Publication: Kazık temelli yapıların deprem etkisi altında yapı-kazık-zemin etkileşiminin incelenmesi
Bilal, Ozan
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı / Yapı Bilim Dalı
Kazıklı temellerin deprem hareketi etkisi altındaki davranışı, yumuşak zeminlerdeki yüksek yapıların tasarımı kapsamında anlaşılmasına ihtiyaç duyulan bir konudur. Türkiye Bina Deprem Yönetmeliği'nin (TBDY) (2018) içeriğinde de detaylı bir şekilde tasarım için yöntemler belirlense de konunun kendisinin doğası gereği disiplinler arası olması ve her aşamada seçilen parametrelerin çeşitliliği sebebiyle anlaşılması ve tasarlanması halen karmaşık bir süreçtir. Bu problemlerin çözülmesi amacıyla literatürde kabul gören metod, 1B Eşdeğer Doğrusal/Doğrusal olmayan model ivme çıktılarının kullanıldığı, kazıklı 2B sonlu eleman analizlerinin yapıldığı ve buradan elde edilen çıktılarla tasarım yapılmasıdır. Bu yaklaşım, TBDY 2018'de Deprem Tasarım Sınıfı (DTS), Zemin Sınıfı, Bina Yükseklik sınıflarıyla kategorilendirilerek bu tür mühendislik problemlerinin çözümünde hangi yöntemlerin kullanılması gerektiğinin sınırları belirlenmiştir. Tezin literatür bölümünde de tartışılacağı üzere yumuşak zemin üzerine inşa edilen yüksek yapılarda 3B Sonlu Elemanlar/Farklar yöntemleriyle analizlerin yapılmasının zaruri olduğu belirtilmiştir. Sayısal analizler, Üst yapı-Kazıklı temel-Zemin tabakalarının hep birlikte gözönüne alınması yaklaşımı (Ortak Yöntem) veya üst yapı ile temel-kazık-zemin sisteminin ayrı ayrı ele alınması yaklaşımı (Altsistem Yöntemi) olarak ayrılmıştır. Her iki yöntemin de avantajlı yönleri olmakla birlikte ele alınan problemin boyutuna ve ihtiyacına göre yöntem belirlenmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında 20 katlı bir yapının Flac3D yazılımı kullanılarak kazıklı temel ve zemin ortamının birlikte modellendiği (Ortak Yöntem) ve Kinematik Etkileşimin etkisinin (Üstyapı olmadan) araştırılması amacıyla oluşturulan modellerin dinamik analiz çıktıları irdelenmiştir. Analizlerde malzeme modeli olarak, kayma modülü azalım eğrileri Vucetic ve Dobry'nin (1991) eğrileriyle kalibre edilerek kullanılan veriler sig3 histeretik (döngüsel) modelinde girdi olarak kullanılmıştır. Model sınırlarında Geçirgen Sınırlar (Transmitting Boundaries-Free Field) ve Sessiz Sınır (Quiet Boundary) şartları kabul edilmiştir. Deprem kaydı olarak 17 Ağustos 1999 Kocaeli Depremi Yarımca İstasyonundan alınan deprem kaydı, Faya Normal ve Dik yönlerde sisteme tabandan farklı oranlarda (0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8) etki ettirilmiştir. Ayrıca TBDY 2018'de belirtildiği biçimiyle 11 deprem kaydı seçilip analizler gerçekleştirilmiş ve sonuçlar incelenmiştir. Modellerdeki kazıkların çapları D=80 cm, boyları L=20m, açıklık s=3 m olarak seçilmiştir. Bu varsayımlar ve koşullar doğrultusunda malzeme model parametrelerinin, gömme derinliğinin ve deprem ivme oranının dinamik analiz çıktılarının üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmış, YKZE'nin literatürel bağlamda daha iyi anlaşılması ve bu modellemeler açısından bir yol açması amaçlanmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen analizler sonucunda kazıklarda oluşan iç kuvvetler, bina ötelenmeleri ve ötelenme oranları, ivme spektrumları irdelenmiştir.
