Publication: Alman ve Türk hukukunda anonim şirket pay sahibinin bilgi alma hakkı
Ünal, Bahadır
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / Özel Hukuk Ana Bilim Dalı / Özel Hukuk Bilim Dalı
Çalışmamızın konusu Alman ve Türk hukukunda anonim şirket pay sahibinin bilgi alma hakkının Türk Ticaret Kanununun 437. maddesi ile Aktiengesetz (Alman Pay Senetli Ortaklıklar Kanunu) 131. ve 132. paragraflar çerçevesinde incelenmesidir. Bu bağlamda pay sahibinin bilgi alma hakkına ilişkin her iki hukuk sistemindeki düzenlemelerin tanımı, amacı, tarihsel gelişimi, hukuki niteliği, hükümleri ve kanuni unsurları incelenmiştir. Ayrıca her iki hukuk sistemindeki düzenlemeler karşılaştırılmış, aradaki benzer yönler ile farklılıklar açıklanarak varılan sonuçlar ortaya konmuştur.
This study deals with a joint stock company shareholder's right to information under German and Turkish Laws within the framework of Article 437 of Turkish Commercial Code and Article 131 and 132 of Stock Corporation Law. Within this framework, this study examines the definition, purpose, historical development, legal characteristics, provisions, and legal elements of the regulations in both law systems concerning a shareholder's right to information. This study also compares the both law systems, explaining differences and similarities between them, and drawing conclusions.
This study deals with a joint stock company shareholder's right to information under German and Turkish Laws within the framework of Article 437 of Turkish Commercial Code and Article 131 and 132 of Stock Corporation Law. Within this framework, this study examines the definition, purpose, historical development, legal characteristics, provisions, and legal elements of the regulations in both law systems concerning a shareholder's right to information. This study also compares the both law systems, explaining differences and similarities between them, and drawing conclusions.
Hukuk, Law