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Dr. Öğr. Üyesi

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
  • Publication
    Veri Kalitesi
    (Seçkin Yayıncılık, 2021) Bülbül, Şahamet; ATASEVEN, BURÇİN; 2637; 112000
  • Publication
    New Directions for Boundaryless and Protean Careers What do Human Resources Managers Make Differently?
    (2010) Onay, Meltem; ATASEVEN, BURÇİN; 112000
    This study seeks to present a guideline to human resources managers in order to help them while planning their employees’ careers. Survey method was conducted to 223 employees in foreign invested and domestic companies in order to determine their career attitudes (valuesdriven career attitude, self-directed career attitude, organizational mobility and boundaryless mindset), personality characteristics (career authenticity, openness to experience, proactive personality, goal orientation), and demographic indicators (gender, age, marital status, education, having children, job status, job turnover, organization tenure, job tenure). Our research consists of three sections. In first section there were no differences between foreign invested and domestic companies based on career attitudes preferences. In second section the results found support for that the people with “career authenticity” and “goal orientation” prefer “psychological satisfaction” while the people with “proactive personality” and “openness to experience” prefer “physical satisfaction”. In last section there were differences only between age groups and employees having children based on their career attitudes and personality characteristics.
  • Publication
    Dijital Dönüşümün İş Modelleri Üzerindeki Etkisi
    (Marmara Üniversitesi, 2022) UĞUR, AYÇA; ATASEVEN, BURÇİN
    Teknolojik danışmanlık firması Performance Improvement Partners (2021)’in yayımladığı verilere göre günümüzde tüketicilerin %95'i ev alırken dijital kaynakları kullanmakta ve %84'ü Internet bankacılığını tercih etmektedir, bu sonuçlar bize insanların davranışlarını etkileyen teknolojik süreçlerin hızını göstermektedir. Bu konunun önemini kavrayan ve dijital dönüşümün zorunlu olduğunu anlayan işletmeler, dijital dönüşümün bir sonucu olarak yeni iş modelleri geliştirme ihtiyacının farkındadırlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, dijital dönüşümün ve yeni iş modellerinin kavramsal olarak ne olduğunu çözmek yerine, doğru dijital dönüşüm sürecinden geçerek başarılı yeni iş modeli geliştiren uygulama örnekleri ile işletmelerde dijital dönüşümün aracılık ettiği yeni iş modellerinin yansımalarını ortaya koymaktır. Dijital dönüşümün yeni iş modelleri üzerindeki etkisini ortaya çıkarmak için ilk olarak dijital dönüşüm ve yeni iş modelleri ile ilgili nicel ve nitel çalışmalar araştırılarak, sentezlenerek ve değerlendirilerek sistematik bir literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Daha sonra, doğru dijital dönüşüm sürecinden geçerek başarılı yeni iş modeli geliştiren işletme örneklerine çalışmada yer verilmiştir. Son olarak MAXQDA 2020 Analytics Pro nitel analiz programı aracılığıyla Yükseköğretim Kurulu Tez Merkezi’nde bulunan ve dijital dönüşüm ile ilgili yayımlanan 20 yüksek lisans ve doktora tezinden elde edilen veriler içerik analizi bakış açısıyla incelenmiştir. Dijital dönüşümün yeni iş modelleri üzerindeki etkisi, yapılan sistematik literatür taramasından, dijital dönüşüm sonucu başarılı yeni iş modeli geliştiren işletme örneklerinden ve tematik içerik analizinden elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda açıklanmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre işletmelerin başarılı olabilmeleri için geleceği ön görmeleri ve kendilerini geleceğe adapte etmeleri önerilmektedir.
  • Publication
    6. KOBİ’ler ve Verimlilik Kongresi
    (İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi / İşletme Bölümü / KOBİ Danışma Birimi, 2009-11) Gençyılmaz, Güneş; Savcı Gökgöz, Gülsüm; Sönmez, Asuman; ATASEVEN, BURÇİN
  • Publication
    To Operate or Not to Operate? Reconstructive Surgical Burden and Quality of Life of Pediatric Patients with Facial Differences
    (Sage Publications Inc., 2023) Modi, Rishi N.; Blum, Jessica D.; ATASEVEN, BURÇİN; Belza, Caitlyn C.; Montes, Edna; Leung, Karen L.; Zaldana-Flynn, Michelle; Rapoport, Chelsea S.; Choi, Alyssa K.; Ewing, Emily; Malcarne, Vanessa L.; Gosman, Amanda A.
    Objective: The Craniofacial Condition Quality of Life Scale (CFC-QoL) was used to evaluate the relationship between surgical burden and quality of life (QoL) Design: Patient-parent dyads completed the CFC-QoL which queries the following QoL domains: Bullying, Peer Problems, Psychological Impact, Family Support, Appearance Satisfaction, and Desire for Appearance Change. Stepwise multivariate linear regressions were performed for each QoL domain. Setting: Urban tertiary care center Patients, participants: Pediatric patients with facial differences, and their parents. Intervention: Survey study Main Outcome Measure(s): Demographic, diagnostic, and surgical characteristics were collected. Surgical burden was calculated as the standard deviation from the mean number of surgeries per diagnostic cohort. Result: Patients (N = 168) were majority female (57.1%) and Hispanic (64.3%). Diagnoses were cleft lip and/or palate (CLP,n = 99) or other craniofacial conditions (CFC,n = 69). Average patient age was 2.3 +/- 5.6 years at first reconstructive surgery and 12.3 +/- 3.4 years at study enrollment. Patients received an average of 4.3 +/- 4.1 reconstructive surgeries. Worse Bullying was associated with higher surgical burden. Worse Peer Problems was associated with higher surgical burden, but only for children with non-CLP CFCs. Worse Family Support was associated with CFC diagnosis, female sex, and higher surgical burden. Worse Psychological Impact was associated with higher surgical burden. Worse Appearance Satisfaction was associated with younger age and with lower surgical burden. Greater Desire for Appearance Change was associated with older age, higher surgical burden, CLP diagnosis, female sex, and non-Hispanic ethnicity. Socioeconomic status did not predict QoL per patient self- or parent-proxy report. Conclusions: Higher surgical burden was associated with worse QoL outcomes in multiple domains.
