Publication: Mimarlıkta ekotopya kavramı ve ekolojik ütopyalar
Uzaldı, Beril
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Ütopyalar, mevcut yönetimin ve toplumun aksayan yönlerini, olası yanlışlıklarını ve yetersizliklerini eleştiren ideal düzeni kurmak amacıyla yazılmış düşsel tasvirlerdir. Antik Çağ'dan günümüz 21. Yüzyıla kadar olan süreçte ütopyalar incelendiğinde, dönemlere ait çeşitli gelişmelerden etkilendiği gözlenmiştir. Özellikle 20. Yüzyıl döneminde hızlı kentleşme, hızlı sanayileşme ve artan nüfus nedeniyle çevresel sorunların küresel ölçeğe taşınması ve geri dönüşü olmayan doğa tahribatlarının oluşması, ekolojiyi ve paralelinde ekolojik tasarımı gündeme getirmiştir. Ekoloji, başlangıçta yalnızca canlı hayvan ve bitkileri konu alırken, tüm canlıları ve canlıların cansız çevre ile olan ilişkilerini konu alan bir bilim dalı haline gelmiş ve ütopya tasarımlarını şekillendirmiştir. Yaşanabilir ve sürdürülebilir toplum ve mekân yaratma çabasıyla, ütopyalar ekolojik olarak tasarlanmış, ekolojik ütopya söylemi olan ekotopya alt başlığını oluşturmuştur. Ekotopya kavramı ilk kez Ernest Callenbach tarafından 1975 yılında yayınlanan ''Ekotopya'' eserinde kullanılmıştır. Bu eserde yer alan ekolojik tasarım kriterleri ekotopya tasarımlarının temelini oluşturmuştur. Ekotopya tasarımlarında doğayla uyumlu alanlarda yaşama, kırsal alanlara geri dönme, ekolojik tasarımlardan oluşma, doğayı tüketmeden sürdürülebilir denge kurma ve çevresel sorunları ortadan kaldırma cabası söz konusudur. Bu çalışmada, ekolojik ütopya söylemi olan ekotopya kavramının tasarım kriterleri; 20. Yüzyıl ve 21. Yüzyıl dönemlerine ait, edebi ve mimari ekolojik özellik taşıyan ve tamamen ekolojik olarak tasarlanan ütopya örnekleri üzerinden mekânsal analizleri yapılarak karşılaştırmalı değerlendirilmiş ve ortaya farklı söylemler çıkmıştır. 20. Yüzyıl döneminde yazılmış edebi ekolojik ütopyalar, ekotopya tasarım kriterlerine uygunluk gösterip ekotopya olarak tanımlanabilirken, 20. Yüzyıl ve 21. Yüzyılda tasarlanmış mimari ekolojik ütopyalar, ekolojik özellik taşımalarına veya tamamen ekolojik olmalarına rağmen ekotopya olarak tanımlanamamaktadır. Çünkü ekotopya tasarımları, tasarım aşamasından itibaren yönetim yapısından mimari yapısına kadar her türlü alanda ekolojik olma çabası ile tasarlanmaktadır. Ekolojik ütopyalarda ise, ekotopyalarda bulunan kırsal alana yayılmış yerleşim özellikleri, ilkel ve geleneksel mekân tasvirleri ve ekolojik toplum yaşamı gibi tasarım kriterleri yerine, ileri teknolojinin sunduğu imkânlar kullanılmakta ve kentsel ölçekte mekânlara ekolojinin entegre edilmesi ile tasarımlar şekillendirilmektedir. Bu nedenlerle, çalışmanın sonunda her ekolojik ütopyanın ekotopya olarak tanımlanamayacağı ve ekotopyanın ekolojik ütopyalardan ayrılarak başlı başına ayrı bir kavram olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ekolojik ütopya söylemi olmayan ekotopya kavramının günümüzdeki yeri incelendiğinde ise, düşsel tasarım olmaktan çıktığı ve uygulanabilir niteliğe sahip olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Ekoköy örneklerinin tasarım kriterleri üzerinden ekotopya tasarım kriterleri karşılaştırmalı değerlendirildiğinde; benzerlik gösterdiği ve ekotopyaların ekoköy örnekleri ile hayat bulduğu bulgusu ortaya konmuştur. Anahtar Kelime: Ütopya, Ekoloji, Ekolojik Ütopya, Ekotopya, Ekoköy
Utopias are imaginary descriptions written in order to establish the ideal order that criticizes the failures, possible mistakes and inadequacies of the current administration and society. When the utopias were examined from the Antiquity until the 21st century, it was observed that they were influenced by various periodical developments. Especially in the 20th century, due to rapid urbanization, rapid industrialization and increasing population, the transfer of environmental problems to global scale and the occurrence of irreversible destruction of nature brought ecology and parallel ecological design to the agenda. At the beginning, while ecology initially focused only on living animals and plants, later, it has become a branch of science that deals with all living things and their relations with the inanimate environment and then shaped utopian designs. Utopias are ecologically designed in an effort to create a livable and sustainable society and space and in parallel, ecological utopia discourse has formed the subtitle of ecotopia. The concept of ecotopia, known as the ecological utopia discourse, was used for the fist time in the book ''Ecotopia'' written by Ernest Callenbach in 1975. The ecological design criteria in this work formed the basis of ecotopia designs. Ecotopia designs include living in areas compatible with nature, returning to rural areas, ecological designs, sustainable balance without depleting nature and eliminating environmental problems. In this study, the