Publication: OSB'ler de ruhsat (organize sanayi bölgelerinde ruhsat)
Sarı, Atahan
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / Kamu Hukuku Ana Bilim Dalı / Kamu Hukuku Bilim Dalı
Organize sanayi bölgeleri; temelde sanayi tesislerinin bir araya gelmesiyle, sanayinin geliştirilmesi ve müşterek ihtiyaçların en hızlı ve verimli bir şekilde karşılanabilmesi amacıyla kurulmuş alanlardır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, 15.04.2000 tarihli Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri Kanunu ve işbu kanunu temel alan 02.02.2019 tarihli Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri Uygulama Yönetmeliği ve 02.02.2019 tarihli Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri Yer Seçimi Yönetmeliği hazırlanmıştır. Bu düzenlemelerdeki amaç, özel rejime tabi kılınan organize sanayi bölgelerindeki katılımcıların ihtiyaçlarını verimli bir şekilde karşılayabilen alanlar haline getirmektir. Bu çalışma, organize sanayi bölgelerine ilişkin mevzuatta yer alan düzenlemeler dikkate alınarak, inşaat ruhsatı, işyeri açma ve çalışma ruhsatı, yapı kullanma izni verilmesi gibi konularda, organize sanayi bölgelerinin kamu gücüne benzer yetkilerini kullanarak tesis ettiği hukuksal işlemlerin tabi olacağı hukuksal rejimi irdelemektedir. Ayrıca kuruluş amacına uygun olarak etkin ve hızlı bir şekilde ruhsatlandırma işlemi yapabilmesi gereken organize sanayi bölgelerinin, kaynak kanununda yer alan düzenlemelere rağmen yetersiz kalmış olduğu, özel kanun niteliğindeki Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri Kanunu'nun, sık sık genel hükümlere atıf yaptığı, her ne kadar karar alma sürecinde OSB yönetimi etkin olsa da, genel prosedürün işletildiği görülmüş ve bu alanda da düzenlemelerin yapılması gerektiğine dikkat çekilmiştir. Organize sanayi bölgelerinde özerk yapının daha da artırılarak, yatırımcı/katılımcı statüsünde yer alan ve OSB alanında faaliyet gösteren şirketlerin, karar alma sürecinde daha etkin hale getirilmesi, bu amaçla mevzuatta genel çerçevenin çizilerek, uygulanmadan doğan ihtiyaçlarının giderilmesi gerektiği söylenebilecektir. Çalışmanın genelinde, uygulamadan kimi örnekler verilerek, mevzuatta yer alan düzenlemeler ve yargı kararlarına atıf yapılmak suretiyle genel açıklamalara yer verilmiştir. Böylece, organize sanayi bölgelerinin ruhsatlandırma işlemindeki usul ve esaslar izah edilerek, bu alandaki kamusal yön ve hukuksal rejim konusunda değerlendirmelerde bulunulmuş; tarafımızca eksik olduğu düşünülen yönler değerlendirilmiştir.
Organized industrial zones; they are basically areas established with the aim of developing industry and meeting common needs in the fastest and most efficient way by combining industrial facilities. For this purpose, the Organized Industrial Zones Implementation Regulation dated 15.04.2000 and the Regulation on The Implementation of Organized Industrial Zones dated 02.02.2019 and the Organized Industrial Zones Location Selection Regulation dated 02.02.2019 have been prepared. The aim of these arrangements is to make them areas that can meet the needs of participants in organized industrial zones subject to a special regime. This study examines the legal regime in which the legal procedures established by organized industrial zones using the powers similar to public power will be subject to in matters such as construction license, opening and working license, permit to use structures, taking into account the regulations in the legislation regarding organized industrial zones. In addition, it was seen that organized industrial zones, which should be able to carry out licensing effectively and quickly in accordance with the purpose of the establishment, were inadequate despite the regulations in the source law, the Law on Organized Industrial Zones, which is a special law, frequently referred to the general provisions, although OIZ management was effective in the decision-making process, it was seen that the general procedure was operated and arrangements should be made in this area. By further increasing the autonomous structure in organized industrial zones, it can be said that companies operating in the field of OIZ, which are investor/participants, should be made more effective in the decision-making process, and for this purpose, the general framework should be drawn up in the legislation and their needs arising from implementation should be addressed. In this study the topic had been explained with examples from real life practice with numerous references to the legislation and judicial decisions. Thus, the procedures and principles of the licensing process of organized industrial zones were explained and evaluations were made about the public direction and legal regime in this area; aspects deemed incomplete by us have been evaluated.
Organized industrial zones; they are basically areas established with the aim of developing industry and meeting common needs in the fastest and most efficient way by combining industrial facilities. For this purpose, the Organized Industrial Zones Implementation Regulation dated 15.04.2000 and the Regulation on The Implementation of Organized Industrial Zones dated 02.02.2019 and the Organized Industrial Zones Location Selection Regulation dated 02.02.2019 have been prepared. The aim of these arrangements is to make them areas that can meet the needs of participants in organized industrial zones subject to a special regime. This study examines the legal regime in which the legal procedures established by organized industrial zones using the powers similar to public power will be subject to in matters such as construction license, opening and working license, permit to use structures, taking into account the regulations in the legislation regarding organized industrial zones. In addition, it was seen that organized industrial zones, which should be able to carry out licensing effectively and quickly in accordance with the purpose of the establishment, were inadequate despite the regulations in the source law, the Law on Organized Industrial Zones, which is a special law, frequently referred to the general provisions, although OIZ management was effective in the decision-making process, it was seen that the general procedure was operated and arrangements should be made in this area. By further increasing the autonomous structure in organized industrial zones, it can be said that companies operating in the field of OIZ, which are investor/participants, should be made more effective in the decision-making process, and for this purpose, the general framework should be drawn up in the legislation and their needs arising from implementation should be addressed. In this study the topic had been explained with examples from real life practice with numerous references to the legislation and judicial decisions. Thus, the procedures and principles of the licensing process of organized industrial zones were explained and evaluations were made about the public direction and legal regime in this area; aspects deemed incomplete by us have been evaluated.
Hukuk, Law