Publication: Türk edebiyatındaki hâtıralarda edebî meseleler 1860-1918
Ay, Ferudun
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Bu çalışmada 1860-1918 yılları arasında kaleme alınmış olan edebî hâtırat türündeki eserler esas alınmıştır. Tezin amacı, edebî meselelerin söz konusu aralıkta yazılan hâtırat türü eserlerde nasıl ele alındığının tespiti ve yorumudur. Çalışmada öncelikle eklektik bir tutum benimsenmiş, okumalar edebî meselelere yer veren hâtırat türü eserlerin tespitine yönelik yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın birinci bölüm giriş kısmında hâtırat ve edebî hâtırat türünün tanımı yapılarak çerçevesi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. İkinci bölümde hâtırat üzerine araştırma derinleştirilerek hâtıratın tarihçesi, Türk edebiyatındaki yeri, tür üzerine yapılan tartışmalar ve diğer türler ile ilişkisi tartışılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde ise edebî hâtırat türünde batılılaşma ve yenileşme olgularına ve hâtırat yazarlarının meseleye yaklaşımlarına hasredilmiştir. Dördüncü ve son bölümde ise edebî hâtıralarda yer alan edebî meselelerin tespiti ve değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Bu çerçevede batıdan edebiyata giren yeni türler ve verilen tepkiler, edebî hadiseler, siyaset-edebîyat ilişkisi gibi meselelere temas edilmiştir. Anahtar Sözcük: Edebî Hâtırat, Türk Edebiyatı, Batılılaşma, Avrupa, Şiir, Roman, Tiyatro, Gazete, İstibdat, Sansür, Matbaa, Dergi, Tanzimat, Servet-i Fünûn, Edebîyât-ı Cedîde, Fecr-i Âtî
In this study, literary memoir works which were written between 1860-1918 were taken as basis. The aim of the thesis is to determine and interpret how literary issues are handled in memoir type works written in the said interval. In the study, firstly, an eclectic attitude was adopted and the readings were made for the identification of works of memoir which includes literary issues. In the first part of this study, the definition of memoirs and literary memoirs is defined and its framework is tried to be determined. In the second chapter, the research on memoirs is deepened and the history of memoirs, its place in Turkish literature, the discussions on the genre and its relationship with other genres are discussed. In the third chapter, westernization and modernization phenomena in the genre and the approach of memoir authors to this issue are given. In the fourth and last chapter, the literary issues in literary memories are determined and evaluated. Within this framework, new genres and reactions from the West to our literature, literary events, the relationship between politics and literature were touched. Key Words: Literary Memoirs, Turkish Literature, Westernization, Europe, Poem, Novel, Theatre, Newspaper, Oppression, Censorship, Printing Press, journal, Tanzimat, Servet-i Fünûn, Edebîyât-ı Cedîde, Fecr-i Âtî
In this study, literary memoir works which were written between 1860-1918 were taken as basis. The aim of the thesis is to determine and interpret how literary issues are handled in memoir type works written in the said interval. In the study, firstly, an eclectic attitude was adopted and the readings were made for the identification of works of memoir which includes literary issues. In the first part of this study, the definition of memoirs and literary memoirs is defined and its framework is tried to be determined. In the second chapter, the research on memoirs is deepened and the history of memoirs, its place in Turkish literature, the discussions on the genre and its relationship with other genres are discussed. In the third chapter, westernization and modernization phenomena in the genre and the approach of memoir authors to this issue are given. In the fourth and last chapter, the literary issues in literary memories are determined and evaluated. Within this framework, new genres and reactions from the West to our literature, literary events, the relationship between politics and literature were touched. Key Words: Literary Memoirs, Turkish Literature, Westernization, Europe, Poem, Novel, Theatre, Newspaper, Oppression, Censorship, Printing Press, journal, Tanzimat, Servet-i Fünûn, Edebîyât-ı Cedîde, Fecr-i Âtî