Publication: Yaşar Kemal'in "Ağrıdağı Efsanesi" Adlı Romanının Söz Varlığı Bakımından İncelenmesi
Karadeniz, Burcu Büşra
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Anabilim Dalı
Ağrıdağı Efsanesi, 1970 yılında Yaşar Kemal tarafından kaleme alınmıştır. Bu eser yazarın destansı romanlarından biri olma özelliğini taşımaktadır. Eserde, Gülbahar ve Ahmet'in aşkı anlatılırken insan psikolojisinin derinliklerine de yer verilmiştir. Bu romanda Yaşar Kemal halk söylencelerine ve efsanelere sıkı sıkıya bağlı olduğunu okuyucusuna göstermekten geri durmamıştır. Aynı zamanda roman, 1975 yılında Memduh Ün yönetmenliğinde sinemaya uyarlanmış ve 1976 yılında düzenlenen 13. Antalya Film Şenliği'nde bu film ile en iyi görüntü yönetmeni ödülünü kazanmıştır. Bu tezde, Ağrıdağı Efsanesi adlı romanın söz varlığı incelemesi yapılmıştır. Çalışma, Giriş, Birinci Bölüm-Yaşar Kemal'in Hayatı, Eserleri ve Ödülleri, İkinci Bölüm-İnceleme, Üçüncü Bölüm-Değerlendirme ve Sonuç bölümlerinden oluşmaktadır. Çalışmamızın Giriş bölümünde Türkçenin söz varlığı ve bu konuda yapılan araştırmalarla ilgili bilgiler verilmiştir. Birinci Bölüm, Yaşar Kemal'in hayatı, eserleri ve aldığı ödüllerle ilgilidir. İkinci Bölüm "İnceleme" kısmından oluşmaktadır. Romanda 21.447 biçimbirim tespit edilmiştir. Bu kısımda ise romanda madde başı olarak tespit edilen 19.977 sözcük alfabetik olarak sıralanarak bu sözcüklerin türleri, kökenleri, yapıları ve geçtikleri sayfaların numaraları tablo halinde verilmiştir. Üçüncü Bölüm'de, "Değerlendirme" başlığı altında söz varlığı; sözcük türlerine, sözcüklerin kökenlerine, söz öbeklerine, sözcüklerin yapılarına, atasözü, deyim, halk dili unsurlarına göre ayrılmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Bunların geçiş sayıları ile geçiş oranları ayrı ayrı belirlenerek 16 tablo ve 15 grafik şeklinde sunulmuştur. Sonuç kısmında, değerlendirme bölümünde yer alan verilerden yararlanılarak yapılan çıkarımlar maddeler halinde sıralanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yaşar Kemal, Ağrıdağı Efsanesi, söz varlığı, roman, sözlüksel biçimbirim.
The Legend of Mount Ararat was written up by Yaşar Kemal in 1970. This work has the characteristic of being one of the epic novels of the author. In the work, the depth of human psychology was also included whilst the love of Gülbahar and Ahmet has been narrated. In this novel, Yaşar Kemal did not refrain to demonstrate his readers that he was adhered strictly to folk myths and legends. Also, the novel was adapted into a movie in the direction of Memduh Ün in 1975 and this film won the prize of the best director of photography in the 13th Antalya Film Festival, organized in 1976. In this thesis, research on vocabulary of the novel named "The Legend of Mount Ararat" was conducted. The study comprises sections of Introduction, The First Section-The Life of Yaşar Kemal, His Works and His Prizes, The Second Section-Analysis, The Third Section-Evaluation and Conclusion. In the Introduction section of our study, information regarding the Turkish vocabulary and researches in this topic was given. The First Section is about Yaşar Kemal's life, his works and awarded prizes. The Second Section comprises of Analysis part. Within the novel, 21,447 morphemes were identified. In this section, 19,977 words, which were identified as lexical entry within the novel, were alphabetized and parts of speech, origins, structures and page numbers of those words were demonstrated in a table. In the third section, vocabulary was segregated and evaluated according to factors of part of speech, origin, structure, proverb, idiom and public language. Transition numbers and transition rates of those words were presented as 16 tables and 15 graphs by identifying individually. In the conclusion section, inferences that were attained from the data of analysis section were itemized. Key Words: Yaşar Kemal, The Legend of Mount Ararat, vocabulary, novel, lexical morpheme.
The Legend of Mount Ararat was written up by Yaşar Kemal in 1970. This work has the characteristic of being one of the epic novels of the author. In the work, the depth of human psychology was also included whilst the love of Gülbahar and Ahmet has been narrated. In this novel, Yaşar Kemal did not refrain to demonstrate his readers that he was adhered strictly to folk myths and legends. Also, the novel was adapted into a movie in the direction of Memduh Ün in 1975 and this film won the prize of the best director of photography in the 13th Antalya Film Festival, organized in 1976. In this thesis, research on vocabulary of the novel named "The Legend of Mount Ararat" was conducted. The study comprises sections of Introduction, The First Section-The Life of Yaşar Kemal, His Works and His Prizes, The Second Section-Analysis, The Third Section-Evaluation and Conclusion. In the Introduction section of our study, information regarding the Turkish vocabulary and researches in this topic was given. The First Section is about Yaşar Kemal's life, his works and awarded prizes. The Second Section comprises of Analysis part. Within the novel, 21,447 morphemes were identified. In this section, 19,977 words, which were identified as lexical entry within the novel, were alphabetized and parts of speech, origins, structures and page numbers of those words were demonstrated in a table. In the third section, vocabulary was segregated and evaluated according to factors of part of speech, origin, structure, proverb, idiom and public language. Transition numbers and transition rates of those words were presented as 16 tables and 15 graphs by identifying individually. In the conclusion section, inferences that were attained from the data of analysis section were itemized. Key Words: Yaşar Kemal, The Legend of Mount Ararat, vocabulary, novel, lexical morpheme.
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature