Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Quality of Life After Sleeve Gastrectomy

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Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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The aim of this study was to evaluate healthy lifestyle behaviors and the quality of life of obese individuals in 3-12 months after sleeve gastrectomy. The study is a descriptive design and was conducted at the obesity surgery outpatient clinic of a government hospital between May and December 2017. The study sample included 172 patients agreeing to participate. Data were gathered with a questionnaire composed of questions about sociodemographic features, the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP II), and the WHO Quality of Life BREF-TR (WHOQOL-BREF-TR). The total HPLP II score was above average; participants had the highest and lowest scores for the subscales spiritual growth and physical activity, respectively. The total score for the WHOQOL-BREF-TR was above average. The highest and lowest scores were obtained for the subscales psychological health and social relations, respectively. There was a significant correlation between the scores for HPLP II and its subscales and the scores for WHOQOL-BREF-TR. Promotion of health and a healthy lifestyle need to be an integral part of health services provided for patients after sleeve gastrectomy.



Bariatric Surgery Patients, Obesity


Ustundag, Hulya PhD, RN; Gul, Asiye PhD, RN; Ozkaya, Birgul Msc, RN; Zengin, Neriman PhD, RN. Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Quality of Life After Sleeve Gastrectomy. Gastroenterology Nursing: November/December 2020 - Volume 43 - Issue 6 - p 456-462.