotik ajan ve yeni nesil ilaçlar için bilinmemektedir. Kanser hücrelerinde poliamin metabolizmasının hücre büyümesi ve proliferasyonu da hücre ölümü ile ilişkilerinin yanısıra otofajik vakuollerin stabilizasyonuna pozitif etki etmektedir. Bu çalışmada amaç, mTOR inhibitörü rapamisin varlığında CDK inhibitörleri ile tetiklenen apoptotik ve otofaji sürecin poliaminler ile ilişkili olarak AR (+) LNCaP ve AR (-) DU145 ve PC3 prostat kanseri hücrelerinde terapotik etkisinin incelenmesidir. Bu çalışma sürecinde rapamisin varlığında ve yokluğunda CDK inhibitörlerinin apoptotik etkisi AR (+) LNCaP, (-) DU145 ve PC3 hücre canlılığının tayini, mitokondriyal membran potansiyeli kaybı, DNA kırıkları oluşumu parametreleri ile incelenmiş, aynı zamanda kaspaz ve Bcl-2 ailesi üyelerindeki ifade değişimleri immunoblotlama yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Aynı ajanların otofajiye olan etkileri otofaji ile ilişkili proteinlerin immunoblotlama yöntemi ve otofagozom yapılarının oluşumunda görev alan proteinlere özgü siRNA'lar ve GFP transfekte edilmiş plazmid transfeksyonları yapılmasının ardından otofagozom yapılarının boyanmasını sağlayan MDC ve lysotracker kırmızısı floresan boyamaları kullanılarak floresan mikroskopi tekniği ile incelenmiştir. Aynı zamanda bu ajanların hücre poliamin anabolik ve katabolik enzimleri ifade değişimleri ve hücre içi poliamin seviyelerine etkisi yüksek basınçlı sıvı kromatografisi (HPLC) ile incelenmiştir. Purvalanol ve roskovitin her üç hücre hattında da hücre canlılığı kaybına, mitokondri ile ilişkili, kaspaza bağımlı apotozun tetiklenmesine neden olurken, rapamisin kombinasyonu ile oluşan apoptotik cevap, DU145 hücrelerine oranla LNCaP ve PC3 hücreleinde daha etkili olmuştur. Anti-apoptotik Bcl-2 ailesi üyelerinin her üç hücre hattında rapamisin varlığında azalması rapamisinin apoptotik etkisini göstermiştir. Rapamisinin hücrede neden olduğu stres, her hücre hattında farklı cevap oluşmasına neden olmuştur. Dikkat çeken bir sonuç ise rapamisin varlığında DU145 hücrelerinde otofajik vakuollerin oluşmasıdır. DU145 hücrelerinde hücre sağkalımına neden olduğu düşünülen rapamisinin etkisini inhibe etmek üzere uygulanan 3-MA (3-metil adenin), otofajik vakuollerin azalmasını sağlayarak hücre canlılığında azalma sağlamıştır. Poliamin varlığında, androjen reseptörü durumlarına göre oluşan hücre ölüm mekanizmasını incelemek üzere LNCaP ve DU145 hücreleri ile çalışılmıştır. LNCaP hücrelerinde poliamin katabolik enzimlerinde rapamisin kombinasyonu ile artış gözlenirken, DU145 hücrelerinde poliamin katabolik enzim seviyelerini azalmıştır. DU145 hücrelerinde oluşan bu etkinin sağkalımı arttırdığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu araştırma kapsamında, rapamisin tarafından mTOR yolağının baskılanması ile birlikte CDK inhibitörleri tarafından tetiklenen apoptotik ve otofajik mekanizma incelenmiş olup ilgili konuda yapılan özgün bir çalışmadır. Her iki CDK inhibitörü apoptotik etkinlikleri özellikle mTOR yolağının fonksiyonelliği açısından p70S6K'ın farklı fosforlenmesi ve siklin D üzerinde etki göstermeleri açısından farklılık göstermektedirler.
