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  • Publication
    The Determinants Of Out-Of-Pocket Payments: Evidence From Selected Hospitals In Ankara, Turkey
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon Ox14 4Rn, Oxfordshire, England, 2011-08) Yıldırım, Jülide; Yılmaz, Erdoğan; GÜMÜŞOĞLU, NEBİLE KORUCU; TR44786; TR132331; TR115505
    The aim of this study is to explore the determinants of the out-of-pocket expenditures on health in selected hospitals of the capital city Ankara, Turkey. Maximum likelihood logistic analysis is used to estimate the relationship between the likelihood of incurring out-of-pocket payments and a set of individual- and facility-level covariates, such as income, education level and wealth of the patient. Empirical findings indicate that as the level of education, age and income increase the likelihood of making out-of-payment expenditures on health increases. Additionally, the attitudes of patients towards the health-care system and their possible impacts on the decision of out-of-pocket payments have also been considered. The distrust in the public health-care system is reflected in patients' choices regarding the first applied medical centre. It appears that patients with high levels of income prefer private health-care rather than the public health-care services.
  • Publication
    Dış Ticaret Faaliyetlerinin Firma Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisine İlişkin Bir İnceleme
    (2021) Atabek Demirhan, Aslıhan; GÜMÜŞOĞLU, NEBİLE KORUCU; 115505
    İhracat büyümenin, iş yaratmanın ve yoksulluğun azaltılmasının vazgeçilmez bir aracıdır. İhracat yerli firmalara yeni pazar fırsatları sunarken rekabet yoluyla da daha verimli ve yenilikçi olma olanağı vermektedir. Ekonomik büyüme, istihdam ve cari açık üzerindeki doğrudan etkilerine ek olarak kalite, rekabet ve verimlilik gibi konulardaki katkıları da göz önüne alındığında ihracatın ülke ekonomileri için faydalı olduğu genel kabul gören bir gerçektir. İhracatın faydalarına ilişkin genel görüşe karşın ithalat için benzer bir ortak görüş olmadığı dikkat çekmektedir. Artan ithalat hacmi ve ithalat bağımlılığı özellikle gelişmekte olan ülke ekonomilerinin temel sorunları olarak karşımıza sıklıkla çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmadaki temel amaç idari kayıtlara dayalı kapsamlı firma bazlı bir veriseti kullanarak 2006-2018 yılları arasında dış ticaret faaliyetlerinin seçilmiş firma performans ölçütleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Analizlerde kullanılan firmalar dış ticaret faaliyetlerine göre yerli, sadece ihracatçı, sadece ithalatçı ve iki yönlü dış ticaret yapan olmak üzere dört farklı sınıfa ayrılmıştır. Dış ticaret faaliyetleri ile firma performansı arasındaki ilişkiyi görebilmek amacıyla seçilen firma performanslarının farklı firma gruplarına göre değişimi farklı yaklaşımlarla incelenmiştir. Yapılan analizler hem ithalat hem de ihracat olmak üzere, dış ticaret faaliyetlerinin, Türkiye imalat sanayinde faaliyet gösteren firmaların performansı üzerinde çalışan sayısı, verimlilik ve ücret açısından olumlu etkisi olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.
  • Publication
    How do informal social networks impact on labor earnings in Turkey?
    (2019-07) Yanık İlhan, Bengi; Bayar, Ayşe Aylin; GÜMÜŞOĞLU, NEBİLE KORUCU
    The informal social networks are one of the prominent factors in the labor market decisions both for the supply and demand side. Particularly, in developing countries, like Turkey, these informal networks have an influence on the labor market. However, even the existence of this issue, the impact of informal social networks has not been argued sufficiently for the Turkish case. In this respect, this study advances existing researches, by implementing the quantile regression method to reveal the impact of the informal social networks. The quantile regression analysis reveals the impacts of the different quantiles of wages. The Household Labor Force Survey (HLFS) is utilized for 2004-2016 period. The findings indicate that being recruited by social contacts has negative impact on wage levels and in consequence, aggregate productivity is decreased from low quality of labor force and the low return to the firm.
  • Publication
    Debt and Economic Growth Nexus in the US: Evidence from Asymmetric Casuality
    (11. Uluslararası İstatistik Kongresi, 2019-10) GÜMÜŞOĞLU, NEBİLE KORUCU; 115505
    The relationship between economic growth and debt has been studied for decades. This (casual) relationship can be different according to debt types, regions and countries. In this sense, the main motivation of this study is to find out if there is a casual relationship. Moreover, we aim to analyze the nonlinearity between economic growth and debt for the US. This asymmetric relationship is analyzed by vector error correction model. Preliminary results show that there is an asymmetric causality for debt and growth.
