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Publication Open Access Changing trends in europeanization: Turkey’s alignment on transport(2019) ERTÜRK, AHMET CEMALThe current stalemate between the EU and Turkey directly affects much policy implementation, ranging from democracy to the economy. In terms of escaping from this crisis, the current proposed solutions seem to be only effective in a handful of areas. Concerning Turkey's Europeanization, there is certain inertia. In a fraught period, transport policy is a surprising success story, with its stability and continuation in the alignment process. This study investigates the main reasons and driving forces behind this curious case. The changing dynamics between different periods has not only changed the background factors but also contributed to a progressive approach, which has once again showed the importance of domestic political preferences when it comes to Europeanization.Publication Metadata only Understanding the “Balancing Act” of Turkey in the Russia-Ukraine War(IGI Global, 2023) ERTÜRK, AHMET CEMALSince the beginning of the conflict, Turkey, as a regional powerhouse, has remained intact in its position as the “honest broker.” In a nutshell, Turkey has been trying to consolidate a balance between the resurgence of Russian aggressiveness and the Western aspirations to protect Ukraine at all costs. For so many in the West, Turkish actions were defined as even damaging at some point to the causes of NATO and the EU. Nevertheless, Turkey's role conception in this war is nothing new and rooted very well back to the earlier Republican experience with the Black Sea. In other words, Turkish foreign policy towards the Black Sea and Ukraine/Russia has always leaned toward a strategic behavior of balancing these significant powers. The latest act has been no different from a Turkish way of “sticking with the plan.” Therefore, deciphering the dynamics of this role is undoubtedly a must to undercover the geopolitical interest of Turkey from the region amid a fully-fledged war. This chapter proposes three related sections to understand and analyze the story's Turkish side.Publication Open Access The Rise and Fall of Corbynism(2021) Cop, Murat; ERTÜRK, AHMET CEMAL; 150508; 312036In an era when the traditional centre-left parties have constantly lost ground to rising right-wing populist movements, Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party was increasingly portrayed as a left-wing alternative to both pro-austerity incumbent parties that rule out redistributive policies and right-wing populism fuelled by the grievances of the masses targeting the traditional political elites. Corbyn managed to mobilize a vast section of the society by becoming Europe’s biggest left-wing party in terms of membership and increased its votes in the 2017 election, especially by gaining youth support. Nevertheless, the 2019 election constituted an immense fall. Regarding his political discourse both during the electoral campaigns and the serious challenges he faced, Corbyn could be identified as a left-wing populist. To be more specific, Corbyn is a democratic socialist who usually resorted to left-wing populist means within a social democratic party, and failed in his efforts to transform both the British mainstream politics and the Labour in the end.Publication Restricted Eu External Governance in Policy Area Under "Embedded Stalemate": Navigating the Dynamic Networks of Turkish Transport(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2024) ERTÜRK, AHMET CEMALThis paper offers a nuanced examination of EU external governance within the challenging terrain of ‘embedded stalemate’, utilizing a network governance lens. Focusing on the Turkish transport sector as a case study, the research seeks to unravel the determinants of EU compliance in areas characterized by a protracted political impasse. By investigating the intricate dynamics of this ‘embedded stalemate’, the paper explores the question: ‘How do various factors influence the compliance with the EU in the Turkish transport sector amid a prolonged stalemate characterized by the absence of benchmarks and deadlines?’ Through 11 semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, ranging from Turkish Ministry officials to private transport advisors, the study identifies variables such as incentives, actor capacities, asymmetry of interdependence, socialization, and politicization as crucial forces influencing the trajectory of compliance. The conceptual framework of network governance is introduced, providing a theoretical lens to understand the complex web of actors and preferences in this dynamic landscape. Therefore, the study concludes that as a result of ‘embedded stalemate’, patchy compliance is achieved through prolonged and dynamically evolving network governance involving a diverse array of actors from both the EU and Turkey sides.Publication Restricted Putting an End to "Crisis Europe"(Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ), 2022) AKGÜN, İBRAHİM MENSUR; ERTÜRK, AHMET CEMALThe term "Crisis Europe" simply defines the current state of the EU affairs. Within the last ten years, the financial crisis, the entrance of refugees, the pandemic, and lately, the Russian invasion have deeply damaged the actorness of the bloc. Under the shadow of war, European decision-makers have once again turned to their endless search for solidarity and more integration as a response. Yet, it seems that the EU has a mountain to climb to convince its inner circle and the outer world. This short analysis tries to understand the dynamics that pushed the EU into a crisis stage and issues that consistently pulled the rug out from under the idea of unity. Moreover, it also offers a more flexible approach as an alternative plan to unblock the ongoing impasse.Publication Metadata only EU-Turkey relations: Civil Society and Depoliticization(Routledge Journals, 2020) ERTÜRK, AHMET CEMAL; 312036Publication Metadata only Direct Democracy in the EU: The Myth of a Citizens' Union(2020) ERTÜRK, AHMET CEMAL; 312036