Publication: Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde ERP Uygulamaları
Tunalı, Tolga
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Günümüzde firmalar, sürekli artan müsteri ihtiyaçlarına daha iyi cevapverebilmek için kıyasıya bir rekabet içindedirler. Bilgiye daha kolayve hızlı birsekilde ulasan bu rekabette öne geçecektir. Farklı kaynaklardan gelen bigileriorganize etme ve dogru yorumlama arayısı içinde olan firmaların karsısına degisikkurumsal kaynak planlama(ERP) yazılımları çıkmaktadır. Bu yazılımların enönemli özelligi sagladıkları yüksek entegrasyon düzeyidir.Organizasyon içinde bilgiyi entegre ederek verimliligin artmasını saglayan ERPsistemleri, tedarik zincirinin farklı yerlerinde farklı sistemlerde bulunan bilgiyientegre etmekte yetersiz kalmaktadırlar. ERP satıcılarının, tedarik zinciriyönetiminin önemini kavrayarak bu fonksiyonellikleri paketlerine uygulamalarıgerekmektedir.Bu tezde teorik olarak üretim planlama yaklasımları, tedarik zinciri yönetimikavramı ayrıntılı olarak anlatılmaktadır daha sonra erp sistemlerinden tedarikzincirine geçiste karsılasılan sınırlamalar ve karmasıklıklar incelenerek etkili birtedarik zincirinin nasıl gerçeklestirilebilecegi belirtilmektedir ve son olarak tedarikzinciri performans yönetimi üzerinde durulmaktadır.Uygulama kısmında ise pratik olarak uluslararası alanda en çok kullanılan ERPyazılımı SAP'yi kullanan bir firmada sistemin isleyisi ve karsılasılan bir sorun veçözümü üzerinde duruldu. Ayrıca Türkiyede yaygınlasan ve en iyi türk ERPyazılımı oldugu düsünülen CANIAS ERP'yi kullanan bir firmada (istanbul fren)sistemin isleyisi ve karsılasılan sorunlar ve bunların çözümü üzerinde duruldu. Busayede yazılımların aynı sorunlara farklı veya aynı çözümleri getirdigi görüldü
Nowadays all the companies are in a competition in order to achieve better resultsfor increasing client needs. The companies who achieve the knowledge faster andeasier will be the leader in this race. When the companies organize and commenton the knowledge which belongs to the different resources, then they need todetermine ERP softwares. The most important specialities of these softwares arehaving a highly entegration levels.ERP systems entegrates the knowledge in the organization therefore theproductivity increases but these systems are not good enough in entegrating theknowledge in different systems and different parts of supply chain. ERP vendorsshould realize the importance of supply chain management and should apply thisfunctionality to their softwares.This thesis is about production planning approaches and supply chainmanagement concept in theorically; during the upgrade of ERP systems to supllychain, there might be some limitations and disorders. n the following parts thesetopics are examined and pointed out how could an effective supply chain bemanaged. And finally supply chain performance management is discussed.Practically by working with a company which uses SAP, which is the mostcommon ERP software in international concern, we got knowledge about theconcept of the system and have a chance to confront the problems and solve them.Furthermore CANIAS ERP is thought to be the most common and the bestTurkish ERP software. By working a company(istanbul fren) which uses thissoftware, we experienced the problems and the solutions. Finally the softwares getthe different or the same soltions to the problems.
Nowadays all the companies are in a competition in order to achieve better resultsfor increasing client needs. The companies who achieve the knowledge faster andeasier will be the leader in this race. When the companies organize and commenton the knowledge which belongs to the different resources, then they need todetermine ERP softwares. The most important specialities of these softwares arehaving a highly entegration levels.ERP systems entegrates the knowledge in the organization therefore theproductivity increases but these systems are not good enough in entegrating theknowledge in different systems and different parts of supply chain. ERP vendorsshould realize the importance of supply chain management and should apply thisfunctionality to their softwares.This thesis is about production planning approaches and supply chainmanagement concept in theorically; during the upgrade of ERP systems to supllychain, there might be some limitations and disorders. n the following parts thesetopics are examined and pointed out how could an effective supply chain bemanaged. And finally supply chain performance management is discussed.Practically by working with a company which uses SAP, which is the mostcommon ERP software in international concern, we got knowledge about theconcept of the system and have a chance to confront the problems and solve them.Furthermore CANIAS ERP is thought to be the most common and the bestTurkish ERP software. By working a company(istanbul fren) which uses thissoftware, we experienced the problems and the solutions. Finally the softwares getthe different or the same soltions to the problems.