İşyerinde işçiye yönelik pskolojik saldırılar

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Organizational Units



Çobanoğlu, Arif Nihat


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Bu 9ah~mamn konusu ve amaCI, ozellikle i~letmelerde ve i~yerlerinde maruz kalman, i~9ilerin ki~isel manevi haklanna yonelik tecaviizlerin ve ihlallerin ne ~ekillerde gergekle~tigini tespit ederek, hukuk diizeninin tecaviize ugrayan magdura tamdlgl koruma ve savunma yollanm belirlemektir. Ara~tmnada, i~9ilerin manevi haklannm ki~ilik haklan kapsammda yer almasl nedeniyle ki~ilik haklan incelenmi~, Medeni hukuk, Bor9lar hukuku ve i~9ii~ veren ili~kisinin niteligi sebebiyle temel olarak i~ Hukuku baklmmdan Tiirk hukukundaki, yabanci ve uluslararasl hukuklardaki diizenlemelere yer verilmi~tir. <::ah~ma ili~kisi a9lSlndan degerlendirildiginde, yabancI iilke hukuklanmn i~9inin manevi haklanna yonelik kapsamh diizenlemelerine ragmen Tiirk hukukunda bu konuya ili~kin halen yeterli diizenlemelerin var olmadlgl goriilmii~tiir. i~9inin manevi haklanna yonelik gergekle~en pek 90k tecaviiziin hukukumuzda aynntlh diizenlenmemi~ olmasl ve kanunlanmlzda bu hususlarda bo~luklann bulunmasmm uygulamada ozellikle i~9ilerin haklanmn ihlal edilmesini kolayla~tlrdlgl ve i~yerlerinde bu nevi tecaviizlerin slkhkla goriilebildigi tespit edilmi~tir. Saldm ve tecaviizlerin, iilkeden iilkeye toplumsal deger ve yargIlann degi~mesi ve teknolojik geli~melere de bagh olarak siirekli bir degi~im igerisinde oldugu ve bu ozelligi nedeniyle hukuk diizenlemelerinin 90gu zaman uygulamadaki gergeklerin gerisinde kaldlgl, manevi haklan yeterince koruma altma alamadlgt tespit edilmi~tir.


The subject and the purpose of this study is to examine how the moral rights of empleyees are assaulted and violated in work places and organizations; and cosequently to determine the preventive aspects of the individual and legal rights of the victims. The study attemps to cover the contents of moral rights as they are indispensible body of employees' individual rights. The study also reveals the legal arrangements in Turkish Labour Law as well as foreign and intemationallaws. In comparison to Turkish and foreign laws in terms of working relations, it has been concluded that Turkish laws have some constraints and limitations to arrange individual and moral rights. Due to the fact that Turkish Labour Law is missing some detailed arrangements and legal protections, the moral rights of employees are often assaulted, abused or violated in businesses and organizations. As a result of our exploration, we have concluded that the assaults and abuses to the moral rights reveal different practices in different countries and societies based on social values and technological improvements. Due to this rapid changes in societies the legal arrangements and preventions are not sufficent enough to secure the individual and moral rights of employees.






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