ecotopia design criteria were evaluated comparatively with spatial analysis through utopian examples of literary and architectural ecological features that are completely ecological from the 20th and 21st centuries and different discourses emerged. While literary ecological utopias written in the 20th century conform to ecotopia design criteria and are defined as ecotopia, although architectural ecological utopias designed in the 20th and 21st centuries have ecological characteristics or are completely ecological, they cannot be defined as ecotopia. Because the ecotopia designs are from the design stage, it is designed with the effort of being ecological in all areas from management structure to architectural structure. In ecological utopias, instead of design criteria such as rural settlements, primitive and traditional space depictions and ecological community life in ecotopia, the opportunities offered by advanced technology are used and designs are shaped by integrating ecology into spaces on an urban scale. For this reason, at the end of this study, it is concluded that not every ecological utopia can be defined as an ecotopia and that the ecotopia is a separate concept by separating from ecological utopias. When the place of the concept of ecotopia without ecological utopia discourse is examined, it has been observed that it is no longer an imaginary design and is feasible. When the design criteria of ecotopia are evaluated comparatively through eco-village examples design criteria, it was found that they were similar and that the ecotopia came alive with eco-village samples. Keyword: Utopia, Ecology, Ecological Utopia, Ecotopia, Eco Villages
Utopias are imaginary descriptions written in order to establish the ideal order that criticizes the failures, possible mistakes and inadequacies of the current administration and society. When the utopias were examined from the Antiquity until the 21st century, it was observed that they were influenced by various periodical developments. Especially in the 20th century, due to rapid urbanization, rapid industrialization and increasing population, the transfer of environmental problems to global scale and the occurrence of irreversible destruction of nature brought ecology and parallel ecological design to the agenda. At the beginning, while ecology initially focused only on living animals and plants, later, it has become a branch of science that deals with all living things and their relations with the inanimate environment and then shaped utopian designs. Utopias are ecologically designed in an effort to create a livable and sustainable society and space and in parallel, ecological utopia discourse has formed the subtitle of ecotopia. The concept of ecotopia, known as the ecological utopia discourse, was used for the fist time in the book ''Ecotopia'' written by Ernest Callenbach in 1975. The ecological design criteria in this work formed the basis of ecotopia designs. Ecotopia designs include living in areas compatible with nature, returning to rural areas, ecological designs, sustainable balance without depleting nature and eliminating environmental problems. In this study, the ecotopia design criteria were evaluated comparatively with spatial analysis through utopian examples of literary and architectural ecological features that are completely ecological from the 20th and 21st centuries and different discourses emerged. While literary ecological utopias written in the 20th century conform to ecotopia design criteria and are defined as ecotopia, although architectural ecological utopias designed in the 20th and 21st centuries have ecological characteristics or are completely ecological, they cannot be defined as ecotopia. Because the ecotopia designs are from the design stage, it is designed with the effort of being ecological in all areas from management structure to architectural structure. In ecological utopias, instead of design criteria such as rural settlements, primitive and traditional space depictions and ecological community life in ecotopia, the opportunities offered by advanced technology are used and designs are shaped by integrating ecology into spaces on an urban scale. For this reason, at the end of this study, it is concluded that not every ecological utopia can be defined as an ecotopia and that the ecotopia is a separate concept by separating from ecological utopias. When the place of the concept of ecotopia without ecological utopia discourse is examined, it has been observed that it is no longer an imaginary design and is feasible. When the design criteria of ecotopia are evaluated comparatively through eco-village examples design criteria, it was found that they were similar and that the ecotopia came alive with eco-village samples. Keyword: Utopia, Ecology, Ecological Utopia, Ecotopia, Eco Villages