Publication: Vergi yaptırım hukukunda Non Bis in idem ilkesi
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Karaçoban Güneş, Tuğçe
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Non Bis İn İdem ilkesi, usulden hareket eden klasik anlamıyla sadece ceza
muhakemesine konu yaptırımlara uygulandığında, vergi yaptırım hukuku bakımından
de lege ferenda anlam ve olması gereken kapsamından uzaklaşmaktadır. Bu nedenle,
Vergi Usul Kanunu’nda düzenlenen vergi yaptırımları özelinde, ilkeden ne anlaşılması
gerektiği önem arz etmektedir. AİHM, Glantz v. Finlandiya kararı da dahil olmak üzere
tüm kararlarında tutarlı biçimde, ilkeyi suç ve suç karşılığında verilen cezalar bakımından
uygulamaya, belli kriterler uygulayarak test ettiği ve sonucunda “suç niteliğinde”
kabul etmediği vergi kabahatlerini, ilkenin kapsamı dışında tutmaya devam etmektedir.
Bu makale, AİHM kararlarındaki kriterleri de ortaya koyarak, idari yaptırım kavramını,
ilkenin -anlamı ve kapsamı çerçevesinde- vergi yaptırım hukukuna uygulanabilirliğini
While the principle of non bis in idem, with its conventional conception arising from the procedure, apply only for sanctions with regard to criminal procedure, it becomes distant from its de lege feranda meaning and its scope from the point of tax sanction law. Therefore, it is important to present the particular meaning of the principle with regard to tax sanctions. ECHR, in all its judgments, including Glantz v. Finland decision, consistently applies this principle only for crimes and their punishments and the Court does not apply the principle for taxational misdemeanors which does not constitute a crime according to the criteria set forth by the Court, This article reviews the concept of administrative sanction, the meaning and scope of the principle of non bis in idem and its applicability to tax sanctions.
While the principle of non bis in idem, with its conventional conception arising from the procedure, apply only for sanctions with regard to criminal procedure, it becomes distant from its de lege feranda meaning and its scope from the point of tax sanction law. Therefore, it is important to present the particular meaning of the principle with regard to tax sanctions. ECHR, in all its judgments, including Glantz v. Finland decision, consistently applies this principle only for crimes and their punishments and the Court does not apply the principle for taxational misdemeanors which does not constitute a crime according to the criteria set forth by the Court, This article reviews the concept of administrative sanction, the meaning and scope of the principle of non bis in idem and its applicability to tax sanctions.
Non Bis İn İdem İlkesi, Vergi Yaptırım Hukuku, Glantz v. Finlandiya Kararı, Engel Kriterleri, Vergi Kabahatleri, Principle of Non Bis in idem, Tax Sanction Law, Glantz v. Finland Decision, Engel’s Criteria, Taxational Misdemeanors