Publication: Büyüme hormonu salgılatıcı hormona [GHRH (1-44)] özgü X-aptamerlerin sentezlenmesi, karakterizasyonu ve anti-karsinojenik etkilerinin araştırılması
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / Moleküler Biyokimya ve Genetik Ana Bilim Dalı / Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Bilim Dalı
Büyüme Hormonu Salgılatıcı Hormon (GHRH), hipotalamustan salınan bir nöropeptittir ve farklı kanser türlerinde ekspresyonunda artış olduğu literatürde ortaya koyulmuştur. Bu artan ekspresyonun bloke edilmesi amacıyla çeşitli peptid antagonistleri sentezlenmiş ve bu antagonistlerin anti-kanser etkisi çeşitli kanser tiplerinde in vitro ve in vivo olarak gösterilmiştir. Bu kapsamda, GHRH sinyalinin bloke edilmesi, çeşitli kanser tiplerinde önemli bir terapötik yaklaşım olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Aptamerler, yüksek özgünlükle hedef moleküllere bağlanabilen tek iplikli oligonükleotidlerdir ve ilaç taşıyıcılığı, görüntüleme, deteksiyon, yeni ilaç geliştirilmesi gibi farklı amaçlarla kullanılabilmektedir. Aptamerler geleneksel olarak SELEX adı verilen bir yöntemle seçilmekle birlikte, hedefe bağlanma afinitesinin ve nükleazlara karşı stabilitesinin arttırıldığı manyetik boncuk tabanlı farklı yöntemlerle de elde edilebilmektedir. Bu yöntemlerden bir tanesi olan x-aptamer seçilimi, patentli bir teknik olup modifiye edilmiş nükleotitler içermekte ve bu sayede hedef moleküle bağlanma afinitesi daha yüksek ve nükleazlara karşı stabilitesi daha yüksek olan x-aptamerlerin seçilimi mümkün olmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında, GHRH (1-44)'e özgü x-aptamerlerin sentezlenmesi, karakterizasyonu ve GHRH sinyalini bloke ederek çeşitli kanser hücrelerindeki anti-karsinojenik etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, GHRH gen bölgesini taşıyan plazmidleri içeren prokaryotik E. coli ve ökaryotik HEK293 hücrelerinden elde edilen GHRH proteini hedef olarak kullanılarak, manyetik boncuk teknolojisi yardımıyla x-aptamer seçilimi gerçekleştirilmiş ve 19 adet putatif x-aptamer elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen x-aptamerlerin rekombinant GHRH proteinine bağlanma afiniteleri Dot blot yöntemi ile araştırılmış ve aptamer uygulaması ile proteine bağlanma afinitesinin 1,5 ila 4 kata kadar arttığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca aptamer dozuna bağlı gerçekleştirilen Dot blot yöntemi sonucunda non-lineer regresyon analizi yapılarak aptamerlerin disosiasyon sabiti (Kd) değerleri hesaplanmıştır. TKY2.T1.13 aptameri ile gerçekleştirilen SPR analizi sonucunda bu aptamer için Kd değeri 47,5 nM olarak tespit edilmiş ve non-lineer regresyon analizi ile elde edilen 57,5 nM Kd değerine yakın bir değer olarak gösterilmiştir. Aptamerler süreye bağlı olarak insan serumu ile muamele edilerek aptamerlerin serum stabiliteleri araştırılmış ve aptamerlerin çoğunlukla 72 saate kadar insan serumunda %50'nin üzerinde stabil kaldığı belirlenmiştir. TKY2.T1.08 ve TKY2.T1.13 aptamerlerinin hücre içerisinde yer alan endojen GHRH'ye doza bağlı olarak artan bağlanma afinitesi MIA PaCa-2 hücrelerinde immunofloresan yöntemi ile gösterilmiştir. Putatif x-aptamerlerin GHRH sinyal yolağına etkisinin araştırılması için aşağı yolak elemanları olan GH ve GHRH-R ekspresyonuna etkileri immunofloresan yöntemi ile gösterilmiş ve aptamer uygulaması ile bu proteinlerin ekspresyonlarındaki azalma gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca, TKY2.T1.08 ve TKY2.T1.13 x-aptamerlerinin MIA PaCa-2 pankreas, HT29 kolorektal ve PC3 prostat kanseri hücrelerinde hücre canlılığına ket vurduğu ve mitokondriyal membran potansiyelini düşürdüğü belirlenmiştir. Putatif x-aptamerlerin hücre döngüsü üzerine etkileri araştırıldığında ise TKY2.T1.13 aptamerinin MIA PaCa-2, HT29 ve PC3 hücrelerinde SubG1 populasyonunu arttırdığı, TKY2.T1.08 aptamerinin ise HT29 ve PC3 hücrelerinde G2/M populasyonunu arttırdığı gösterilmiştir. Putatif x-aptamerlerin hücre ölümü üzerine etkileri Annexin V/PI hücre akış sitometrisi yöntemi ile araştırılmış ve TKY2.T1.13 x-aptamerinin MIA PaCa-2, HT29 ve PC3 hücrelerinde geç apoptotik hücre populasyonunda artışa neden olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, bu tez çalışması kapsamında GHRH (1-44) proteinine özgü x-aptamer sentezi ilk kez gerçekleştirilmiş, sentezlenen x-aptamerlerin hedef proteine bağlanma afiniteleri gösterilmiş ve GHRH sinyal yolağına ket vurarak antikarsinojenik etkileri MIA PaCa-2, HT29 ve PC3 hücrelerinde gösterilmiştir.
Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) is a neuropeptide secreted from hypothalamus and it was stated to be expressed highly in different cancer types. In order to block this increased expression, various peptide antagonists has been synthesized and anti-cancer effects of these antagonists were shown in different cancer types in vitro and in vivo. In this manner, blockage of GHRH signaling is an important therapeutic approach in various cancers. Aptamers are single-stranded oligonucleotides that can bind target molecules with high specificity and is being used for different purposes such as drug carrier, imaging, detection and new drug development. Aptamers are selected by a method called SELEX conventionally, yet they can be obtained by magnetic bead-based different methods in which target binding affinities and stability against nucleases have been enhanced. One of these methods, x-aptamer selection, is a patented technique which contains modified nucleotides and by this means it is possible to select x-aptamers that have higher target binding affinity and more stability against nucleases. In this thesis study, it was aimed to synthesize and characterize x-aptamers against GHRH (1-44) and investigation of these x-aptamers' GHRH signal blocking and anti-carcinogenic effects in different cancer cell lines. For this purpose, GHRH obtained from prokaryotic E. coli and eukaryotic HEK293 which bears plasmids encoding GHRH open reading frame was used as a target, and x-aptamer selection was performed by magnetic bead technology. By this way, 19 putative x-aptamers were selected. Binding affinities of these x-aptamers to recombinant GHRH were searched by Dot blot method and it was shown that binding affinity of aptamers were increased 1.5 to 4-fold by aptamer treatment. Also, dissociation constant (Kd) of x-aptamers were calculated by non-linear regression according to aptamer dose-dependent dot blot method. Kd value of TKY2.T1.13 was detected as 47,5 nM as a result of SPR analysis which is in parallel with Kd value calculated by non-linear regression, 57,5 nM. X-aptamers were treated with human serum in time-dependent manner to investigate the serum stability of x-aptamers and it was shown that x-aptamers were stable more than 50% up to 72 hours in human serum. Increased binding affinity of TKY2.T1.08 and TKY2.T1.13 to intracellular GHRH was demonstrated by immunofluorescence method in MIA PaCa-2 cells. In order to search the effect of putative x-aptamers on GHRH signaling pathway, the effects on expression of downstream targets GH and GHRH-R was indicated by immunofluorescence method and x-aptamer treatment decreased the expression of these proteins. Besides, TKY2.T1.08 and TKY2.T1.13 x-aptamers were shown to impede cell viability and reduced mitochondrial membrane potantial in MIA PaCa-2 pancreatic, HT29 colorectal and PC3 prostate cancer cell lines. When the effects of x-aptamers on cell cycle was investigated, TKY2.T1.13 x-aptamer was incrased SubG1 population in MIA PaCa-2, HT29 and PC3 cells while TKY2.T1.08 increased G2/M population in HT29 and PC3 cells. The effects of putative x-aptamers on cell death was searched by Annexin V/PI flow cytometry method and TKY2.T1.13 x-aptamer increased late apoptotic cell population in MIA PaCa-2, HT29 and PC3 cells. In conclusion, within the context of this thesis study, x-aptamers against GHRH (1-44) was selected for the first time, the binding affinity of selected x-aptamers to target has been shown and anti-carcinogenic effects of the x-aptamers via inhibition of GHRH signaling pathway were demonstrated.
Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) is a neuropeptide secreted from hypothalamus and it was stated to be expressed highly in different cancer types. In order to block this increased expression, various peptide antagonists has been synthesized and anti-cancer effects of these antagonists were shown in different cancer types in vitro and in vivo. In this manner, blockage of GHRH signaling is an important therapeutic approach in various cancers. Aptamers are single-stranded oligonucleotides that can bind target molecules with high specificity and is being used for different purposes such as drug carrier, imaging, detection and new drug development. Aptamers are selected by a method called SELEX conventionally, yet they can be obtained by magnetic bead-based different methods in which target binding affinities and stability against nucleases have been enhanced. One of these methods, x-aptamer selection, is a patented technique which contains modified nucleotides and by this means it is possible to select x-aptamers that have higher target binding affinity and more stability against nucleases. In this thesis study, it was aimed to synthesize and characterize x-aptamers against GHRH (1-44) and investigation of these x-aptamers' GHRH signal blocking and anti-carcinogenic effects in different cancer cell lines. For this purpose, GHRH obtained from prokaryotic E. coli and eukaryotic HEK293 which bears plasmids encoding GHRH open reading frame was used as a target, and x-aptamer selection was performed by magnetic bead technology. By this way, 19 putative x-aptamers were selected. Binding affinities of these x-aptamers to recombinant GHRH were searched by Dot blot method and it was shown that binding affinity of aptamers were increased 1.5 to 4-fold by aptamer treatment. Also, dissociation constant (Kd) of x-aptamers were calculated by non-linear regression according to aptamer dose-dependent dot blot method. Kd value of TKY2.T1.13 was detected as 47,5 nM as a result of SPR analysis which is in parallel with Kd value calculated by non-linear regression, 57,5 nM. X-aptamers were treated with human serum in time-dependent manner to investigate the serum stability of x-aptamers and it was shown that x-aptamers were stable more than 50% up to 72 hours in human serum. Increased binding affinity of TKY2.T1.08 and TKY2.T1.13 to intracellular GHRH was demonstrated by immunofluorescence method in MIA PaCa-2 cells. In order to search the effect of putative x-aptamers on GHRH signaling pathway, the effects on expression of downstream targets GH and GHRH-R was indicated by immunofluorescence method and x-aptamer treatment decreased the expression of these proteins. Besides, TKY2.T1.08 and TKY2.T1.13 x-aptamers were shown to impede cell viability and reduced mitochondrial membrane potantial in MIA PaCa-2 pancreatic, HT29 colorectal and PC3 prostate cancer cell lines. When the effects of x-aptamers on cell cycle was investigated, TKY2.T1.13 x-aptamer was incrased SubG1 population in MIA PaCa-2, HT29 and PC3 cells while TKY2.T1.08 increased G2/M population in HT29 and PC3 cells. The effects of putative x-aptamers on cell death was searched by Annexin V/PI flow cytometry method and TKY2.T1.13 x-aptamer increased late apoptotic cell population in MIA PaCa-2, HT29 and PC3 cells. In conclusion, within the context of this thesis study, x-aptamers against GHRH (1-44) was selected for the first time, the binding affinity of selected x-aptamers to target has been shown and anti-carcinogenic effects of the x-aptamers via inhibition of GHRH signaling pathway were demonstrated.
Biyoloji, Biology