Publication: Kurumsal iletişim yönetimi çerçevesinde iletişim etkinlikleri ve uygulamaları: Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (TBMM) uygulama örneği
Özcan, Barbaros Arif
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / İletişim Sanatları Anabilim Dalı / İletişim Sanatları Bilim Dalı
Dünya, artık sınırların ortadan kalktığı global bir köy halini aldı. Bunda en büyük etken yeni teknolojiler sayesinde, ulaşım ve paylaşım hızının artarak eskisine nazaran anlık hale gelmesidir. Bundan dolayı son 20 yılda rekabet etme koşulları oldukça zor hale geldi. Kazanmak için uğraşan kişi yada kurumlar, bu ortamda fark edilebilmek ve bu sayede tercih edilerek varlıklarını devam ettirebilmek için daha çok çalışmak, yeni fikirler üretmek ve en önemlisi güven kazanmak zorundalar. Bunun tek şartı, onlarla kesintisiz, şeffaf, anlaşılır ve doğru iletişim kurabilmeleridir. Günümüz dünyasında 'İletişim Çalışmaları' artık asıl sermaye gücü haline gelmiştir. Günümüzde parayla üretim aletleri satın alabilir, tesisler kurabilir, işgücü yaratabilirsiniz. Ama parayla ilişkiler ağını meydana getirmek, iç ve dış paydaşların, müşterilerin sevgisini ve güvenini kazanmak mümkün değildir. Buradan yola çıkarak, günümüz dünyasında, kurumlarda iletişimin oldukça hayati bir önem taşıdığını söylemek mümkündür. Kurumlar açısından böylesi hayati olan, iletişim çalışmalarının, plansız ve programsız yürütülmesi düşünülemez. Kurumların hedeflerine ulaşabilmeleri için yürüttüğü iletişim faaliyetlerinin bütünü, halkla ilişkiler literatüründe önemli bir yer edinmiş 'Kurumsal İletişimdir'. Kurumsal İletişimin önemini kavrayamayan kurumlar günümüzde yok olamaya başlamışlardır. "Kurumsal iletişim yönetimi çerçevesinde iletişim etkinlikleri ve uygulamaları: Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (TBMM) uygulama örneği'' adlı tez çalışmamız kapsamında gerçekleştirilen araştırma sonuçlarına göre, kurumların gerek iç, gerekse dış paydaşlarıyla sağlıklı bir iletişim kurabilmeleri ve varlıklarını sürdürebilmelerinin şartı kurumsal iletişim çalışmalarına gereken dikkati ve önemi vermeleridir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Kurumsal İletişim, İletişim, Halkla İlişkiler, Yönetim, Kurumsal Yönetim
The world has become a global village where borders no longer exist. The biggest factor in this change is the tremendous increase in the speed of transportation and information-sharing owing to the latest advances in technology which, in fact, has become almost instantenous compared to the past. For this reason, competition has been getting fiercer in the last 20 years. Those people or organizations trying to make a profit must work harder, generate new ideas, and maybe the most important of all, earn the confidence of their clients in order to be noticed and preferred to maintain their viability. The only condition for this is to be able to communicate with them on a continual, transparent, comprehensible and correct basis. In today's world, communication endeavours have become the core of main capital for any business venture. Today, you can purchase production tools, install facilities, and create workforce with money, whereas you cannot buy a network of human relations, and earn the favour and confidence of domestic and foreign business partners and clients. Thus, it is possible to say that communication plays a vital role in today's organizations. It goes without saying that, from the standpoint of organizations, the communications endeavours of such vital value deserve good planning and designing. The overall activities conducted by organizations in order to reach their targets correspond to "Corporate Communications" which has a major place in Human Relations. The organizations which cannot grasp the importance of communications are doomed to perish. My dissertation named "Communications Activities and Applications within the Framework of Corporate Communications Management: Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) – A Sample Application" is based on a research, and the results of that research stipulate that adequate attention and importance must be attached to Corporate Communications by organizations for survival and a sound communication with their domestic and foreign business partners. Key Words: Corporate Communications, Communications, Public Relations, Management, Corporate Management
The world has become a global village where borders no longer exist. The biggest factor in this change is the tremendous increase in the speed of transportation and information-sharing owing to the latest advances in technology which, in fact, has become almost instantenous compared to the past. For this reason, competition has been getting fiercer in the last 20 years. Those people or organizations trying to make a profit must work harder, generate new ideas, and maybe the most important of all, earn the confidence of their clients in order to be noticed and preferred to maintain their viability. The only condition for this is to be able to communicate with them on a continual, transparent, comprehensible and correct basis. In today's world, communication endeavours have become the core of main capital for any business venture. Today, you can purchase production tools, install facilities, and create workforce with money, whereas you cannot buy a network of human relations, and earn the favour and confidence of domestic and foreign business partners and clients. Thus, it is possible to say that communication plays a vital role in today's organizations. It goes without saying that, from the standpoint of organizations, the communications endeavours of such vital value deserve good planning and designing. The overall activities conducted by organizations in order to reach their targets correspond to "Corporate Communications" which has a major place in Human Relations. The organizations which cannot grasp the importance of communications are doomed to perish. My dissertation named "Communications Activities and Applications within the Framework of Corporate Communications Management: Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) – A Sample Application" is based on a research, and the results of that research stipulate that adequate attention and importance must be attached to Corporate Communications by organizations for survival and a sound communication with their domestic and foreign business partners. Key Words: Corporate Communications, Communications, Public Relations, Management, Corporate Management
Halkla İlişkiler, Public Relations, İletişim Bilimleri, Communication Sciences