Publication: Türkçede Ö- , Ög, Ögür, Ögren-, Ögret- kelimeleri
Türk, Vahit
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Ö- fiili Türkçenin ilk yazılı metinlerinde "düşünmek"
anlamıyla kullanılan kelimelerden biridir. Sonraki dönemlerde
bu fiilden türeyen kelimelerde "düşünmek" dışında da birtakım
anlamlar görülmektedir. Bu anlamlardan en yaygın olanı
"alışmak"tır. Düşünırıek gibi soyut bir kavramın herhangi bir
dilde bir kelimenin ilk anlamı olması pek mümkün olmayan bir
The verb "ômek" is one of the words that was used in the first written texts of the Turkish language, meaning "to think". In later periods, in the words deri ved from this verb, there are some other meanings other than "to think". The most common one among these is "to accustom". it is hardly possible a circumstance that such a word that has an abstraction sense as "to think" is the first meaning of a word in any language.
The verb "ômek" is one of the words that was used in the first written texts of the Turkish language, meaning "to think". In later periods, in the words deri ved from this verb, there are some other meanings other than "to think". The most common one among these is "to accustom". it is hardly possible a circumstance that such a word that has an abstraction sense as "to think" is the first meaning of a word in any language.