Publication: Form production process in digital architecture: Thinking, modelling and fabrication
Hadia, Hatem Ahmed Ali
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Bilgisayar teknolojileri ve bilgisayar-destekli-tasarım (CAD)/ bilgisayar-destekli-imalat (CAM) teknolojilerinin gelişimiyle, mimari tasarımda sayısal araçların kullanımı artmıştır. Sayısal araçlar artık yalnızca iki boyutlu çizim ya da sunuş ile sınırlı değillerdir; tasarımda düşünmeye ve üretime yardım edebilen araçlar haline gelmişlerdir. Bu araçların doğuşu, çok karmaşık biçimlerin yakın zamana kadar oldukça zor olan üretimlerini ve inşasını olanaklı hale getirmek için yeni fırsatlar yaratmıştır. Bina tasarımı ve inşasında CAD/CAM teknolojilerinin başlamasıyla oluşan değişimin sonuçları, tasarım ile uygulama arasındaki tarihsel ilişki, yeni sayısal tasarım ve inşa işlemleri bağlamında bağlamında derinleşmektedir. Mitchell and McCullough [1995] a göre, sayısal teknolojinin yardımıyla tasarım, analiz ve inşa işlemlerinin birbirleriyle bütünleşmesi, tasarımcının henüz çizim yapma sürecinin başındayken tasarımlama ile üretme arasında oluşan uçurumu yok etmesini sağlanmaktadır. Çalışmada, özellikle sayısal mimarlıkta biçim üzerine yoğunlaşmak üzere, geçen yüzyılda mimari biçimin gelişiminin izini sürmek amaçlanmaktadır. Yakın zamanda sayısal mimarlıkta gündemde olan düşünceler, yöntemler ve tasarımlama işlemleri araştırılmakta; aynı zamanda teknolojinin bugünün mimarlığı üzerindeki etkileri göz önünde bulundurulmaktadır. Tezimizde sayısal mimarlıkta biçim üzerine çalışılmasının pek çok nedeni bulunmaktadır. Öncelikle, mimarlık alanında gelişim, üç boyutlu modelleme ve zihinde canlandırmaya dayalı yeni yöntemler ve tasarım teknikleri üzerinden kavranabilmektedir. Bu yöntemlerin gelişimi yaratma, algılama, anlatma ve mimari biçimi oluşturma yeteneklerimizi arttırmaktadır. ?kinci olarak, bilgisayar teknolojisinin mimarlıktaki rolü büyük önem kazanmakta ve fiziksel üretime/inşaya farklı bir yaklaşım oluşturmada öncülük etmektedir; bu nedenle bu bağlamda çalışma, teknoloji ile üretim arasındaki ilişkiyi yeniden şekillendirmektedir. Son olarak, her şeyin üzerinde, sayısal tasarım işlemlerini tanımlamak, tasarımlama ve uygulama arasındaki uçurum nedeniyle bazı tasarımcılar, mühendisler ve hatta eğitimli mimarlar için hala bir şekilde belirsizlik taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle, tez çalışmamız, sayısal biçimin tasarımı ile uygulaması arasındaki uçurumu azaltmaya yönelik olarak ilk aşamadan uygulama aşamasının sonuna kadar tüm aşamaları düzenli bir şekilde açığa çıkartmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, düşünceden başlamak üzere uygulamaya kadar sayısal teknolojilerin teknikleri kullanılarak, mimari biçime ait işlemlerin anlaşılması amaçlanmaktadır. Örnek olarak; mimarlıkta biçimi geliştirmeye yönelik çalışan çağdaş mimarların yeni düşünceleri üzerine çalışma, biçimi ve her tür karmaşık biçimin inşa edilmesini mümkün kılan sayısal mimarlığın yardımını net olarak tanımlayacaktır. Böylece; araştırmamız, her tür sayısal biçimin yaratılmasında kullanılan araç ve yöntemlerin anlatılmasıyla, aynı zamanda biçimin inşa edilmesini mümkün kılan sayısal üretim işlemlerinin özetlenmesiyle sona erecektir. Tezimiz, farklı bakış açıları bağlamında biçim üzerinde yoğunlaşmaktadır; ilki mimari biçimin önemi ve temel elemanlarının çalışılmasıdır. ?kinci olarak yeni kavramların, yöntemlerin ve tekniklerin mimarlık bağlamında anlaşılması çalışılacaktır. Üçüncü olarak; sayısal tasarım araçları tasarım ve uygulama bağlamında sınıflandırılacaktır. Daha sonra sayısal uygulama işlemi incelenecektir. Son olarak, farklı mimarlara ait yeni düşünce ve projeler incelenerek sayısal biçimin uygulanmasına ait bütünsel bir görüş elde edilmesi sağlanacaktır. Anahtar kelimeler: CAD/CAM, sayısal mimarlık, sayısal biçim, mimarlıkta bilgisayar teknikleri, sayısal tasarım araçları, sayısal tasarım yöntemleri, sayısal zincir, -CNC? bilgisayar sayısal denetimi, -RP? hızlı prototipleştirme, sayısal üretim.
Along with the development of computer technologies and computer-aided design (CAD)/ computer-aided Manufacturing (CAM) technologies, digital tools are increasingly adapted in architectural design. Digital tools are no longer limited to two-dimensional drafting or final presentation; they have become tools that can assist design thinking and producing. The emerging of those tools opened up new opportunities by allowing the production and construction of very complex forms that were until recently very difficult to achieve. The consequences of the changes brought about by the introduction of CAD/CAM technologies in building design and construction are likely to be profound, as the historic relationship between architecture and its means of production is increasingly being challenged by new digitally driven processes of design, fabrication and construction. With the emergence of new factors and standards of modern architecture such as body perceptions and smooth surfaces, architecture today has become unrestricted Contrary to what had existed previously. Where there is no restriction limits the formation of voids and coexistence with, in addition to the factors sensual of the human body is now possible to be one of the key elements for the formation of the void and architectural form in general. The integration of design, analysis, construction process by the aid of digital technology reduced the -gap between designing and producing that opened up when designers began to make drawings? as observed by Mitchell and McCullough, [1995]. The study attempts to trace the development of architectural form in the last decade, specifically focusing on form in digital architecture. It investigates the recently thoughts, methods and design process in digital architecture; also estimating the effects of technology on today`s architecture. Studying the form in digital architecture has been chosen for several reasons. Firstly, the improvement in the field of architecture can be realized on the new methods and design techniques which based on the three dimensional modeling and visualization. Thus; the emerging of these methods expands our abilities to create, to perceive, to express and compose architectural form. Secondly, the role of computer technology in architecture has gained a marked significance and led to a different approach to physical production/construction; so studying in this context would reconfigure the relationship between technology and production. Finally, above all, defining the process of digital design still somehow blurry to some designers, engineering and even the educated architects because of the gap between designing and production. Because of that; the study trying to finalize and reduce the gaps between designing and producing of digital form by reordering the early stages of the design process till the fabrication stage. This research aims to understanding the procedures of architectural form by using the techniques of digital technology starting from thoughts ending with production. For instance; studying the recently thoughts of contemporary architects who are involving in the case of improving the form in architecture would clearly identify the form in digital architecture as well as the aid of digital technology for making any type of complicated form possible to be built. Thus; the research will finalize the tools and methods of digital form which used while creating any type of architectural form, also will summarize the digital fabrication procedures that made the form possible to build. the strategical study of the thesis will focus on the form from different view of studies; the first one is studying the importance and basic elements of architectural form. Secondly; understanding the new concepts, methods and techniques from the view of digital architecture. thirdly; Classifying digital design tools both in terms of design and fabrication. Then studying the digital Production process. Finally practcing digital form by analizing the recently thoughs and work of diferent architects. Keywords: CAD/CAM, digital architecture; digital form; computer techniques in architecture; digital design tools; digital design method; digital chain; -CNC? computer numerical control; -RP? rapid prototyping; digital fabrication.
Along with the development of computer technologies and computer-aided design (CAD)/ computer-aided Manufacturing (CAM) technologies, digital tools are increasingly adapted in architectural design. Digital tools are no longer limited to two-dimensional drafting or final presentation; they have become tools that can assist design thinking and producing. The emerging of those tools opened up new opportunities by allowing the production and construction of very complex forms that were until recently very difficult to achieve. The consequences of the changes brought about by the introduction of CAD/CAM technologies in building design and construction are likely to be profound, as the historic relationship between architecture and its means of production is increasingly being challenged by new digitally driven processes of design, fabrication and construction. With the emergence of new factors and standards of modern architecture such as body perceptions and smooth surfaces, architecture today has become unrestricted Contrary to what had existed previously. Where there is no restriction limits the formation of voids and coexistence with, in addition to the factors sensual of the human body is now possible to be one of the key elements for the formation of the void and architectural form in general. The integration of design, analysis, construction process by the aid of digital technology reduced the -gap between designing and producing that opened up when designers began to make drawings? as observed by Mitchell and McCullough, [1995]. The study attempts to trace the development of architectural form in the last decade, specifically focusing on form in digital architecture. It investigates the recently thoughts, methods and design process in digital architecture; also estimating the effects of technology on today`s architecture. Studying the form in digital architecture has been chosen for several reasons. Firstly, the improvement in the field of architecture can be realized on the new methods and design techniques which based on the three dimensional modeling and visualization. Thus; the emerging of these methods expands our abilities to create, to perceive, to express and compose architectural form. Secondly, the role of computer technology in architecture has gained a marked significance and led to a different approach to physical production/construction; so studying in this context would reconfigure the relationship between technology and production. Finally, above all, defining the process of digital design still somehow blurry to some designers, engineering and even the educated architects because of the gap between designing and production. Because of that; the study trying to finalize and reduce the gaps between designing and producing of digital form by reordering the early stages of the design process till the fabrication stage. This research aims to understanding the procedures of architectural form by using the techniques of digital technology starting from thoughts ending with production. For instance; studying the recently thoughts of contemporary architects who are involving in the case of improving the form in architecture would clearly identify the form in digital architecture as well as the aid of digital technology for making any type of complicated form possible to be built. Thus; the research will finalize the tools and methods of digital form which used while creating any type of architectural form, also will summarize the digital fabrication procedures that made the form possible to build. the strategical study of the thesis will focus on the form from different view of studies; the first one is studying the importance and basic elements of architectural form. Secondly; understanding the new concepts, methods and techniques from the view of digital architecture. thirdly; Classifying digital design tools both in terms of design and fabrication. Then studying the digital Production process. Finally practcing digital form by analizing the recently thoughs and work of diferent architects. Keywords: CAD/CAM, digital architecture; digital form; computer techniques in architecture; digital design tools; digital design method; digital chain; -CNC? computer numerical control; -RP? rapid prototyping; digital fabrication.