Publication: Alman Kira Hukuku’nda "Kira Artış Frenleme Sistemi" ve “Sipariş Prensibi” ve Türkiye'deki Benzer Uygulamalar
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Köker, Nilüfer
Altınok Villemin, Derya
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Alman hukukuna, kira hukuku ile ilgili olarak 01 Haziran 2015 tarihinde, sıkışık konut piyasasında kira artışlarını frenlemeye yönelik ve emlakçı komisyonunun kim tarafından ödeneceğine dair iki yeni düzenleme getirilmiştir. Sıkışık konut piyasasında kira artışını frenlemeye yönelik düzenleme Alman Medeni Kanunu olan BGB ye eklenmiştir. Bu düzenleme ile ev sahipleri yeni kira sözleşmesi yaparken artık 10%’dan fazla zam yapamayacaktır.
Emlakçı komisyonuna ilişkin düzenleme ise Konut Aracılığı Kanunu'na eklenmiştir. Bu düzenlemeye göre emlakçılar kimden talimat aldılarsa komisyonu ondan alacak; dolayısıyla komisyonu her zaman kiracıdan değil, kendisini görevlendiren kişiden talep edebileceklerdir.
Almanya uygulaması ile karşılaştırılmak üzere Türkiye’deki kira artış oranlarının belirlenmesine dayanak olan yasal düzenlemeler çerçevesinde kiracının korunması konularına değinilmiştir. Türkiye’deki emlak komisyonculuğunun yasal temelleri sorgulanmış ve yerleşik uygulamalardan bahsedilmiştir.
In the 1 st of june in 2015 in German rent law two new regulations relating to brakin rent increases on tense housing markets and by whom the real estate agent’s commission has to be paid were introduced. The regulation relating to braking rent increases on tense housing market has been inserted in the German civil law. With this in new rental agreements the lessor can only make a rent increase up to 10%. The regulation relating to the real estate aget’s commission has been inserted in the “house brokerage law”. According to this regulation astate agents will get the commission by whom gives the instructions. If lessor commissioned the real estate agent, the agent gets his commission not by the tenant. In that case the lessor has to pay the commission. Turkish rent increase rates in comparison to Germany practice within the framework of legal regulations to issues on protection of tenants has been touched. The legal basis of real estate brokerage in Turkey has been questioned and local practices has been mentioned.
In the 1 st of june in 2015 in German rent law two new regulations relating to brakin rent increases on tense housing markets and by whom the real estate agent’s commission has to be paid were introduced. The regulation relating to braking rent increases on tense housing market has been inserted in the German civil law. With this in new rental agreements the lessor can only make a rent increase up to 10%. The regulation relating to the real estate aget’s commission has been inserted in the “house brokerage law”. According to this regulation astate agents will get the commission by whom gives the instructions. If lessor commissioned the real estate agent, the agent gets his commission not by the tenant. In that case the lessor has to pay the commission. Turkish rent increase rates in comparison to Germany practice within the framework of legal regulations to issues on protection of tenants has been touched. The legal basis of real estate brokerage in Turkey has been questioned and local practices has been mentioned.
Almanya’da kira artışı, Türkiye’de kira artışı, Sipariş prensibi, Emlakçı komisyonu, Alman Konut Aracılığı Kanunu, Türkiye’de emlakçılık kavramı, Rent ıncrease in Germany, Rent ıncrease in Turkey, Ordering principle, Real estate agents commission, German house brokerage law, The concept of real estate agency in Turkey