Publication: Neutron Induced Gamma-ray Spectroscopic and X-ray Fluorescence Investigations of Britholite Veins of Basoren Village (Turkey)
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High resolution gamma-ray spectroscopic investigation of a mineral sample obtained from the deposits of the Basoren area, which is located about 670 km south-east of Ankara (Turkey), within the north-eastern margin of the eastern Tauride range, is reported. The gamma-spectrum of the natural sample shows all the elements of the Th decay series and a few elements of U decay series. On the other hand, the gamma-spectrum of the sample irradiated by 14.5 MeV neutrons additionally gives Na, K, Sc, Or, Mn, Kr, Sr, Y, Zr, Xe, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tm and Yb peaks. The natural alpha and beta radiations of the mineral sample for are found to be A alpha= 1.72 MBq kg(-1) and A beta= 0.40 MBq kg(-1), respectively, which is consistent with the gamma-spectroscopic results of the Th decay series. The X-ray fluorescence analysis of the sample is also given.