Publication: Yeni Türk ceza kanununda bir güvenlik tedbiri olarak belli hakları kullanmaktan yoksun bırakılma
Karaosmanoğlu, Mustafa
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İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Kamu Hukuku Anabilim Dalı
Yüksek lisans tezi niteligindeki bu çalısmanın konusu 5237 sayılı Yeni Türk Ceza Kanununun 53. maddedesinde düzenlenen belli hakları kullanmaktan yoksun bırakılma güvenlik tedbirinin incelenmesidir. Bu maddede kisinin isledigi suç nedeniyle mahkumiyeti durumunda hangi hakları kullanmaktan yoksun bırakılacagı düzenlenmistir. Çalısmamız, güvenlik tedbirleri ve bir güvenlik tedbiri olarak belli hakları kullanmaktan yoksun bırakılma konuları olmak üzere iki ana bölümden olusmaktadır. Birinci bölümde; güvenlik tedbirlerinin tanımı, tarihçesi ve hukuki niteligi, güvenlik tedbirleri ile cezaların karsılastırılması, uygulanma sartları ve hukuk sistemimizde yer alan güvenlik tedbirlerinin türleri incelenmistir. ikinci bölümde, 5237 sayılı Yeni Türk Ceza Kanununun 53. maddesinde düzenlenen belli hakları kullanmaktan yoksun bırakılma güvenlik tedbirine iliskin açıklamalar, yorumlar ve öneriler degerlendirilmistir.
Subject area of this masters thesis is to examine ?to be deprived of using certain rights? as a preventive measure which is regulated in the 5237 numbered Turkish Penal Code article 53. This article explains which rights of a person will be deprived in the event of conviction because of a crime. Our study consists of two main parts which are the preventive measures and to be deprived of using certain rights as a preventive measure. In the first part the definition, the short history and the legal nature of the preventive measures, comparison of the preventive measures and penalties, conditions of execution and the sorts of preventive measures that take place in our law system were analysed. In the second part, the explanations, comments and suggestions about being deprived of using certain rights as a preventive measure that is regulated in the 5237 numbered Turkish Penal Code article 53 were assessed.
Subject area of this masters thesis is to examine ?to be deprived of using certain rights? as a preventive measure which is regulated in the 5237 numbered Turkish Penal Code article 53. This article explains which rights of a person will be deprived in the event of conviction because of a crime. Our study consists of two main parts which are the preventive measures and to be deprived of using certain rights as a preventive measure. In the first part the definition, the short history and the legal nature of the preventive measures, comparison of the preventive measures and penalties, conditions of execution and the sorts of preventive measures that take place in our law system were analysed. In the second part, the explanations, comments and suggestions about being deprived of using certain rights as a preventive measure that is regulated in the 5237 numbered Turkish Penal Code article 53 were assessed.
Hukuk, Güvenlik Tedbirleri, Hak Yoksunlukları, Yaptırım, Ceza, Yasaklanmış Hakların Geri Verilmesi, Law, preventive measures, deprivation of rights, sanction, penalty, rejection of forbidden rights