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide in men over 40 age. Androgens are the major factors in prostate gland development as well as the prostate cancer progress. However metastatic forms of the cancer could develop androgen-independently. These cases show higher risk of mortality. Therefore, new therapeutic targets and clarification of their signaling pathways against these aggressive forms are required. One of the most interesting targets is cyclin dependent kinases (CDK) and cyclin complex members which orchestrate the aberrant cell cycle in cancer cells. New generation CDK inhibitors roscovitine (CYC202, seliciclib) and purvalanol A are specific inhibitors of different CDKs and block the cell proliferation by initiating programmed cell death, the apoptosis. The mTOR signaling pathway provides the physiological balance between autophagy and growth signals, also guide the cellular energy metabolism. However, the interactive relation between the mTOR and autophagy for lots of classic chemotherapeutic agents and for new generation drugs is stil unknown. The tendency of the cancer cells to be in the cycle is not only dependent to CDKs but also depend on polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine), the cationic amine derivatives. In this project, the autophagic/apoptotic process induced by CDK inhibitors, roscovitine and purvalanol A are going to be investigated by the treatment of mTOR inhibitor rapamisin related to reduced polyamine metabolism. In this study, the apoptotic effect of CDK inhibitors was investigated in androgen receptor (AR) positive LNCaP and AR negative DU145 and PC3 prostate cancer cell lines by relative cell viability, mitochondria membrane potential loss determinations and the formation of DNA fragmentation. In addition, the changes in the expression profiles of caspases and Bcl-2 family members were detected by immunoblotting method. The polyamine biosynthetic catabolic enzymes alteration following drug treatment was determined by immunoblotting methods. Additionally, the roles of rapamycin combined CDK inhibitors-induced apoptosis were shown by cell viability determination and DNA fragmentation profiles by ELISA method. The autophagic vacuoles that triggered with rapamycin combined CDK inhibitors were shown by MDC and lysotracker red flourescence staining. Purvalanol and roscovitine decreased cell viability due to caspase-dependent apoptotic induction in LNCaP cells more effectively compared DU 145 and PC3 prostate cancer cells. In the presence of rapamycin, the expression profile of Bcl-2 family members was modulated and this effect was found that rapamycin is effective on apoptotic cell death in all prostate cancer cells. However, rapamycin caused different responses in each cell line. The most striking result is that the observation of autophagic vacuoles in rapamycin combined treatment conditions in DU 145 cells. It is suggested that rapamycin may enhance the cell survival in combination therapy model and renders the efficiency of CDK inhibitors. To overcome rapamycin induced autophagy, 3-MA (3-methyl adenine) treatment was utilized with CDK inhibitors and results obtained from cell viability indicate that 3-MA further increased drug-induced cytotoxicity in DU 145 cells. In order to evaluate the potential role of polyamines in drug-induced cell death mechanism, key targets of polyamine machinery were determined in LNCaP and DU 145 prostate cancer cells. Rapamycin co-treatment further upregulated the expression levels of polyamine catabolic enzymes after CDK inhibitor treatment in LNCaP cells but we did not observe the same effect in DU 145 cells. Therefore we concluded that the impaired polyamine catabolic pathway may promote the cell survival mechanism in DU 145 cells. This study presents the novel results about CDK inhibitors induced autophagy and apoptosis when the mTOR signaling pathway is inhibited. Especially apoptotic CDK inhibitors, purvalanol and roscovitine exert different roles on phosphorylayion of p70S6K and activation of cyclin D1 and thereby affected differently cell survival and death decision in prostate cancer cells.
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide in men over 40 age. Androgens are the major factors in prostate gland development as well as the prostate cancer progress. However metastatic forms of the cancer could develop androgen-independently. These cases show higher risk of mortality. Therefore, new therapeutic targets and clarification of their signaling pathways against these aggressive forms are required. One of the most interesting targets is cyclin dependent kinases (CDK) and cyclin complex members which orchestrate the aberrant cell cycle in cancer cells. New generation CDK inhibitors roscovitine (CYC202, seliciclib) and purvalanol A are specific inhibitors of different CDKs and block the cell proliferation by initiating programmed cell death, the apoptosis. The mTOR signaling pathway provides the physiological balance between autophagy and growth signals, also guide the cellular energy metabolism. However, the interactive relation between the mTOR and autophagy for lots of classic chemotherapeutic agents and for new generation drugs is stil unknown. The tendency of the cancer cells to be in the cycle is not only dependent to CDKs but also depend on polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine), the cationic amine derivatives. In this project, the autophagic/apoptotic process induced by CDK inhibitors, roscovitine and purvalanol A are going to be investigated by the treatment of mTOR inhibitor rapamisin related to reduced polyamine metabolism. In this study, the apoptotic effect of CDK inhibitors was investigated in androgen receptor (AR) positive LNCaP and AR negative DU145 and PC3 prostate cancer cell lines by relative cell viability, mitochondria membrane potential loss determinations and the formation of DNA fragmentation. In addition, the changes in the expression profiles of caspases and Bcl-2 family members were detected by immunoblotting method. The polyamine biosynthetic catabolic enzymes alteration following drug treatment was determined by immunoblotting methods. Additionally, the roles of rapamycin combined CDK inhibitors-induced apoptosis were shown by cell viability determination and DNA fragmentation profiles by ELISA method. The autophagic vacuoles that triggered with rapamycin combined CDK inhibitors were shown by MDC and lysotracker red flourescence staining. Purvalanol and roscovitine decreased cell viability due to caspase-dependent apoptotic induction in LNCaP cells more effectively compared DU 145 and PC3 prostate cancer cells. In the presence of rapamycin, the expression profile of Bcl-2 family members was modulated and this effect was found that rapamycin is effective on apoptotic cell death in all prostate cancer cells. However, rapamycin caused different responses in each cell line. The most striking result is that the observation of autophagic vacuoles in rapamycin combined treatment conditions in DU 145 cells. It is suggested that rapamycin may enhance the cell survival in combination therapy model and renders the efficiency of CDK inhibitors. To overcome rapamycin induced autophagy, 3-MA (3-methyl adenine) treatment was utilized with CDK inhibitors and results obtained from cell viability indicate that 3-MA further increased drug-induced cytotoxicity in DU 145 cells. In order to evaluate the potential role of polyamines in drug-induced cell death mechanism, key targets of polyamine machinery were determined in LNCaP and DU 145 prostate cancer cells. Rapamycin co-treatment further upregulated the expression levels of polyamine catabolic enzymes after CDK inhibitor treatment in LNCaP cells but we did not observe the same effect in DU 145 cells. Therefore we concluded that the impaired polyamine catabolic pathway may promote the cell survival mechanism in DU 145 cells. This study presents the novel results about CDK inhibitors induced autophagy and apoptosis when the mTOR signaling pathway is inhibited. Especially apoptotic CDK inhibitors, purvalanol and roscovitine exert different roles on phosphorylayion of p70S6K and activation of cyclin D1 and thereby affected differently cell survival and death decision in prostate cancer cells.
biyoloji, biology, Apoptozis, Apoptosis, kanser, cancer, Otofaji, Autophagy