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OpenAccess@IKU is the Academic Open Access System of Istanbul Kultur University. It was established in June 2014 to digitally store and open access the academic outputs of Istanbul Kultur University in international standards. OpenAccess@IKU includes academic outputs such as articles, presentations, thesis, books, book chapters, reports produced within the body of Istanbul Kultur University.

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Examining the Necessity of Evaluating Life Skills in Health Education
(Journal of Research and Health, 2024) Darabi, Fatemeh; SHABANI, SEVİL MOMENİ
PublicationOpen Access
Gebe Okulu Eğitimcilerinin Gözüyle Endokrin Bozucular: Nitel Bir Çalışma
(Atatürk Üniversitesi, 2024) MİRAL, MUKADDES TURAN; Siyahtaş, Gamze Fışkın
Amaç: Bu araştırmanın amacı gebe okulu programlarında eğitimci olarak görev alan ebe ve hemşirelerin endokrin bozucular konusundaki bilgi ve tutumlarını incelemektir. Yöntem: Fenomenolojik tipte tasarlanan araştırmanın evreni, İstanbul ilindeki gebe okulu programlarında eğitimci olarak görev yapan 44 ebe/hemşireden oluşmuştur (N=44). Ölçüt örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak örneklem veri doygunluğu takip edilmiş ve doygunluk sağlandığında veri toplama işlemi tamamlanmıştır (n=7). 13 Eylül 2021 tarihinde yapılan araştırmada, veriler odak grup yöntemi ile araştırmacılar tarafından oluşturulan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formuyla toplanmıştır. Nicel veriler, tanımlayıcı istatistiksel analizler kullanılarak, nitel veriler ise içerik analiziyle değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Ebe ve hemşirelerin görüşme formuna verdikleri cevaplar doğrultusunda; endokrin bozucuların önemi, endokrin bozucular bilgisi, endokrin bozucular farkındalığı oluşturma ve gebe eğitimine entegrasyon şeklinde dört adet tema oluşturulmuştur. Prenatal dönem eğiticilerinin endokrin bozucuların öneminin farkında olmalarına rağmen konu hakkındaki bilgilerinin yetersiz olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca katılımcıların konunun prenatal eğitimlerde yer alması ve farkındalık geliştirilebilmesi için çeşitli önerilerinin bulunduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Ebe ve hemşirelerin endokrin bozuculara yönelik çok fazla bilgilerinin olmadığı hatta kısmen yanlış bilgilere sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Eğitici eğitimlerinin içeriğine endokrin bozucularla ilgili konuların eklenerek bilinçlendirme çalışmalarının arttırılması gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır.
The Relationship Between Professional Practice and Architectural Education in Turkey
(IGI Global, 2024) ARSLAN, MEHMET EMRE; Ceylan, Salih
One of the biggest challenges in architectural education is its necessity to adapt to a continuously evolving professional environment. In many countries, professional organizations such as chambers of architects and educational institutions work together to come up with various strategies and formulae that strength¬en the bond between the two. However, the rigid system imposed to the higher education institutions in Turkey hinders architecture schools to propose effective strategies for creating such bonds. Historical research on the topic indicates that this bond has become weaker in time. Currently, concerns reflect on the opinions of various stakeholders. As a result, there are various comments on architectural education to become more sufficient for the professional environment. This chapter aims to draw a framework for the relationship between education and practice in Turkey. It elaborates on the past, present and the future of the relationship from local and global perspectives. © 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved.
ItemOpen Access
10. Aile İşletmeleri Kongresi: Bildiriler Kitabı
(İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, 2024) Kolektif; ed., Mahmut Paksoy; ed., Didem Kayalıdereden; ed., Mustafa Bekmezci
Revisiting Structural, Vibrational, and Photochemical Data of Matrix-Isolated Simple Hydantoins — Common Features and Substituent Effects
(American Institute of Physics, 2024) FAUSTO, RUI; ILDIZ, GÜLCE ÖĞRÜÇ; Nogueira, Bernardo A.
Characteristic features of the structure (geometries, electronic structures), vibrational spectra (infrared), and photochemistry of a series of simple hydantoins (parent hydantoin, 1-methylhydantoin, 5-methylhydantoin, and 5-acetic acid hydantoin), and effects of substituent on these properties, are reviewed in a comparative comprehensive perspective taken as a basis the low-temperature matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy and electronic structure quantum chemistry data we have reported before for the individual compounds. It is shown that the hydantoin moiety shows a general tendency towards planarity (or quasi-planarity), mostly determined by the π-electron delocalization in the system, in which the two nitrogen atoms are extensively involved and, in the molecules studied, also counts with the involvement of the π-type orbitals of the -C5H2- or -C5HR- (with R ˭ CH3 or CH2COOH in 5-methylhydantoin and 5-acetic acid hydantoin, respectively) fragment (hyperconjugation). The geometries and charge density analyses of the compounds also show that the main electronic effects in the hydantoin ring are the N-to-(C ˭ O) π-electron donation, and the σ system back-donation from the σ-lone electron pairs of the oxygen atoms to the ring. The frequencies of the bands observed in the matrix-isolation infrared spectra (Ar; 10 K) of the different compounds that are assigned to the carbonyl and amine fragments are discussed comparatively, and substituent effects are assessed. Finally, the UV-induced (λ = 320 nm) photochemistry of the hydantoins is shown to share a common pattern, leading to the concerted extrusion of isocyanic acid and carbon monoxide, accompanied by an imine derivative that depends upon the specific hydantoin reactant. An additional photofragmentation pathway, most probably involving nitrene intermediacy, also takes place for 1-methylhydantoin, indicating a specific effect of the substitution at position 1 of the hydantoin ring on the photofragmentation of hydantoins. © 2024 Author(s).