Publication: Demircilerin Grevi Şiiri ve Tevfik Fikret te François Coppee Tesiri Üzerine Bir İnceleme
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Türk edebiyatının önemli sanatkârlarından biri olan Tevfik Fikret’in, özellikle
“Servet-i Fünûn” döneminde yazdığı sosyal
muhtevalı şiirleri merhamet şiirleridir. Bu
şiirlerin pek çoğunda Coppée’den izler
görülür. Makalede Françoıs Coppée’nin
Tevfik Fikret üzerindeki tesirleri “Demircilerin Grevi” şiirinden hareketle araştırılmaktadır. Tevfik Fikret’in kendisi de dâhil
olmak üzere birçok araştırmacı Fikret’in
Coppée’ye duyduğu hayranlığın “Demircilerin Grevi” şiiriyle başladığını belirtir.
“Demircilerin Grevi” şiiri, Tevfik Fikret’in
bir arkadaşı vasıtasıyla şaire ulaşır. Tevfik
Fikret’i Fransız edebiyatının diğer önemli
sanatkârları da etkiler. Musset, Lamartine,
Victor Hugo, Baudelaire. Bu makalede
Tevfik Fikret’te Coppée tesiri, “Demircilerin Grevi” şiirinden hareketle, Esere Dönük
Eleştiri metodundan yararlanılarak incelenmiştir.
One of the exceptionally distinguished celebrities of the Turkish literature, Tevfik Fikret’s mainstream poetry, particularly the verses imbued with intense social content that he has penned during the “Servet-i Fünûn” era, characteristically display strong compassion. Traces from Coppée are starkly discernible in a wide variety of his works. The article undertakes a literary exploration of Coppée’s impact on Tevfik Fikret, employing the “Ironsmiths’ Strike” poem as a springboard. Inclusive of Tevfik Fikret himself, a plethora of critics and researchers contend that the “Ironsmiths’ Strike” signifies the starting-point for Fikret’s infatuation with Coppée. By mere coincidence, “The Ironsmiths’ Strike” reaches the French poet through one of Tevfik Fikret’s literary associates. Predictably, a number of other eminent artists of the French literary universe also bear an influence on Tevfik Fikret. Musset, Lamartine, Victor Hugo, Baudelaire. In this article, the Coppée influence on Tevfik Fikret is aptly analyzed, utilizing the “Work-Focused” critical methodology, with the “Ironsmiths’ Strike” functioning as the core piece.
One of the exceptionally distinguished celebrities of the Turkish literature, Tevfik Fikret’s mainstream poetry, particularly the verses imbued with intense social content that he has penned during the “Servet-i Fünûn” era, characteristically display strong compassion. Traces from Coppée are starkly discernible in a wide variety of his works. The article undertakes a literary exploration of Coppée’s impact on Tevfik Fikret, employing the “Ironsmiths’ Strike” poem as a springboard. Inclusive of Tevfik Fikret himself, a plethora of critics and researchers contend that the “Ironsmiths’ Strike” signifies the starting-point for Fikret’s infatuation with Coppée. By mere coincidence, “The Ironsmiths’ Strike” reaches the French poet through one of Tevfik Fikret’s literary associates. Predictably, a number of other eminent artists of the French literary universe also bear an influence on Tevfik Fikret. Musset, Lamartine, Victor Hugo, Baudelaire. In this article, the Coppée influence on Tevfik Fikret is aptly analyzed, utilizing the “Work-Focused” critical methodology, with the “Ironsmiths’ Strike” functioning as the core piece.
Tevfik Fikret, 1867-1915, Françoıs Coppée, Türk Edebiyatı, Fransız Edebiyatı, Türk Şiiri, Demircilerin Grevi, Tesir, Turkish Literature, French Literature, Turkish Poetry, Ironsmiths’ Strike, Impact