Publication: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Romanlarında Edebiyat Algısı ve Türk Edebiyatı nın Dönemlerine Bakış
Akyol Aycan, Gizem
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Cumhuriyet’in ilk yıllarında siyasi iktidar, yeni bir toplum inşa edebilmek amacıyla sosyal ve kültürel kurumlardan faydalanmıştır. Özellikle 1923-1950 yılları arası, Cumhuriyet’in, kurumlarıyla birlikte tesis edilmeye ve inkılâpların yaşatılmaya çalışıldığı bir dönemdir. Bu dönemde yazılan romanların büyük bir bölümünün siyasi iktidarın söylemleriyle uyum içinde oldukları görülmektedir ve bu ortamda edebiyat, toplumsal değiştirme gücüne sahip bir fonksiyon icra etmiştir. Başka bir ifade ile edebiyata, estetik bir zevkten çok, toplum üzerinde etkileyici rolü bulunan bir sanat olarak yaklaşan ilk dönem Cumhuriyet romancıları, eserleriyle toplum mühendisliği görevini üstlenmişlerdir. Cumhuriyet’in ideolojik yapılanması, özellikle 1940’lı yıllarda çok partili hayata geçene kadarki romanlar üzerinde etkili olmuş ve adeta bir kanon edebiyatının oluşmasına ortam hazırlamıştır. Romancıların önemli bir kısmı uzaktan veya yakından bu kanonik yapının içinde yer almıştır. Aslında bu yapıyı, tek partili yılların genel atmosferi olarak değerlendirmek de mümkündür. Cumhuriyetle birlikte medeniyet alanında yaşanan kırılma, yakın geçmişin uzun seneler boyunca sorgulanmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu bağlamda, 1923’ten 1950’li yıllara gelene dek, henüz toplum hafızasında taze olan Osmanlı, sosyal, kültürel ve siyasal kurumlarıyla Türk romanının temel malzemesi halindedir. Cumhuriyet’in ilk yıllarında genel edebiyat söyleminin dışında kalan romancılar, Osmanlı ile birçok konuda barışık olmalarından kaynaklanan bir yaklaşımla Osmanlı edebiyatını da bu yaklaşıma uygun bir biçimde ele almışlardır. Oysa Osmanlı edebiyatının sorgulandığı romanlarda Cumhuriyet dönemi romancılarının, bu edebiyatın özellikle Divan ve Servet-i Fünûn dönemlerinde toplumu değişim ve dönüşüme sevk edecek bir uyanışa ortam hazırlamadığı inancında oldukları görülmektedir.
The new political power, in the first years of republic, made use of social and cultural instutitions to be able to build a community. Especially the years between 1923-1950 was a period when reforms were being able to be kept alive and established with its instutitions. It is seen that most of the novels, which were written during this period, are in hormony with the political power's statements and literature performed a function which had a social change power. In other words, the first term republican novelists, who approach literature as an art that have an impressive role on society, rather than aesthetic pleasure, take on social engineering task with their works. Ideological restructuring of the republic, especially in the 1940's, was effective on the novels until the transition to the multi-party system and fairly paved the way for canon literature. In this canonical formation, a considerable part of novelists took part in that structure remotely or closley. In fact, it is also possible to evaluate this structure as a general atmosphere of single party periods. The breakage in the area of civilisation with the republic, resulted in questioning of the recent past for long years. In this regard, from 1923 to 1950, yet the fresh memory of the society- Ottoman with its social, cultural and political instutitions, is the basic material of the Turkish novel. In the first years of the republic the novelists who were out of general literature statement handled Ottoman literature suitably because of the fact that they had at peace with Ottoman on several issues. However, the novels, in which Ottoman literature was questioned, the republican novelists were in the belief that literature in that period-especially the period of Divan and Servet-i Fünun was insufficent of preparing an awakening atmosphere that would make society change and transform.
The new political power, in the first years of republic, made use of social and cultural instutitions to be able to build a community. Especially the years between 1923-1950 was a period when reforms were being able to be kept alive and established with its instutitions. It is seen that most of the novels, which were written during this period, are in hormony with the political power's statements and literature performed a function which had a social change power. In other words, the first term republican novelists, who approach literature as an art that have an impressive role on society, rather than aesthetic pleasure, take on social engineering task with their works. Ideological restructuring of the republic, especially in the 1940's, was effective on the novels until the transition to the multi-party system and fairly paved the way for canon literature. In this canonical formation, a considerable part of novelists took part in that structure remotely or closley. In fact, it is also possible to evaluate this structure as a general atmosphere of single party periods. The breakage in the area of civilisation with the republic, resulted in questioning of the recent past for long years. In this regard, from 1923 to 1950, yet the fresh memory of the society- Ottoman with its social, cultural and political instutitions, is the basic material of the Turkish novel. In the first years of the republic the novelists who were out of general literature statement handled Ottoman literature suitably because of the fact that they had at peace with Ottoman on several issues. However, the novels, in which Ottoman literature was questioned, the republican novelists were in the belief that literature in that period-especially the period of Divan and Servet-i Fünun was insufficent of preparing an awakening atmosphere that would make society change and transform.