Publication: Patent Lisans Sözleşmesi
Sarı, Onur
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Özel Hukuk (Ticaret Hukuku) Anabilim Dalı
Patent lisans sözleşmesi iki taraflı bir sözleşme olmaktadır. Lisans sözleşmesinin konusu patenttir. Lisans veren patent hakkının kullanımını lisans alana sağlamakta, lisans alan ise karşılığında belirli bir bedel ödemekle yükümlü olmaktadır. Lisans sözleşmelerinde taraflar bu yükümlülükler dışında da birçok yükümlülükler altına girmektedir. Patent lisans sözleşmesinde taraflar, patentin nasıl ve ne kadarlık süre için kullanılacağı ile patent kullanımı konusunda sınırlamalar düzenleyebilir. Patent lisans ayrıca tarafların yükümlülüklerini açık ve net bir şekilde açıklayarak, tarafların haklarını korur. Patent lisans sözleşmeleri inhisari lisans, inhisari olmayan lisans sözleşmesi, zorunlu lisans, basit lisans sözleşmesi gibi çeşitli türlerde kurulabilir. Bununla birlikte lisans sözleşmeleri düzenlenirken rekabet hukuku kurallarına da riayet edilmelidir. Aksi halde rekabete aykırı lisans sözleşmeleri, rekabete aykırılık yaptırımına tabii tutulacaktır.
Patent license agreement is a mutual agreement. License agreement is subject to patent. The licensee is obliged to use the patent right, and the licensee is obliged to pay price level. In the license agreements, the parties are under many obligations besides these obligations. Patent license agreement includes details about how and when the patent can be used, and creates some sort of restrictions that are imposed on the patent. Patent license agreement also defines and protects the rights of the parties involved in a clear and concise manner. Patent license agreements can be established in various types such as exclusive license, nonexclusive license agreement, compulsory license, voluntary license agreement. In addition, competition law rules should be respected while license agreements are being issued. Otherwise, license contracts that are contrary to the competition will be subject to contravene.
Patent license agreement is a mutual agreement. License agreement is subject to patent. The licensee is obliged to use the patent right, and the licensee is obliged to pay price level. In the license agreements, the parties are under many obligations besides these obligations. Patent license agreement includes details about how and when the patent can be used, and creates some sort of restrictions that are imposed on the patent. Patent license agreement also defines and protects the rights of the parties involved in a clear and concise manner. Patent license agreements can be established in various types such as exclusive license, nonexclusive license agreement, compulsory license, voluntary license agreement. In addition, competition law rules should be respected while license agreements are being issued. Otherwise, license contracts that are contrary to the competition will be subject to contravene.
Hukuk, Law, Patent lisansı sözleşmeleri, Patient licence agreement, Patentler, Patents, Sözleşmeler, Contracts