Publication: Haksız Tahrik Kurumu Üzerine Bir İnceleme
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Haksız Tahrik, failin bir suçu, mağdurun hukuka aykırı eylemlerinin kendisinde doğurduğu öfke ve derin elemin etkisi altındayken işlemesi halinde dikkate alınması icap eden bir Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku kurumudur. Türk Ceza Hukuku’nda, haksıztahrik bir genel düzenleme olarak kaleme alınmıştır dolayısıyla şartlarının vuku bulduğutüm durumlarda uygulanması (Haksız Tahrik’in uygulanması doğası gereği imkansızolan durumlar hariç olmak üzere) gerekir. Mukayeseli Hukuk penceresinden bakıldığında,bazı hukuk sistemlerinde bir genel düzenleme olarak kaleme alınan haksız tahrikdiğer hukuk sistemlerinde ise özel düzenleme olarak belirli suçlar için düzenlenmiştir.Ancak genel düzenleme olarak düzenlenmediği sistemlerde dahi verilecek makul cezanınbelirlenmesinde dikkate alınması gereken bir durum olduğu Kabul edilmektedir.Bu çalışmamızda, failin bir suçu mağdurun eylemlerinin psikolojik etkisi altındaiken işlemesi; Haksız Tahrik’in bir genel düzenleme olarak düzenlenmesinin gerekliliğive son olarak Haksız Tahrik’in mukayeseli hukuktaki uygulaması inceleme konusu yapılmıştır.
Unjust provocation; is an institution of Criminal Procedure Law which must be taken into consideration when a criminal offender commits a crime while he is under the influence of anger and deep sorrow caused by unlawful acts of the victim. In Turkish Penal Law, unjust provocation is regulated as a general disposition, therefore if its conditions are met it can be applied to all kinds of crimes. (Except for the case of incompatibility) From the standpoint of comparative law, in some jurisdictions it is regulated as a general disposition, by contrast in some other jurisdictions it is only regulated and in effect for certain kinds of crime. However even in the cases where it is not regulated as a general disposition, it is considered as a situation that must be taken into consideration while designating an appropriate penalty. In this study, commission of a crime by the criminal offender while he is under the psychological effects of the victim’s acts; the necessity of regulation of unjust provocation as a general disposition; and lastly the applications of unjust provocation in comparative law are made subjects of research.
Unjust provocation; is an institution of Criminal Procedure Law which must be taken into consideration when a criminal offender commits a crime while he is under the influence of anger and deep sorrow caused by unlawful acts of the victim. In Turkish Penal Law, unjust provocation is regulated as a general disposition, therefore if its conditions are met it can be applied to all kinds of crimes. (Except for the case of incompatibility) From the standpoint of comparative law, in some jurisdictions it is regulated as a general disposition, by contrast in some other jurisdictions it is only regulated and in effect for certain kinds of crime. However even in the cases where it is not regulated as a general disposition, it is considered as a situation that must be taken into consideration while designating an appropriate penalty. In this study, commission of a crime by the criminal offender while he is under the psychological effects of the victim’s acts; the necessity of regulation of unjust provocation as a general disposition; and lastly the applications of unjust provocation in comparative law are made subjects of research.
BIKMAZ, R., Haksız Tahrik Kurumu Üzerine Bir İnceleme, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 18, Sayı: 2, Temmuz 2019, Sayfa: 403-425