Publication: Bellek Çalışmaları Bağlamında Zaman ve Mekân Kullanımının Türk Korku Sinemasının Anlatısal Yapısı Üzerindeki Etkileri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi
Yirminci yüzyılın son çeyreğinden itibaren sosyal bilimler alanında önemli bir değişim ve dönüşümün ardından başlayan bellek çalışmaları; sinemasal yaklaşımda, yeni kavramların ortaya çıkmasında etkili olmuş ve klasik tarih anlayışına bir alternatif olarak akademik ve kültürel çalışmalarda merkezi bir konuma gelmiştir. Bellek çalışmaları sonucu gelişen farklı yaklaşım ve bakış açıları pozitivist veya belgeci modernist bilim anlayışının aksine insan merkezli bakış açısı sunmakta, pek çok disiplini ve sanatı analiz etmek ve kavramak için bir araç olarak da kullanılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, sinemanın özellikle geçmişle ve belgeli tarihle olan ilişkisinde kısaca tarihsel film eleştirisi yaklaşımıyla analiz edilebilecek her filmde, yetkin ve sağlıklı bir çözümleme imkânı sunabilen bellek çalışmaları, kavramları ve kavramsallaştırmaları, içinden çıktığı toplum hakkında izleyiciye doyurucu bilgiler veren korku sineması için de kullanılabilir. Bu çalışmada, 2000 sonrasında çıkış yapan Türk Korku Sineması’na ait filmler örnekleme dâhil edilmiş, filmlerde bellek çalışmaları ve yeni kavramlara ait unsurlar analiz edilerek filmlerin toplumsal bellekle ilişkisi ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışmada, nitel araştırmalarda kullanılan amaçlı (nonprobalistic sampling) örnekleme yöntemlerinden biri olan tipik durum örneklemi kullanılmıştır.
From the last quarter of the twentieth century, memory studies contributing to development after a significant change and transformation in the field of social sciences; In the cinematic approach, it was effective in the emergence of new concepts and has become a central position in academic and cultural studies as an alternative to the classical understanding of history. Different approaches and perspectives developed as a result of memory studies offer a human-centered perspective as opposed to a positivist or documentary modernist science approach, and are also used as a tool to analyze and comprehend many disciplines and arts. In this context, specially in the relationship of cinema with the past and documented history, memory studies concepts and conceptualizations, which can provide a competent and healthy analysis opportunity in every film that can be analyzed briefly with historical film criticism approach, can also be used for horror cinema, that provides satisfying information to the audience about the society from it comes. In this study, films belonging to the Turkish Horror Cinema, which appeared in the post-2000 years, were included in the sample, and the relationship between the films and social memory was revealed by analyzing the memory studies and elements of new concepts. In the study, content analysis was preferred because it is a systematic and impartial method and suitable for interdisciplinary texts and sociological film criticism was used.
From the last quarter of the twentieth century, memory studies contributing to development after a significant change and transformation in the field of social sciences; In the cinematic approach, it was effective in the emergence of new concepts and has become a central position in academic and cultural studies as an alternative to the classical understanding of history. Different approaches and perspectives developed as a result of memory studies offer a human-centered perspective as opposed to a positivist or documentary modernist science approach, and are also used as a tool to analyze and comprehend many disciplines and arts. In this context, specially in the relationship of cinema with the past and documented history, memory studies concepts and conceptualizations, which can provide a competent and healthy analysis opportunity in every film that can be analyzed briefly with historical film criticism approach, can also be used for horror cinema, that provides satisfying information to the audience about the society from it comes. In this study, films belonging to the Turkish Horror Cinema, which appeared in the post-2000 years, were included in the sample, and the relationship between the films and social memory was revealed by analyzing the memory studies and elements of new concepts. In the study, content analysis was preferred because it is a systematic and impartial method and suitable for interdisciplinary texts and sociological film criticism was used.
Bellek, Türk Korku Sineması, Mekan, Zaman, Tarih, / Memory, Turkish Horror Cinema, Space, Time, History
BİKİÇ N (2020). Bellek Çalışmaları Bağlamında Zaman ve Mekân Kullanımının Türk Korku Sinemasının Anlatısal Yapısı Üzerindeki Etkileri. Selçuk İletişim, 13(2), 471 - 500. 10.18094/JOSC.699342