Publication: From Flowers To Photons: From The Ground Up A Talk In Memory Of Janet
Wallach-Levy, Wendy
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Yayınları
Hayatının son yılına kadar Janet ile tanışmamış olsam da, hemen iyi arkadaş olduk; astronomi aşkı kadar çok olmasa da nerdeyse ona eşit çiçek tutkusu. David ona bizim gözlemevimizi gösterdiği zaman, çöl evimizdeki doğal çiçeklerin çeşitliliği takdir etmek için her duruşunda hayretini paylaştım. Birgün çiçekler ve evren aşkını ilişkilendiren bir proje yapma istediğini anlattı. Janet’in onuruna, atomların ve doğanın karşımıza çıkardığı ilginç tesadüflere bir bakmayı öneriyorum: Yer’deki bir karahindiba ve gökyüzündeki Akrep takım yıldızı; bize Messier 80 deki bir uzun süreli novayı hatırlatan ve sadece bir günlüğüne açan bir çiçek; uzak galaksilerin bazı geniş yapılarını taklit eden diğer küçük çiçek tasarımları.
Although I didn’t meet Janet until the last year of her life, we immediately became good friends-not so much for her love of astronomy but for her almost equal passion for flowers. As David showed her our observatory complex, I shared her amazement as she stoped over and over again to admire the diversity of natural flowers in our desert home, and she told me of her interest in doing a Project-some day-relating her two loves of flowers and the universe. In her honor, I offer a look at the amazing coincidences that atoms and Nature can come up with- a dandelion on Earth and Scorpius in the sky, a flower blooming for only a day to remind us of long-gone nova in Messier 80, and other tiny flower designs that mimic some of the vast structures of distant galaxies.
Although I didn’t meet Janet until the last year of her life, we immediately became good friends-not so much for her love of astronomy but for her almost equal passion for flowers. As David showed her our observatory complex, I shared her amazement as she stoped over and over again to admire the diversity of natural flowers in our desert home, and she told me of her interest in doing a Project-some day-relating her two loves of flowers and the universe. In her honor, I offer a look at the amazing coincidences that atoms and Nature can come up with- a dandelion on Earth and Scorpius in the sky, a flower blooming for only a day to remind us of long-gone nova in Messier 80, and other tiny flower designs that mimic some of the vast structures of distant galaxies.
astronomi, çiçekler, çiçek tasarımları, astronomy, flowers, floral designs