Publication: Mimari Tasarımda Ulaşılabilirlik Kavramının Tekerlekli
Sandalye Kullanıcıları Açısından İrdelenmesi
İskender, Emine
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Yıldız Technical Univ, Fac Architecture, Merkez Yerleşim, Besiktas, İstanbul, 34349, Turkey
Türkiye’de özürlülerin sahip olduğu yasal haklar bilinmekle birlikte, yapılı çevrenin özürlülerin fiziksel ulaşılabilirliğine hizmet edecek şekilde
düzenlenmesi konusunda çalışmalar yetersiz kalmaktadır. Bu çalışma, özürlü bireylerin Türkiye’de mevcut sistem içinde sahip oldukları
yasal hakların incelenerek, yapı içinde özürlü bireylerin ulaşılabilirliğine olanak sağlayan düzenlemelerin ortaya konmasını amaçlamaktadır.
Bu amaçla, TS9111 Özürlüler ve Hareket Kısıtlılığı Bulunan Kişiler İçin Binalarda Ulaşılabilirlik Gerekleri standartlarının incelenmesiyle
yapı içinde özürlü bireylerin fiziksel ulaşılabilirliğine imkân sağlayan minimum gereklilikler belirlenmiş ve bu gereklilikler seçilen örnek
projeler üzerinden analiz edilmiştir. Bu araştırma kapsamında tekerlekli sandalye kullanıcısı olan özürlü bireylerin yapı içi ulaşılabilirliği ele
alınmış ve örnek proje analizleri tekerlekli sandalye kullanıcısının gerekliliklerinin kontrol edilmesi üzerinden yapılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda
elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesiyle seçilen örnek projelerin ulaşılabilirliği belirlenmiş ve minimum gereklilikleri göz önüne
alarak nasıl tasarım yapılması gerektiği konusunda çıkarsamalar yapılmıştır.
Although legal rights of people with disabilities are known in Turkey, studies are insufficient on rearrangement of built environment in the fashion to serve physical accessibility of people with disabilities. This study aims to review legal rights of individuals with disabilities, within the current system in Turkey and to introduce rearrangements which enable indoor accessibility for people with disabilities. To that end, minimum requirements to enable physical indoor accessibility for individuals with disabilities were identified by examining the standards set forth by TS 9111 The Requirements of Accessibility in Buildings for People with Disabilities and Mobility Constraints, and those requirements were analyzed in terms of selected model projects. Within the scope of this research, indoor accessibility for individuals with disabilities who use wheelchair was addressed, and analyses on model projects were performed by checking requirements of wheelchair users. Following the analyses, accessibility of selected model projects was determined, and deductions were made on how designing process must be performed by taking minimum requirements into consideration.
Although legal rights of people with disabilities are known in Turkey, studies are insufficient on rearrangement of built environment in the fashion to serve physical accessibility of people with disabilities. This study aims to review legal rights of individuals with disabilities, within the current system in Turkey and to introduce rearrangements which enable indoor accessibility for people with disabilities. To that end, minimum requirements to enable physical indoor accessibility for individuals with disabilities were identified by examining the standards set forth by TS 9111 The Requirements of Accessibility in Buildings for People with Disabilities and Mobility Constraints, and those requirements were analyzed in terms of selected model projects. Within the scope of this research, indoor accessibility for individuals with disabilities who use wheelchair was addressed, and analyses on model projects were performed by checking requirements of wheelchair users. Following the analyses, accessibility of selected model projects was determined, and deductions were made on how designing process must be performed by taking minimum requirements into consideration.
Accessibility in Architectural Design, Disability, Wheel Chair Users, Life, Mimari Tasarımda Ulaşılabilirlik, Özürlülük, Tekerlekli Sandalye Kullanıcıları