The behavior of piled foundations under the effect of earthquake motion is an issue that needs to be understood in the context of design of high-rise buildings on soft soils. Although the methods for detailed design are outlined in the Turkish Building Seismic Code (2018), it is still a complex issue in the way of understanding and designing, due to multidisciplinary subject by its nature, and the variety of parameters has to be chosen by designer at every stage. To simplify this complex issue, 1D equivalent-linear/nonlinear model acceleration results are used in 2D finite element analysis software, to model and the obtain the behavior of piled-foundation in response to earthquake excitation and then use the outputs in design. This approach was based on Earthquake Design Class (DTS) and Soil Class categories in TBDY 2018, and outlines the solution of these type of civil engineering problems. As it will be discussed in the literature section of the thesis, it will be seen that it is obligayory to run 3D Numerical analysis if there is any High-Rise building on Soft Soil condition. In this context numerical analyses are performed by the approach of taking into account the superstructure-piled foundation and soil layers (Direct Method), and the approach of modeling the superstructure and the foundation-pile-soil system separately (Substructure Method). Although both methods have advantages, which one should be chosen base on the size and the needs of the problem. Scope of this study, modeling of a 20-storey building with a piled foundation and soil medium by using Flac3D software (Direct Method) and in order to investigate the effect of Kinematic Interaction, dynamic analysis without superstructure outputs were examined. In the analyses, linear elastic material model and sig3 hysteretic (cyclic) model is implemented as soil material model. Shear modulus degradation curves are calibrated according to Vucetic and Dobry (1991) degradation curves. Transmitting Boundaries (Free Field) and Quiet Boundary conditions were assigned to the model boundaries. In dynamic analysis, as ground motion 17 August 1999 Kocaeli-Yarımca Station earthquake record selected, and arranged for Fault Normal and Fault Parallel, and the excitation is applied at the bottom of the model are scaled for various factors (0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8). Also 11 Different EQ Records were selected and applied based on TBDY 2018 regulations and results were examined in this study. The diameter, length and spacing of the piles are D=80 cm, L=20, s=3 m respectively. With these assumptions and conditions; It is aimed to better understand SPSI in the literary context and find better ways for these modeling by interpreting the dynamic analysis outputs of ground parameters, embedment depth and variable factored earthquake effect. As a result of these analysis, moment and shearing forces occurring in the piles due to seismic input motion, spectral acceleration at the base of the model, and drifts were examined.
The behavior of piled foundations under the effect of earthquake motion is an issue that needs to be understood in the context of design of high-rise buildings on soft soils. Although the methods for detailed design are outlined in the Turkish Building Seismic Code (2018), it is still a complex issue in the way of understanding and designing, due to multidisciplinary subject by its nature, and the variety of parameters has to be chosen by designer at every stage. To simplify this complex issue, 1D equivalent-linear/nonlinear model acceleration results are used in 2D finite element analysis software, to model and the obtain the behavior of piled-foundation in response to earthquake excitation and then use the outputs in design. This approach was based on Earthquake Design Class (DTS) and Soil Class categories in TBDY 2018, and outlines the solution of these type of civil engineering problems. As it will be discussed in the literature section of the thesis, it will be seen that it is obligayory to run 3D Numerical analysis if there is any High-Rise building on Soft Soil condition. In this context numerical analyses are performed by the approach of taking into account the superstructure-piled foundation and soil layers (Direct Method), and the approach of modeling the superstructure and the foundation-pile-soil system separately (Substructure Method). Although both methods have advantages, which one should be chosen base on the size and the needs of the problem. Scope of this study, modeling of a 20-storey building with a piled foundation and soil medium by using Flac3D software (Direct Method) and in order to investigate the effect of Kinematic Interaction, dynamic analysis without superstructure outputs were examined. In the analyses, linear elastic material model and sig3 hysteretic (cyclic) model is implemented as soil material model. Shear modulus degradation curves are calibrated according to Vucetic and Dobry (1991) degradation curves. Transmitting Boundaries (Free Field) and Quiet Boundary conditions were assigned to the model boundaries. In dynamic analysis, as ground motion 17 August 1999 Kocaeli-Yarımca Station earthquake record selected, and arranged for Fault Normal and Fault Parallel, and the excitation is applied at the bottom of the model are scaled for various factors (0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8). Also 11 Different EQ Records were selected and applied based on TBDY 2018 regulations and results were examined in this study. The diameter, length and spacing of the piles are D=80 cm, L=20, s=3 m respectively. With these assumptions and conditions; It is aimed to better understand SPSI in the literary context and find better ways for these modeling by interpreting the dynamic analysis outputs of ground parameters, embedment depth and variable factored earthquake effect. As a result of these analysis, moment and shearing forces occurring in the piles due to seismic input motion, spectral acceleration at the base of the model, and drifts were examined.
Jeofizik Mühendisliği, Jeoloji Mühendisliği, İnşaat Mühendisliği, Toprak, Toprak zemin, Yapı-zemin etkileşimi, Zemin büyütme, Zemin sıvılaşması, Geophysics Engineering, Geological Engineering, Civil Engineering, Soil, Soil, Soil-structure interaction, Soil amplification, Soil liquefaction