Publication: Ekoloji ve Ahşap-Türkiye’de Ahşap Malzemenin Geleceği
Düzgün Birer, Emel
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Ahşabın yapı malzemesi olarak kullanılmaya başlanması, beton ve çeliğe oranla eskidir. Önceleri, deneyime
dayalı olan uygulama, mühendislik bilimlerindeki ilerlemelere paralel gelişen yapı tekniğiyle bilimsel olarak yapılanmaya
başlamıştır. Daha sonra, ahşap yapıda kullanılan birleşim araçlarının da, aynı şekilde, modern teknolojiye
göre araştırılıp yönetmeliklerde yer almaları ahşap yapının yaygınlaşmasına yardım etmiştir. Ekolojik yapılaşma
insanlara her geçen gün daha çok parçalanan ve yok olan yaşam çevrelerine karşı daha dikkatli, sosyal ve akılcı olmayı
önermektedir. Malzemelerin akıllıca ve dönüştürülerek kullanımının önemini kavramak, yaşam konforunu yükselten,
doğru planlama ve enerji öncelikli tasarım ile üretilen her türlü araç gerecin ve yapıların çoğalmasını desteklemek
gerekmektedir. Hafif olması, farklı iklim koşullarına dayanıklı olması, özel boyalarla artırılan yangın direnci,
emprenye edilerek çürüme ve böcek tahribatına karşı korunması, yapı söküldüğünde yeniden kurulabilmesi, onarım
ve plan değişikliğinin kolay olması, enerji dostu ve depreme dayanıklı olması, çelik, beton, taş ve kerpiçle mükemmel
bir uyum içerisinde kullanılabilmesi gibi özellikler ahşap malzemenin tüm ekolojik tasarım kriterleri ile uyuştuğunu
Ahşap yapım sistemleri, yığma sistem, karkas sistem, panel sistem ve tutkallı tabakalı ahşap elemanlarla oluşturulan
sistemler olmak üzere dört grup altında incelenmektedir. Doğanın bize mükemmel iç yapısı ile hazır olarak sunduğu
ahşabın, akıllıca kullanımı, nelerin çözüme ulaştığı, hangi formların olanaklı hale geldiği sınıflandırılarak sunulacaktır.
Using of wooden as a construction material is older than concrete and steel. In the beginning, the techniques used in timber construction based on experiences gained by practices, then the developments in engineering sciences are effected timber construction techniques as well. Timber construction became widespread with researches concerning the connection tools and methods. Connection tools improved by the help of modern technology and defined by regulations. Ecological construction suggests human to be more careful, social and rationalist to the living environment which is destructed and disappearing much more day by day. It is necessary to understand the importance of using recycling materials wisely and to support the increase in any tools and buildings which raise the living comfort and is produced with the correct planning and energy efficient design. The features such as being lighter, being resistant to climatic conditions, fire resistance increased by special paints, protected against corrosion and insect damages by impregnation, reconstruction after dismantling of building, easy to maintain and allows change in layout, being energy friendly and resistant to earthquake, giving opportunity to be used together with steel, concrete, stone and adobe show that wood as a construction material is compatible with all ecological design criterion. Timber construction systems are studied under four groups such as compressive system, skeletal system, panel system and laminated system. It will be presented as classifying what problems could be solved by the rational usage of wood which the nature presents us as ready with its perfect inner structure and which forms have became possible.
Using of wooden as a construction material is older than concrete and steel. In the beginning, the techniques used in timber construction based on experiences gained by practices, then the developments in engineering sciences are effected timber construction techniques as well. Timber construction became widespread with researches concerning the connection tools and methods. Connection tools improved by the help of modern technology and defined by regulations. Ecological construction suggests human to be more careful, social and rationalist to the living environment which is destructed and disappearing much more day by day. It is necessary to understand the importance of using recycling materials wisely and to support the increase in any tools and buildings which raise the living comfort and is produced with the correct planning and energy efficient design. The features such as being lighter, being resistant to climatic conditions, fire resistance increased by special paints, protected against corrosion and insect damages by impregnation, reconstruction after dismantling of building, easy to maintain and allows change in layout, being energy friendly and resistant to earthquake, giving opportunity to be used together with steel, concrete, stone and adobe show that wood as a construction material is compatible with all ecological design criterion. Timber construction systems are studied under four groups such as compressive system, skeletal system, panel system and laminated system. It will be presented as classifying what problems could be solved by the rational usage of wood which the nature presents us as ready with its perfect inner structure and which forms have became possible.