Publication: Curcuminin otokrin büyüme hormonu (BH) anlatımı kazandırılmış MCF-7meme kanseri hücrelerinde endoplazmik retikulum stres ve otofajik yolaklar üzerine etkisinin irdelenmesi
Karataş, Merve
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Meme kanseri, kadınlar arasında en sık saptanan neoplastik bir hastalık olup, yüksek mortalite ve mobilite nedeni olarak görülmektedir. Meme kanseri, kadınlarda görülen tüm kanserlerin yaklaşık dörtte birini oluşturmaktadır. Meme kanseri araştırmalarında çoğu ilaç teropatik ajan olma potansiyelinde irdelenmektedir. Doğu Hindistan bitkisi olan Curcuma longa bitki kökünden elde edilen bir bileşik olan curcumin'nin anti-enflamatuar, anti-tümorijenik, anti-septik ve anti-oksidan özellikleri kolon, melanoma, servikal ve meme kanseri üzerinde gösterilmiştir. Büyüme hormonu (BH) anterior hipofiz tarafından salgılanan bir hormon olup, lipit, karbonhidrat ve protein metabolizması üzerinde etkileri göstermiştir. Meme kanseri hücre biyopsilerinde BH anlatımının varlığı ve akromegali gibi BH'ın fazla salgılandığı kişilerde malign profilin görülmesi meme kanseri ile BH arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymaktadır. Otokrin BH sinyaline sahip meme kanseri in vitro ve in vivo modellerde metastaz, invazyon, karsinojenik etkinin arttığı ve ilaca direnç mekanizmasının aktive olduğu gösterilmiştir. Endoplazmik Retikulum (ER) stresi, ER'de protein katlanmasının bozulduğu patolojik ve fizyolojik süreçlerden kaynaklanmaktadır. ER stres oluşumunun ilk basamağında katlanmamış proteinlerden kaynaklı programlı hücre ölüm yolakları olan apoptoz ve otofajik ölüm yolağı gibi birçok sağkalım yolağını aktive ettiği gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışmadaki amacımız, otokrin BH anlatımı olan MCF-7 meme kanseri hücre hattında curcuminin endoplazmik retikulum stresi/otofaji ve apoptotik ölüm yolakları üzerine etkisinin irdelenmesidir. Otokrin BH anlatımı olan MCF-7 meme kanseri hücre hattında zamana bağlı curcumin uygulanması sonucunda, otokrin BH anlatımı kazandırılmış olan MCF-7 meme kanseri hücrelerinde hücre canlılığı ve hücre büyümesi üzerinde ket vurucu etki göstermiştir. Otolizozom inhibitörü olan Bafilomisin A1 ile ön muamele yapılması sonucu BH+ olan MCF-7 meme kanseri hücrelerinde curcuminin hücre canlılığına ket vurma potansiyelini arttırdığı gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, otokrin BH sinyali MCF-7 meme kanseri hücrelerinde curcumine direnç mekanizmasını otofaji ve ER stres anahtar molekülleri üzerinde etki ederek gerçekleştirse de otolizozom inhibitörü ile curcuminin kombine uygulamasının curcumine bağlı hücre ölümünü arttırdığı BH sinyali anlatımı kazandırılmış MCF-7 meme kanseri hücrelerinde gösterilmiştir.
Breast cancer is the most common neoplastic disease in women with high mobility and mortality rate. Breast cancer constitutes about one-fourth of all cancers seen among women. Generally, in breast cancer research, most drugs are investigated for their therapeutic potential. Curcumin is a compound derived from the roots of this plant and is called Curcuma longa, an East Indian plant. Anti-inflammatory, antitumorigenic, antiseptic and antioxidant properties have been demonstrated on colon, melanoma, cervical and breast cancer. Growth hormone (GH) is a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary. GH is affected lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Increased GH in breast cancer cell biopsies and it has been found that malignancy is the common profile in acromegalic patients who have excess GH secretion after puberty. Metastasis, invasion and carcinogenic effects and also drug resistance are also determined in autocrine GH secreting breast cancer cell lines. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress is caused by pathological and physiological processes in which protein folding in ER is impaired. It has been shown that in the first step of ER stress formation, many survival pathways such as apoptosis and autophagic death pathway, which are programmed cell death pathways originating from unfolded proteins, are activated.Our aim in this study is to investigate the effect of curcumin on endoplasmic reticulum stress/autophagy and apoptotic death pathways in autocrine GH expression MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. The application of time-dependent curcumin in MCF-7 breast carcinoma cell line, which autocrine GH expression, has shown a handicapping effect on cell viability and cell growth in MCF-7 breast cancer cells that have been GH-expressing. Pretreatment with an autolysosome inhibitor, Bafilomycin A1, showed that curcumin increases the potential for inhibition of cell viability in MCF-7 GH+ breast cancer cellsIn conclusion, although autocrine GH signal MCF-7 effected the curcumine resistance mechanism on autophagy and ER stress key molecules in breast cancer cells, it was shown in the MCF-7 breast cancer cells that were dedicated GH signal expression in which the combined application of autolysosome inhibitor and curcumin increased curcumine dependent cell death.
Breast cancer is the most common neoplastic disease in women with high mobility and mortality rate. Breast cancer constitutes about one-fourth of all cancers seen among women. Generally, in breast cancer research, most drugs are investigated for their therapeutic potential. Curcumin is a compound derived from the roots of this plant and is called Curcuma longa, an East Indian plant. Anti-inflammatory, antitumorigenic, antiseptic and antioxidant properties have been demonstrated on colon, melanoma, cervical and breast cancer. Growth hormone (GH) is a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary. GH is affected lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Increased GH in breast cancer cell biopsies and it has been found that malignancy is the common profile in acromegalic patients who have excess GH secretion after puberty. Metastasis, invasion and carcinogenic effects and also drug resistance are also determined in autocrine GH secreting breast cancer cell lines. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress is caused by pathological and physiological processes in which protein folding in ER is impaired. It has been shown that in the first step of ER stress formation, many survival pathways such as apoptosis and autophagic death pathway, which are programmed cell death pathways originating from unfolded proteins, are activated.Our aim in this study is to investigate the effect of curcumin on endoplasmic reticulum stress/autophagy and apoptotic death pathways in autocrine GH expression MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. The application of time-dependent curcumin in MCF-7 breast carcinoma cell line, which autocrine GH expression, has shown a handicapping effect on cell viability and cell growth in MCF-7 breast cancer cells that have been GH-expressing. Pretreatment with an autolysosome inhibitor, Bafilomycin A1, showed that curcumin increases the potential for inhibition of cell viability in MCF-7 GH+ breast cancer cellsIn conclusion, although autocrine GH signal MCF-7 effected the curcumine resistance mechanism on autophagy and ER stress key molecules in breast cancer cells, it was shown in the MCF-7 breast cancer cells that were dedicated GH signal expression in which the combined application of autolysosome inhibitor and curcumin increased curcumine dependent cell death.