Publication: Yer mühendislik parametrelerinin iyileştirme öncesi ve sonrasında jeofizik yöntemlerle belirlenmesi
Kır, Ali Ekber
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / İnşaat Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı / Geoteknik Bilim Dalı
Zeminde oturma, sıvılasma, zemin büyütmesi ve tasıma gücü problemlerini stabilizasyon çalısmaları ile gidermek mümkündür. Ancak geoteknik mühendisleri, zemin iyilestirme çalısmalarının sonuçlarını degerlendirmenin zorluklarının da farkındadır. Bu tez çalısması kapsamında sismik kırılma, sismik yüzey dalgası, elektrik özdirenç yöntemleri gibi jeofizik yöntemler kullanılarak, bunların güçlendirilmis zayıf zeminlerin mekanik özelliklerinin ölçümünde kullanılma olasılıklarını degerlendirmeye yönelik bir çalısma yapılmıstır. kisi jet enjeksiyon kolonları, biri de kazıklarla iyilestirilmis olmak üzere stanbul'daki üç çalısma alanında, sismik yansıma, sismik yüzey dalgası, elektrik özdirenci yöntemleri ile yapılan ölçüm sonuçlarına göre, sismik kırılmada ölçülen kayma dalgası hızı ve bundan türetilen kayma modülünün iyilestirmenin derecesini belirlemede kullanılacak etkin bir yöntem olabilecegi görülmüstür. Sonuçlar ayrıca zemin içerisindeki betonun direnç kazanmasıyla birlikte zeminde özelliklerin iyilestigini göstermistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: geoteknik, jeofizik, iyilestirme, sismik kırılma, yüzey dalgası, özdirenç, masw, kazık, jet grout.
It is possible to remedy problems of settlement, liquefaction, amplification and bearing capacity of foundation by stabilization works. Geotechnical engineers are however aware that it is diffucult to assess the results of soil improvement activities. A study of the possibilities of measuring the mechanical properties of inferior soils by the use of geophysical methods such as seismic refraction, seismic surface wave and electrical resistivity has been made for this thesis. The results from three sites in stanbul are presented. Two of the sites were treated by jet grouting and one was improved by bored piles. It was found that the use of seismic refraction, seismic surface wave and electrical resistivity methods can be feasible in assessing the degree of improvement. The improvements imparted to the soil is best reflected in the shear wave velocity measurements converted to shear modulus during seismic refraction. The data has shown that the soil properties are further improved by the period of curing of concrete in the ground. Key words: geotechnics, geophysical methods, improvement, seismic refraction, surface wave, electrical resistivity, masw, pile, jet grout.
It is possible to remedy problems of settlement, liquefaction, amplification and bearing capacity of foundation by stabilization works. Geotechnical engineers are however aware that it is diffucult to assess the results of soil improvement activities. A study of the possibilities of measuring the mechanical properties of inferior soils by the use of geophysical methods such as seismic refraction, seismic surface wave and electrical resistivity has been made for this thesis. The results from three sites in stanbul are presented. Two of the sites were treated by jet grouting and one was improved by bored piles. It was found that the use of seismic refraction, seismic surface wave and electrical resistivity methods can be feasible in assessing the degree of improvement. The improvements imparted to the soil is best reflected in the shear wave velocity measurements converted to shear modulus during seismic refraction. The data has shown that the soil properties are further improved by the period of curing of concrete in the ground. Key words: geotechnics, geophysical methods, improvement, seismic refraction, surface wave, electrical resistivity, masw, pile, jet grout.
Jeofizik, Geophysics, Jet grouting, iyileştirme, improving