Publication: Türkiye'nin Suriye Mülteci Politikası ve Türkiye Ekonomisi ve Güvenliğine Etkileri (2011 - 2015)
Fadhly, Naıl
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Suriye'de çatışmalar 2011 yılında başlamış, buna bağlı olarak yüzbinlerce kişi ölmüş, milyonlarca Suriyeli mülteci haline gelmiştir. Bu bağlamda Suriye halkı, Türkiye, Lübnan, Ürdün, Irak, Mısır ve bazı Avrupa ülkelerinde yeni bir yaşam arayışında bulunmuş;Türkiye, Suriyeli mültecilere ev sahipliği yapan ana ülkelerden biri olmuştur.Bugün Türkiye'de üç milyondan fazla Suriyeli mülteci vardırve Türkiye dünyanın en çok mülteci ağırladığıülkedir.Bu oranda mültecinin Türkiye'de bulunmasının ekonomik, sosyal ve siyasal anlamda zorlukları doğmuştur.Bu tezin amacı, Suriye'den gelen yüksek sayıda mülteci ile ilgili Türkiye'nin uyguladığı ekonomik, sosyal ve siyasal politikaları analiz etmek, karşı karşıya kaldığı sorunları ele almak ve özellikle Türk ekonomisine ve güvenlik politikalarına yansımalarını incelemektir.
Conflict in Syria started in 2011 and turned about in which are 470.000 have been killed, the conflictforced millions of Syrians became refugees. Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and some European countries became their destinationsto search of a newlife. Turkey was one of the main countries hosting syirian refugees and the government has been welcominghope for many Syrian refugees to come to this country. Today, more than 3,2 million Syrian refugees in Turkey since the door was opened, and Turkey is the country with the most refugees in the world. The big numbers of refugees have created many challenges for Turkish people and the government, economic and security became main issues that really need to be concerned andbe solved. Some people speculated if the more refugees come and the longer they stay, the more problems will happen but therest argue that Syrian refugees brought dynamism to Turkey economic and create/provide opportuunity for Turkey. In this thesis I will disscuss the pros and cons of refugees issues in Turkey, how Turkey reacted to this crisis and what kind of impact to Turkey's economy and security
Conflict in Syria started in 2011 and turned about in which are 470.000 have been killed, the conflictforced millions of Syrians became refugees. Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and some European countries became their destinationsto search of a newlife. Turkey was one of the main countries hosting syirian refugees and the government has been welcominghope for many Syrian refugees to come to this country. Today, more than 3,2 million Syrian refugees in Turkey since the door was opened, and Turkey is the country with the most refugees in the world. The big numbers of refugees have created many challenges for Turkish people and the government, economic and security became main issues that really need to be concerned andbe solved. Some people speculated if the more refugees come and the longer they stay, the more problems will happen but therest argue that Syrian refugees brought dynamism to Turkey economic and create/provide opportuunity for Turkey. In this thesis I will disscuss the pros and cons of refugees issues in Turkey, how Turkey reacted to this crisis and what kind of impact to Turkey's economy and security