Publication: Mimarlıkta expo kavramı ekoloji temalı expolar üzerine bir karşılaştırma
Hür, Simge
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Ticari amaç taşımayan ve topluma deneysel bir ortam hazırlayan expolar, son yıllarda dünya genelinde çevre sorunlarına cevap aranan ortak platformlar olmasıyla önem kazanmıştır. Artan çevre problemlerinin çözümü yönünde ortaya çıkan çevre hareketi ile çeşitli ekolojik yaklaşımlar meydana gelmiştir. Ekolojik kriz ortamından doğan bu radikal yaklaşımlar, çevre bilincinin oluşmasında sosyal ölçekte önem kazanmıştır. Küresel iletişim aracı olan expoların temalarında, özellikle 2000'li yıllar itibariyle ekoloji ve sürdürülebilirlik gibi kavramlar işlenmeye başlanmıştır. Bu tez kapsamında; yurt dışından Milano Expo 2015 ve yurt içinden Antalya Expo 2016 temalarının ortak olması sebebiyle seçilerek, sürdürülebilirliğin üç boyutuyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Çevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal sürdürülebilirlik kriterleri tezin ana konusu olan expo mirası bağlamında her iki expo üzerinden analiz edilmiştir. Alan çalışmasında yöntem olarak belirlenen sürdürülebilirlik kriterleri sergi ve etkinlik mekanları; Milano'da pavilyonlar ve Antalya'da bahçeler olmak üzere karşılaştırılarak; tematik, mekansal ve sosyal yönleri açığa çıkartılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucu açığa çıkartılan expo-kent, expo-mimari, expo-tema ve expo ekoloji ilişkilerinin expo mirası kavramının gelişimine yönelik gelecekte ışık tutması beklenmektedir.
Expos, which has no commercial purpose and prepares an experimental environment for the society, has gained importance in recent years as they are common platforms that are sought to answer environmental problems worldwide. New radical approaches have emerged with the environmental movement that emerged in order to solve the increasing environmental problems. These ecological approaches arising from the environment of ecological crisis have gained importance on the social scale in creating environmental awareness. In the themes of expos, which is a global communication theme, concepts such as ecology and sustainability have begun to be processed especially since the 2000s. In this thesis; Milan Expo 2015 and Antalya Expo 2016 have been chosen because of the common themes and compared with three dimensions of sustainability. Environmental, economic and social sustainability criterias were analyzed on the basis of expo heritage which is the main subject of the thesis. The sustainability criteria determined as a method in the field study are exhibition and event spaces; self-built pavilions in Milan and botanical gardens in Antalya; thematic, spatial and social aspects were revealed. In the light of the researches that the themes are ecology; radical ecological approaches are expected to shed light on social sustainability in order to raise environmental awareness in expo.
Expos, which has no commercial purpose and prepares an experimental environment for the society, has gained importance in recent years as they are common platforms that are sought to answer environmental problems worldwide. New radical approaches have emerged with the environmental movement that emerged in order to solve the increasing environmental problems. These ecological approaches arising from the environment of ecological crisis have gained importance on the social scale in creating environmental awareness. In the themes of expos, which is a global communication theme, concepts such as ecology and sustainability have begun to be processed especially since the 2000s. In this thesis; Milan Expo 2015 and Antalya Expo 2016 have been chosen because of the common themes and compared with three dimensions of sustainability. Environmental, economic and social sustainability criterias were analyzed on the basis of expo heritage which is the main subject of the thesis. The sustainability criteria determined as a method in the field study are exhibition and event spaces; self-built pavilions in Milan and botanical gardens in Antalya; thematic, spatial and social aspects were revealed. In the light of the researches that the themes are ecology; radical ecological approaches are expected to shed light on social sustainability in order to raise environmental awareness in expo.