Publication: Etrafı Faylarla Çevrili Arazilerde Tektonik Levha Hareketleri
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Tektonik levha içindeki etrafı faylarla çevrili arazilerde, çevresinden farklı tektonik hareketler olma olasılığı düşünülerek araştırma yapılmıştır. Eğer böyle bölgelerde genel ortalamalar alınarak konumla ilgili işlemler yapılırsa zamanla büyüyen; başta taşınmaz mal sınır anlaşmazlıkları olmak üzere çok önemli hukuki ve teknik sorunlar ortaya çıkar. Onun için bu arazilerdeki referans noktalarında belirli zaman aralıklarında gerçekleştirilen ölçümlere dayalı olarak koordinat dönüşüm hesapları yapılması gerekir. Türkiye fay hatları haritası incelendiğinde Anadolu plakasının, güneydoğuda güneyden kuzeye doğru hareket ederken, ortasında batıya, batısında da güneye doğru devindiği görülür. Bu değer, Batı Anadolu için güney-batı yönünde 4 cm/yıl kadardır. Fakat bu harita yakından incelendiğinde Küçükmenderes havzasının, etrafı faylarla çevrili, çok tipik bir grabenin daha sonra alüvyonlarla dolması sonucu oluşmuş önemli bir çöküntü ovası olduğu görülür. Bu nedenle örnek olarak Küçükmenderes ovası seçilmiştir. Araştırma için kamu kuruluşlarınca tesis edilen yedi nirengi noktasında 40-45 sene ara ile ölçülen koordinat değerleri veri olarak alınmıştır. Hesaplarda bu referans noktalarının CORS TR Projesi kapsamında hesaplanan International Terrain Reference Frame (ITRF) kullanılmıştır. Sonuçta bu bölgedeki tektonik plaka hareketlerinin, çevresinden tamamen farklı olarak kuzey-batı yönlü olduğu bulunmuştur.
The research was carried out considering the possibility of different tectonic movements in the lands surrounded by faults in the tectonic plate. If location-related transactions are made by taking general averages in such regions, very important legal and technical problems arise, especially immovable property border disputes that grow over time. For this reason, coordinate correction calculations should be made based on the measurements performed at certain time intervals at the reference points in these lands. When the fault lines map of Turkey is examined, it is seen that the Anatolian plate moves from south to north in the southeast, while it moves westward in the middle and southward in the west. This value is about 4 cm/year in the south-west direction for Western Anatolia. However, when this map is examined closely, it is seen that the Kucukmenderes basin is an important depression plain formed as a result of a very typical graben surrounded by faults and later filled with alluvium. For this reason, Kucukmenderes plain was chosen as a case study. Coordinate values measured at intervals of 40-45 years at seven triangulation points established by public institutions were taken as data for the research. The International Terrain Reference Frame (ITRF) calculated within the scope of the CORS TR Project of these reference points was used in the calculations. As a result, it was found that the tectonic plate movements in this region are in the north-west direction, completely different from its surroundings.
The research was carried out considering the possibility of different tectonic movements in the lands surrounded by faults in the tectonic plate. If location-related transactions are made by taking general averages in such regions, very important legal and technical problems arise, especially immovable property border disputes that grow over time. For this reason, coordinate correction calculations should be made based on the measurements performed at certain time intervals at the reference points in these lands. When the fault lines map of Turkey is examined, it is seen that the Anatolian plate moves from south to north in the southeast, while it moves westward in the middle and southward in the west. This value is about 4 cm/year in the south-west direction for Western Anatolia. However, when this map is examined closely, it is seen that the Kucukmenderes basin is an important depression plain formed as a result of a very typical graben surrounded by faults and later filled with alluvium. For this reason, Kucukmenderes plain was chosen as a case study. Coordinate values measured at intervals of 40-45 years at seven triangulation points established by public institutions were taken as data for the research. The International Terrain Reference Frame (ITRF) calculated within the scope of the CORS TR Project of these reference points was used in the calculations. As a result, it was found that the tectonic plate movements in this region are in the north-west direction, completely different from its surroundings.
Uzel, T. (2023). Etrafı faylarla çevrili arazilerde tektonik levha hareketleri . Geomatik , 8 (1) , 72-78 . DOI: 10.29128/geomatik.1181893