  • Publication
    Yapay Sinir Ağları ile Öngörü Modellemesi
    Gelişen teknolojiye paralel olarak artan işleme ve hesaplama gücü ile birlikte, karmaşık simülasyonların yapılması ve gelişmiş yapay zeka teknolojilerini kullanılarak temel kriterlere dayalı olarak geleceğe dönük öngörümleme modellemelerinin gerçekleştirmesi mümkün hale gelmiştir. Bu modellemelerin gerçekleştirilmesini sağlayan önemli bir uygulama alanı ise “Yapay Sinir Ağları”dır. Bu çalışmada öngörümleme tekniklerinden zaman serisi yöntemlerine giren “Box-Jenkins (ARIMA) Metodolojisi” ve “Yapay Sinir Ağları” yöntemlerinin öngörüperformanslarını karşılaştırarak en yüksek başarıyı sağlayan yöntemin belirlenmesi ve belirlenen yöntem yardımıyla 11 yıl için bir şirketten rastgele seçilen dört ürünün aylar itibariyle satış rakamlarının tahmin edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın uygulama bölümünde öngörümleme tekniği olarak Yapay Sinir Ağlarının kullanımının daha başarılı sonuçlar ürettiği sonucuna varılmıştır.
  • Publication
    Health-Related Quality of Life in Craniofacial Conditions Concordance Between Child and Parent Reports
    (2020) Morgan, Austin; Din, Hena; Blum, Jessica; Paap, Michael; Meier, Annie; Carrizosa, Claudia; Malcarne, Vanessa; Gosman, Amanda; ATASEVEN, BURÇİN; 112000
    Introduction: Craniofacial conditions (CFCs) profoundly influence healthrelated quality of life (HRQoL). In children with CFCs, patient-reported outcome measures have become an integral adjunct to more objective surgical outcome measures. Patient-reported outcome measures are designed to assess HRQoL domains. Few studies have evaluated parent and child agreement about HRQoL in the context of CFCs. The aims of this study were to explore the impact of CFCs on HRQoL domains in children and their parents and to determine whether patient and parent perspectives converge. Methods: The Craniofacial Conditions Quality of Life Scale (CFC-QoL) is a newly developed 5-domain survey available in child self-report and parent report and in English- and Spanish-language versions. The 5 domains are the following: social impact, psychological function, physical function, family impact, and appearance impact. Children with CFCs (ages 7–21 years) and parents of children with CFCs were recruited via the craniofacial care team clinic at a major metropolitan children's hospital. All children and parents completed the CFC-QoL Scale in their preferred language of English or Spanish. Scale internal consistencies were calculated for child patients and parents, for English and Spanish versions. Scores on the 5 domains were compared for children and parents across English versus Spanish versions. Results: For children with CFCs (N = 75), the sex was distributed almost equally. Patients were mostly Hispanic (69.3%), and their ages ranged from 7 to 21 years old (M = 13.2, SD = 3.62). The mean values for patient and parent scores were low, suggesting good HRQoL across all 5 domains. Pearson correlation coefficientswere computed to explore the interrelationships between patient and parent report for each of the 5 CFC-QoL subscales. For the total sample, patient and parent scores were significantly and moderately positively correlated for all subscales. When analyzed separately based on sex, ethnicity, and diagnostic group, the correlation patterns were not identical to those found for the total sample. When analyzed separately for diagnostic group, therewas less consistency in patterns, with patient-parent dyads showing different levels of agreement based on child's diagnostic grouping. Conclusions: Although there is substantial agreement between parents and patients when considered on a group level, there is moderate agreement between patients and parentswhen considered at the dyadic level, underscoring the importance of measuring and considering both perspectives.
  • Publication
    5. KOBİ’ler ve Verimlilik Kongresi
    (İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi / İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi / İşletme Bölümü / KOBİ Danışma Birimi, 2008-11) Gençyılmaz, Güneş; Savcı Gökgöz, Gülsüm; Sönmez, Asuman; ATASEVEN, BURÇİN
  • Publication
    Psychometric evaluation of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scales in Englishand Spanish-speaking Hispanic Americans
    (2020) Garcia-Alcaraz, Cristian; Mills, Sarah; Roesch, Scott C.; Sadler, Georgia Robins; Malcarne, Vanessa L.; ATASEVEN, BURÇİN; 112000
    The English and Spanish versions of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scales have not been psychometrically evaluated for use with Hispanic Americans. Hispanic American adults (N = 436) completed the English (n = 210) or Spanish (n = 226) Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scales. A multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis did not support equivalent four-factor structures for Spanish- and Englishspeaking Hispanic Americans. Follow-up exploratory factor analyses of the 24 items supported an 18-item, four-factor structure for English-speaking Hispanic Americans and a 22-item, three-factor structure for Spanish-speaking Hispanic Americans. These results suggest caution when using the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scales with Hispanic Americans.