Publication: Bakü şehrinin bayatıları ve Bayburt şehrinin manileri üzerine inceleme ve derleme
Sesli, Burcu
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı / Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bilim Dalı
Maniler, sözlü halk edebiyatı ürünü olup halk tarafından meydana gelen, zamanla anonimleşen halkın yaşam tarzından izler barındıran, yaşayan bir organizma gibi zamanla gelişmeler gösteren halk edebiyatı ürünüdür. Maniler sadece bir halkın değil bireyin aşkını, sevgisini, neşesini ilk ağızdan aktarır. Mani bir bölgede yaşayan insanların düğünleri, bayramları, cenaze törenleri, hasat zamanları yaşadıkları tecrübeler noktasında bir ifade biçimidir. Türk milletinin yaşam tarzı, fikir dünyası hakkında bilgi verdiği için bu çalışmada Bakü bayatıları ve Bayburt manileri bu bağlamda ele alınacaktır. Farklı coğrafyalarda yaşayan Türk milletinin mekan ve zaman fark etmeksizin ortaya koyduğu ürünlerden biri olan maniler, yaratıldığı coğrafyaya göre farklı isimlerle anılsa da konuları, şekil özellikleri itibariyle benzerlik göstermektedir. Maniler Bayburt'ta mani, deyiş; Bakü'de bayatı olarak anılmaktadır. İsim olarak farklı adlandırılsa da benzer özelliklere sahiptirler. Bu çalışmada Bayburt manileri ve Bakü bayatıları konuları ve şekil özellikleri itibariyle değerlendirilecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler Bakü bayatıları, Bayburt manileri, şekil özellikleri, konular
Manis is a product of oral folk literature, a product of folk literature that has been created by the people, has traces of the lifestyle of the people, which has become anonymous over time, and shows developments over time like a living organism. Manis convey the love, affection and joy of not only a people but also an individual at first hand. Weddings, feasts, funerals, harvest times of people living in a Mani region are a form of expression in terms of their experiences. In this study, Baku and Bayburt manias will be discussed in this context, as they provide information about the life style and world of ideas of the Turkish nation. Mani, which is one of the products produced by the Turkish nation living in different geographies, regardless of space and time, is called with different names according to the geography in which it was created, but its subjects are similar in terms of shape features. Mani in Bayburt, mania, saying; It is known as stale in Baku. Although they are named differently, they have similar characteristics. In this study, Bayburt manis and Baku poetry will be evaluated in terms of their subject and shape features. Key Words Baku poetry, Bayburt mani, shape features, topics
Manis is a product of oral folk literature, a product of folk literature that has been created by the people, has traces of the lifestyle of the people, which has become anonymous over time, and shows developments over time like a living organism. Manis convey the love, affection and joy of not only a people but also an individual at first hand. Weddings, feasts, funerals, harvest times of people living in a Mani region are a form of expression in terms of their experiences. In this study, Baku and Bayburt manias will be discussed in this context, as they provide information about the life style and world of ideas of the Turkish nation. Mani, which is one of the products produced by the Turkish nation living in different geographies, regardless of space and time, is called with different names according to the geography in which it was created, but its subjects are similar in terms of shape features. Mani in Bayburt, mania, saying; It is known as stale in Baku. Although they are named differently, they have similar characteristics. In this study, Bayburt manis and Baku poetry will be evaluated in terms of their subject and shape features. Key Words Baku poetry, Bayburt mani, shape features, topics
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature