Publication: Kullanıcı türevli içeriğin dijital pazarlama stratejilerinde kullanımı: Netnografik bir araştırma örneği
Gülmen, Gülcan
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / İletişim Sanatları Ana Bilim Dalı / İletişim Sanatları Bilim Dalı
Günümüz toplumunda, yeni iletişim teknolojilerinin gelişimine paralel olarak markalar ve işletmeler nezdinde, kullanıcıların durumu boyut değiştirmiştir. İlk dönem iletişim çalışmalarına bakıldığında, kullanıcıların gönderilen her mesajı aynı şekilde algılayan, anında etki altına alınabilen pasif bir özne olarak konumlandırıldığı görülmüş; devam eden iletişim araştırmalarında ise özellikle yeni medyanın gelişimiyle birlikte kullanıcılar güç dengelerini kendi lehlerine çevirebilmiştir. Yeni iletişim teknolojileri, sosyal medyayı ortaya çıkarmış ve kullanıcılar kendilerini bu mecrada daha çok ortaya koyabilmiştir. Kullanıcıların, yalnızca tüketen, kolayca etki altına alınabilen ve birbirine benzeyen salt izleyici rolünden sıyrılarak; tükettiği kadar üretebilen, iletilen mesajları çeşitli filtrelerden geçirerek karar verebilen, doğal ile yapayı ayırt edebilen, dolayısıyla kolay etkilenmeyen ve temelde benzer motivasyonlara sahip olsa da aslında benzersiz olan kullanıcılara dönüştüğü fark edilmiştir. Değişen kullanıcılar, kendileri gibi kullanıcıların ürettikleri içeriklere daha çok önem vermekte ve bir zincirin halkaları gibi birbirlerine bağlanabilmektedir. Bu noktada sanal topluluklar oluşabilmekte ve bu topluluklar birbirinden farklı özellikte kullanıcıları barındırabilmesine karşın benzer davranış şekilleri geliştirebilmektedir. Yeni medyanın sunduğu olanaklarla değişen kullanıcı yapısı, hem pazarlama stratejilerinin dijitalleşmesine hem de kullanıcıların bu stratejilerde başat konuma gelmesine neden olmaktadır. Bu noktada sosyal medyada kullanıcıları içerik üretmeye harekete geçiren dijital pazarlama stratejileri, markalar ve kullanıcılar boyutunda önem kazanmaya başlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada dijital mecraların gelişiminin kullanıcıları nasıl etkilediği, kullanıcıların içerik üreten konuma gelmesiyle marka ve işletmeler tarafından tercih edilen dijital pazarlama stratejilerinin nasıl çeşitlendiği ve kullanıcıları harekete geçirmek için hangi yönde kullanıldığı gibi araştırma soruları; '' örneği üzerinden, Netnografik araştırma yöntemiyle, kullanıcıların oluşturduğu sanal topluluk incelenerek cevaplandırılmaya çalışılacaktır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Kullanıcı Türevli İçerik, Dijital Pazarlama, Sosyal Medya, Sanal Topluluklar.
In today's society, the state of the users has changed parallel to the new communication technology developments under brands and firms. When the first stage technology studies are analyzed, users have been seen as passive subjects who receive the messages as they are portrayed and can get under the influence of these messages immediately. The communication researches following the initial studies, on the contrary, have concluded that with the new media developing, users were able to grasp the power in the user-producer relationship. New communication technologies have revealed the social media and the users have been able to reveal themselves in this medium. It is not just the users who are consuming, are easily affected, and are similar to each other; It is seen that the users who can produce as much as they consume, pass the transmitted messages through various filters, are able to distinguish between the natural and the artificial and thus are not easily affected and have basically similar motivations, but are actually unique. Changing users, users of like themselves, give more importance to the content they produce and can connect to each other like a chain. At this point, virtual communities can occur and although these communities can accommodate different types of users, they can develop similar behavioral patterns. The opportunities that new media offers lead to changes in user behavior and thus lead to changes in marketing strategies to become digitalised and made the consumer choice as a dominant topic in these marketing strategies. The digital marketing strategies which prompt users to produce content became important for brands as well as users as marketing strategies. This study will attempt to analyze how the digital media's development impacted users, how digital marketing strategies became more varied and how it was used to prompt users as users became content producers through analyzing the "" Website as an example for user-generated virtual community by utilising the netnography research method. In this study, how digital media development affects users, how users are diversified by digital marketing strategies preferred by brands and businesses, and in which direction they are used to mobilize users; Through the example of "", the netnographic research method will be tried to be answered by examining the virtual community created by the users. Key Words: User Generated Content, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Virtual Communities,
In today's society, the state of the users has changed parallel to the new communication technology developments under brands and firms. When the first stage technology studies are analyzed, users have been seen as passive subjects who receive the messages as they are portrayed and can get under the influence of these messages immediately. The communication researches following the initial studies, on the contrary, have concluded that with the new media developing, users were able to grasp the power in the user-producer relationship. New communication technologies have revealed the social media and the users have been able to reveal themselves in this medium. It is not just the users who are consuming, are easily affected, and are similar to each other; It is seen that the users who can produce as much as they consume, pass the transmitted messages through various filters, are able to distinguish between the natural and the artificial and thus are not easily affected and have basically similar motivations, but are actually unique. Changing users, users of like themselves, give more importance to the content they produce and can connect to each other like a chain. At this point, virtual communities can occur and although these communities can accommodate different types of users, they can develop similar behavioral patterns. The opportunities that new media offers lead to changes in user behavior and thus lead to changes in marketing strategies to become digitalised and made the consumer choice as a dominant topic in these marketing strategies. The digital marketing strategies which prompt users to produce content became important for brands as well as users as marketing strategies. This study will attempt to analyze how the digital media's development impacted users, how digital marketing strategies became more varied and how it was used to prompt users as users became content producers through analyzing the "" Website as an example for user-generated virtual community by utilising the netnography research method. In this study, how digital media development affects users, how users are diversified by digital marketing strategies preferred by brands and businesses, and in which direction they are used to mobilize users; Through the example of "", the netnographic research method will be tried to be answered by examining the virtual community created by the users. Key Words: User Generated Content, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Virtual Communities,
İletişim Bilimleri, İşletme, Kullanıcı profili, Netnografi, Pazarlama, Pazarlama yöntemleri, Sanal topluluklar, Sayısal pazarlama, Sosyal medya, İçerik pazarlama, Communication Sciences, Business Administration, User profile, Netnography, Marketing, Marketing methods, Virtual communities, Digital marketing, Social media, Content marketing