Publication: Mudanya Tarihi Kent Dokusunun 1994-2013 Arasındaki Değişiminin İncelenmesi ve Değerlendirilmesi
Güner, Ezgi
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Mudanya, ülkemizin tarihi ve ekonomik öneme sahip Bursa İl'inin kuzeyinde, deniz kenarında yer alan; hem tarihi, hem de genel özellikleri dolayısıyla önemli değerlere sahip bir ilçesidir. Bölgede, Türk ve Rum halkları uzunca bir süre beraber yaşamışlardır. Bu iki kültür, bölgede sosyal ve fiziksel açıdan çeşitlilik yaratmıştır. Rumlar daha çok sahil kenarında konumlanırken, Türkler iç kısımlarda varlıklarını sürdürmüştür. Bu nedenle, sahil kesimi ile iç kesimde mimari ve çevre nitelikleri açısından farklılar gözlenmektedir. Alandaki topoğrafik özellikler, fiziki çevredeki farklılıklar için önemli bir unsur oluşturmaktadır. Tarihi süreç içinde oluşan tüm bu kültürel çeşitlilik ve tarihi değerlerin varlığı bir yana, fiziki ve sosyal çevrele ilgili olumsuz etkenler, Mudanya için önemli sorunlara yol açmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında, detaylı çevresel ve mimari analizler neticesinde, Mudanya'nın değerleri, sorunları ve potansiyelleri ele alınıp, tarihi bölgenin korunması ve sürdürülebilirliği amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda oluşturulan çalışma yöntemi, üç temel aşamada ele alınmaktadır. İlk aşamada, çalışma alanı verilerinin analizi doğrultusunda, 2013 yılındaki mimari ve çevresel niteliklerin incelenmesinin ardından, 1994 yılında Neşe Çağlarım, Belde Batum ve Gülhan Aydoğan'a ait YTÜ Yüksek Lisans tezlerinin çevresel ve mimari analizleri baz alınarak, 2013 yılına kadar geçen sürede değişim, özellikle iki farklı doku vurgusuyla, karşılaştırılarak incelenmiştir. Bundan başka, alanda yapılan ankete dayanarak güncel sosyo-ekonomik veriler ve ayrıca geçerli koruma imar planı incelenmiştir. İkinci aşamada, tüm bu analizler neticesinde oluşturulan fiziksel ve sosyal yapı değerlendirilmiş ve son aşamada da tüm değerlendirmelerden yararlanarak hem genel öneriler, hem de iki farklı dokudan örnekleme yapılarak, iki sokak sağlıklaştırma önerisinde bulunulmuştur.
As a town of Bursa Province of particular historic and economic importance in our country, Mudanya is located at the city's north, by the seaside and carries important values both historically and due to its general characteristics. Turkish and Greek people lived together in the region for a long time. These two cultures created variaties in the region socially and physically. Greeks residing mostly in the coastal area, Turkish people lived at the inland majorly. Therefore, different qualities can be observed at the coastal and inland areas, in terms of environmental and architectural qualities. The topographic characteristics of the area constitute an important fact fort he formation of physical environmental differentiations. Despite the existence of cultural variations and historical values developed in the historical process, the negative factors related to physical and social environment cause important problems for Mudanya. Within the context of this thesis, as a result of a detailed environmental and architectural analyses, the values, the problems and the potentials of Mudanya are handled for the conservation and sustainability of the historical settlement. The study method formed for this purpose, constitutes three basic and different stages. In the first stage, the actual analyses of the data studied by the author in 2013 is explained, followed by the data based on three graduate theses by Neşe Çağlarım, Belde Batum and Gülhan Aydoğan at Yildiz Technical University is expressed and the comparison of approximately twenty years' period is interpreted for the coinciding subjects of two studies at environmental and architectural scales with a certain emphasis on two different urban fabric types. In addition to these, the analysis of socia-economic qualities of the study area depending on a survey within this study, as well as the analysis of valid conservation plan is analyzed and explained. In the second stage, the evaluation of the actual analyses in 2013 is stated and in the last stage, firstly general proposals for the study area, then two different street rehabilitation projects are proposed, representing two different types of urban fabrics.
As a town of Bursa Province of particular historic and economic importance in our country, Mudanya is located at the city's north, by the seaside and carries important values both historically and due to its general characteristics. Turkish and Greek people lived together in the region for a long time. These two cultures created variaties in the region socially and physically. Greeks residing mostly in the coastal area, Turkish people lived at the inland majorly. Therefore, different qualities can be observed at the coastal and inland areas, in terms of environmental and architectural qualities. The topographic characteristics of the area constitute an important fact fort he formation of physical environmental differentiations. Despite the existence of cultural variations and historical values developed in the historical process, the negative factors related to physical and social environment cause important problems for Mudanya. Within the context of this thesis, as a result of a detailed environmental and architectural analyses, the values, the problems and the potentials of Mudanya are handled for the conservation and sustainability of the historical settlement. The study method formed for this purpose, constitutes three basic and different stages. In the first stage, the actual analyses of the data studied by the author in 2013 is explained, followed by the data based on three graduate theses by Neşe Çağlarım, Belde Batum and Gülhan Aydoğan at Yildiz Technical University is expressed and the comparison of approximately twenty years' period is interpreted for the coinciding subjects of two studies at environmental and architectural scales with a certain emphasis on two different urban fabric types. In addition to these, the analysis of socia-economic qualities of the study area depending on a survey within this study, as well as the analysis of valid conservation plan is analyzed and explained. In the second stage, the evaluation of the actual analyses in 2013 is stated and in the last stage, firstly general proposals for the study area, then two different street rehabilitation projects are proposed, representing two different types of urban fabrics.