Publication: Aile İşletmelerinin Kurumsallaşması ve Kurumsallaşma Sorunları - Türkiye Genelinde Üretim Yapan Aile İşletmeleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma
Çalışkanel, Salih Şafak
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Özel sektörün temelini gerek ülkemizde gerek dünyada aile işletmeleri oluşturur. Özellikle üretim yapan aile işletmelerinin istihdamdan ekonomiye ve toplumsal hayata sayısız katkıları vardır. Bu öneminden dolayı özellikle aile işletmelerinin sürekliliği, uzun yıllardır üzerinde durulan ve önemini koruyan bir konu olmaya devam etmektedir. Aile işletmelerinin gerek işletme yönünden örgütlü bir yapı olarak gerekse aile ilişkileri açısından kurumsallaşması ve devamlılığının sağlanması hayati önemdedir. Ülkemizde üretim yapan gerek yerli gerekse yabancı aile işletmeleri, sanayinin de önemli dinamiklerinden biridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'de üretim yapan aile işletmelerinin kurumsallaşmasını ve kurumsallaşma sorunlarını inceleyerek ortaya koymak ve tavsiyelerde bulunmaktır. Araştırma için Türkiye genelinde üretim yapan aile işletmelerine anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. Anket uygulaması, ağırlıklı işletme kurucu patronlara veya birince derece yakınlarına e-posta yoluyla uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, hazırlanan araştırma sorularına göre SPSS programında analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda, genel olarak aile anayasasının önemine rağmen uygulamadaki eksiklik, kişisel tutum ve davranışların kurumsallaşmaya olan engelleri, işletmelerde sonraki kuşaklara yönetim devri planlamasının eksikliği, kurumsallaşma konusundaki zihinsel bilgi ve düşüncelerle işletmedeki fiili durumun uyuşmadığı sonuçları ön plana çıkmıştır.
The foundation of the private sector is the family business in our country and in the world. In particular, there are innumerable contributions from the employment of the family businesses making production to the economy and social life. Due to this importance, the continuity of family businesses in particular remains a matter that has been discussed and maintained for many years. It is vital that institutionalization and continuity of family business are institutionalized in terms of business as well as family relations. Domestic and foreign family businesses that produce in our country are one of the important dynamics of the industry. This study aims to reveal the examining issues of institutionalization and institutionalization of family businesses engaged in production in Turkey and advise. Turkey has made a survey of the general family business engaged in the production for research. The survey was implemented by e-mail to major business founder bosses or relatives about one degree. The findings were analyzed in the SPSS program according to the research questions. As a result of the analysis, despite the importance of the family constitution as a whole, the lack of implementation, the obstacles to institutionalization of personal attitudes and behaviors, the lack of managerial planning for the next generations in enterprises, the mental information on institutionalization and the fact that the actual situation in operation with thought is inconsistent.
The foundation of the private sector is the family business in our country and in the world. In particular, there are innumerable contributions from the employment of the family businesses making production to the economy and social life. Due to this importance, the continuity of family businesses in particular remains a matter that has been discussed and maintained for many years. It is vital that institutionalization and continuity of family business are institutionalized in terms of business as well as family relations. Domestic and foreign family businesses that produce in our country are one of the important dynamics of the industry. This study aims to reveal the examining issues of institutionalization and institutionalization of family businesses engaged in production in Turkey and advise. Turkey has made a survey of the general family business engaged in the production for research. The survey was implemented by e-mail to major business founder bosses or relatives about one degree. The findings were analyzed in the SPSS program according to the research questions. As a result of the analysis, despite the importance of the family constitution as a whole, the lack of implementation, the obstacles to institutionalization of personal attitudes and behaviors, the lack of managerial planning for the next generations in enterprises, the mental information on institutionalization and the fact that the actual situation in operation with thought is inconsistent.