Publication: Astronomy and the Cultural Heritage
Stavinschi, Magda
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Ünlü Stonehenge veya Camac'dan, tapestrilere (Bayeux), arma sembollerine, güneş saatlerine, eski gözlemevleri ve elyazmalarına kadar tüm dünyada astronomik kültürün kanıtları vardır. Hepsi, evren ve gökyüzü hakkında yüzyıllar boyu birikmiş bilgiyi; ta, tahta, seramik, metal veya kag1t eklinde korumuştur.
Bütün dünyaya yayılmışlardır. Bazen iyi kataloglamış, araştırılmış ve korunmuşlardır. Yine de nadiren çok az bilinirler ve çok kötü korunmuş hatta yok olmak üzeredirler. Belli bir epoktan bir güne saatinin nerede olduğunu bulmak isteyebilirsiniz ancak nasıl bilmezsiniz. Bazı olayların ilk kez ne zaman kaydedildiğini bilmek isteyebilirsiniz ve bu çaba için araştırmalar zordur. Astronomik amaçlar için de kullanılmış bir tapınağın restorasyonuna destek vermek isteyebilirsiniz ve böyle bir operasyonun gerektirdiği bazen çok yüksek masraflar karşılayacak yeterli kanıtımız yoktur.
Tüm bu bilginin içerisinde toplanacağı bir veri bankası, uluslararası boyutta bir elektronik kütüphane; araştırmayı kolaylaştırmak ve bu gezegendeki uygarlığın hazinelerini oluşturan sanat, bilim ve tarih anıtlarının korunmasına destek vermek için en doğru ey olacaktır.
İşte bunlar kısaca, "Arkeoastronomik Miras" adında yeni bir çalıma grubunun oluşturulmasının sebebi. ( Bu zengin mirası tanımlamak ve korumak isteyen herkes bu etkinliğe katılmaya davetlidir.
In the entire world there are proofs of astronomical culture, from the famous Stonehenge or Camac, up to tapestries (Bayeux), heraldic symbols, sundials, old observatories or manuscripts. All of them preserve in stone, wood, ceramics, metal or paper the knowledge gathered throughout the centuries concerning the sky, the cosmos. They are spread all over the world. Sometimes they are well catalogued, researched or preserved. Nevertheless, very often they are very little known and very badly preserved, sometimes about to disappear. You want to find out where there is a sundial from a certain epoch and you do not know how. You want to know when some phenomena were recorded for the first time and researches to this effect are difficult. You want to support the restoration of a sanctuary, also used for astronomical purposes, and you do not have enough proofs to motivate the sometimes very high expenses required by such an operation. A data bank in which all this information should be gathered, an electronic library of international size, would be the exact thing to facilitate research, to support the conservation of the art, science and history monuments, which together make up the thesaurus of civilization on this planet. This is shortly the reason why a new working group "The Archaeoastronomical Heritage" ( was set up. Everyone interested in identifying and preserving this rich heritage is invited to contribute to its activity.
In the entire world there are proofs of astronomical culture, from the famous Stonehenge or Camac, up to tapestries (Bayeux), heraldic symbols, sundials, old observatories or manuscripts. All of them preserve in stone, wood, ceramics, metal or paper the knowledge gathered throughout the centuries concerning the sky, the cosmos. They are spread all over the world. Sometimes they are well catalogued, researched or preserved. Nevertheless, very often they are very little known and very badly preserved, sometimes about to disappear. You want to find out where there is a sundial from a certain epoch and you do not know how. You want to know when some phenomena were recorded for the first time and researches to this effect are difficult. You want to support the restoration of a sanctuary, also used for astronomical purposes, and you do not have enough proofs to motivate the sometimes very high expenses required by such an operation. A data bank in which all this information should be gathered, an electronic library of international size, would be the exact thing to facilitate research, to support the conservation of the art, science and history monuments, which together make up the thesaurus of civilization on this planet. This is shortly the reason why a new working group "The Archaeoastronomical Heritage" ( was set up. Everyone interested in identifying and preserving this rich heritage is invited to contribute to its activity.