Publication: Importance of anger management in Pre-School childhood
Mertoğlu, Münevver
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Anger, although it is a natural emotion, when it cannot be managed, individuals experience extremely serious problems; at an extreme, they might even engage in criminal behaviors. The behaviours of people have some physical, hormonal, environmental, psychological and social causes that have positive or negative effects on anger. In this respect, it is crucial to understand the reasons for anger in preschools, which are an essential period in the formation of personality. The perfect behaviors of mothers, fathers, caretakers and other members of the family as well as the model behaviors of teachers and school administrators all can have an impact on the child. People dealing with an obstinate child or one throwing a temper tantrum may also become angry. In such cases, adults have an obligation to manage their anger as well as to help the child control his/her anger. The training received and the model samples encountered in the preschool period are significant determinants of the anger behaviors displayed in adulthood. When the fact is considered that there are teenagers or young adults who face serious problems due to instant loss of their tempers and even commit murders, the necessity of anger management training and proper model behaviors in the preschool period becomes more essential.
Anger, Preschool Period, Anger Management, Causes of Anger