Publication: Marka hukukunda karıştırma tehlikesi
Küçükali, Canan
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Özel Hukuk Anabilim Dalı
Bu tez çalısmasında marka hukukunda karıstırma tehlikesi ele alınmıstır. Konuyla iliskili olan Fikri ve Sınai mülkiyet hukukunun dayanagı Türk hukuk mevzuatı; uluslararası anlasmalar, özellikle 40/94 sayılı AB Topluluk Marka Tüzügü, 84/104 sayılı Konsey Yönergesi ısıgında uyumlastırılmaya çalısılmıstır. Çalısmada Türk Ticaret Kanunu, Borçlar Kanunu, Medeni Kanun, Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu, Reklam Yönetmeligi gibi mevzuatın konu ile ilgili maddeleri de incelenmistir. Bu çalısmada karıstırma tehlikesi kavramının tanımı, unsurları, tespiti degerlendirilmesi yapılarak, konuya iliskin Adalet Divanı kararları, OHIM kararları ve Yargıtay kararları da degerlendirilmistir. Çalısma sürdürüldügü sırada Anayasa mahkemesi tarafından, ?Kanunsuz suç ve ceza olmaz.? prensibi gerekçesi ile 556 sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamenin çalısma konusunun belkemigini olusturan bir kısım maddelerini iptal etmesinin, yasamanın konuya iliskin yasal düzenleme yapmasını hızlandırmaya yardımcı olacagı kanaatindeyiz. Çalısmanın sonuç bölümünde ise konuya iliskin degerlendirme ve elestirilerimiz dile getirilmistir.
This study deals with the ?likelihood of confusion on the trademarks?. Turkish legislation on the issue of Intellectual property law has been modified under the light of; the international treaties, EU Trademark Legislation and especially EU directive 84/104 and 40/94 EU Trademark Regulation. Relevant articles of the Turkish Commercial Code, Obligation Code, Civil Code, Intellectual Property Law and Advertisement Regulation have been criticised in the study. In this study, the description, compenents and determination of the ?likelihood of confusion? have been evaluated. In addition, decisions of the Turkish Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice have been taken into consideration. While the study was going on, Turkish Constitutional Court annuled related articles of Decree. Annulation of those articles depended on the main principle of Criminal Law that is ?No crime and punishment can be without law?. This new develeopment will cause the reconsidering of relevant issues by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. Finally, the criticisms and results of this study have been evaluated under the title of the conclusion
This study deals with the ?likelihood of confusion on the trademarks?. Turkish legislation on the issue of Intellectual property law has been modified under the light of; the international treaties, EU Trademark Legislation and especially EU directive 84/104 and 40/94 EU Trademark Regulation. Relevant articles of the Turkish Commercial Code, Obligation Code, Civil Code, Intellectual Property Law and Advertisement Regulation have been criticised in the study. In this study, the description, compenents and determination of the ?likelihood of confusion? have been evaluated. In addition, decisions of the Turkish Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice have been taken into consideration. While the study was going on, Turkish Constitutional Court annuled related articles of Decree. Annulation of those articles depended on the main principle of Criminal Law that is ?No crime and punishment can be without law?. This new develeopment will cause the reconsidering of relevant issues by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. Finally, the criticisms and results of this study have been evaluated under the title of the conclusion
Hukuk, Karıştırma tehlikesi, Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku, 556 sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararname, 84/104 sayılı Konsey Yönergesi, 40/94 sayılı Topluluk Marka Tüzügü