  • Publication
    Doğrusal Olmayan Modeller
    (Der Yayınları, 2021) GÜMÜŞOĞLU, NEBİLE KORUCU; 115505
  • Publication
    Bana Marka Değerini Söyle, Sana Ekonomik Büyümeni Söyleyeyim
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2021) GÜMÜŞOĞLU, NEBİLE KORUCU; 115505
  • Publication
    Yöneticilerin Kişilik ve Demografik Özellikleri Arasındaki İlişki: Türkiye’de Aile Şirketlerine DKT Uygulaması
    (2022) Fındıkçı, İlhami; GÜMÜŞOĞLU, NEBİLE KORUCU; 115505
    İnsanın kişiliği, tarih boyunca araştırma konusu olmuştur. Beden, zihin ve duygularıyla farklı eğilimlerle doğan insanın kişiliği, çevrenin etkisiyle yerleşir. Kişisel özelliklerin bilinmesi; bireyin tanınması, eğitim süreci, meslek seçimi, kariyer, kişisel gelişim ve psikolojik destekler gibi nedenlerle gereklidir. Varlık - ruh ilişkisiyle insanı bütün olarak ele alan, ‘ben’ engelini aşarak başkası için de var olmayı hedefleyen, Sıfır Merkezli İnsan Modeli (Enneagram), kendini tanımayı amaçlayan eski yaklaşımlardandır. 2015 - 2019 arasında yapılan bu araştırmada Türkiye’de 15 şehirde aile şirketlerinde çalışan 532 yöneticiye, Değer Kişilik Testi (DKT) yüz yüze uygulanarak yöneticilerin, kişilik ve demografik özellikleri arasındaki ilişkilerin belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. 115 soru, üç cevap şıkkının bulunduğu testin sonunda katılımcılara özel kişilik testi raporları, çeşitli yöntemlerle analiz (Cronbach Alfa, Ki-Kare, Logit Regresyon) edilmiştir. Katılımcıların çoğunluğunun erkek, evli, 21-50 yaş aralığında; kişilik potansiyelleri; Fiziksel (%42,3), Zihinsel (% 42,1), Duygusal (%15,6); kişilik tipleri; Sadık Sorgulayıcı (%27,4), Mükemmeliyetçi (%22,4), Araştırmacı (%13,7), Yardımsever (%13,3), İddialı (%10,3), Barışçıl (%9,6), Başarı Odaklı (%1,3), Kâşif (%1), Özgün (%1) şeklinde dağılmıştır. Kişilik potansiyelleriyle tiplerinin; cinsiyete, yaşa ve çalışma durumuna göre anlamlı biçimde değiştiği, eğitim durumu ve medeni hale göre değişmediği görülmüştür. Yaşın Fiziksel, 41-50 yaş grubu ve cinsiyetin Zihinsel, cinsiyetin ve çalışma durumunun, Duygusal kişilik potansiyeline sahip olma olasılığını, anlamlı biçimde arttırdığı belirlenmiştir.
  • Publication
    Economic Consequences of Daylight-Saving Time: Evidence from Turkey
    (Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 2019) Akarsu, Gülsüm; GÜMÜŞOĞLU, NEBİLE KORUCU
    For last years, it has been hot issue that transition to daylight saving time has some important consequences related to the electricity consumption, human health, performance, behavior and well-being of individuals. Since the cabinet decision in 2016, Turkey has been implementing the summertime throughout the whole year in order to save energy. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to analyze the effects of this change on economic growth and labor productivity by employing quarterly data for the time period 2006:Q1 and 2018:Q1 for Turkey and Threshold AR model in order to incorporate the nonlinear behavior in considered time series. The results show significant effect of this policy change as well as nonlinear behavior in the time series due to continuous fluctuations in the data throughout time which can be classified into at least two regimes as recession and expansion. As a conclusion, the countries should evaluate the effects of daylight saving time (DST) on different indicators before any change in the implementation.
  • Publication
    Long-Term changes in hot and cold extremes in Turkey
    (2018) Acar, Zahide; Gönencgil, Barbaros; GÜMÜŞOĞLU, NEBİLE KORUCU
    Extreme weathers are the leading cause of weather-related disasters all over the world. Many people lose their lives each year due to the triggering effect of cold or hot weather. The extreme days are generally defined as a period of several days of abnormally cold or hot weather. Increased frequency of these days could lead to death and disasters. This study analyzes the variability of minimum and maximum temperature defined anomalous temperature events. Daily minimum and maximum air temperature data from 156 weather stations in Turkey are analyzed to determine percentile threshold values (99th, 95th and 1st, 5th) at each station. Two statistical tests are applied to analyze trend in extreme values, namely Mann-Kendall trend analysis and cluster analysis. The Mann-.Kendall analysis demonstrates an increase in frequency of hot and extremely hot days, whereas cold and extremely cold days show a decreasing trend in Turkey. The extreme cold days have been the highest of the year 1972, 1983, 1992 and 1993, respectively. After 2005, extreme cold days begin to decrease. The frequency of extreme hot day has increased since 2000. Especially in 2010, it has been the warmest year in Turkey from the records of the stations during the study period.
  • Publication
    The effects of Elders' earnings on income inequality: Evidence from Turkey
    (2019-01) Bayar, Ayşe Aylin; Yanık İlhan, Bengi; GÜMÜŞOĞLU, NEBİLE KORUCU; 115505; 149871
    A structural transformation occurs during the last decades and due to the changing conditions of the demographic structures of developing countries, the living standards have improved. Therefore this has led to an ageing population in Turkish economy. Based on the changing conditions, the participation of older workers in the labor market has been increased. On the other hand, the increased integration to the world economy causes inevitable distributional consequence and hence, trends in the distribution of income have received substantial attention in recent years. As income inequality becomes an important issue especially for developing countries, there exists a vast survey in the literature about income inequality. However, the importance of the older workers for the income inequality is not being questioned in these studies. According to the literature, this study seems to be the first that investigates the impacts of elders’ earnings on income inequality for Turkey. In that sense, the main focus of this study is to reveal the importance of the older workers in labor market and to investigate the impact of elders’ earnings on inequality by using counterfactual distribution of income. For the empirical examination, Income and Living Conditions Survey and conducted by TurkStat for the years 2006, 2011 and 2016 is utilized. At first, as to reveal the changes in the income inequality, results from the basic inequality measures will be implemented. The results for overall inequality level of Turkey show that inequality declined throughout the investigated years. After that, as our goal is to compare the existing distribution in each year to the distribution that would occur if older workers had no earnings, ceteris paribus we develop a hypothetical equation. In order to apply that, we calculate the counterfactual distribution for each year by setting olders' earnings equal to zero. The preliminary results show that, olders’ earnings have equalizing effect. By discriminating the impact of olders’ earnings from other sources of income, the results reveal that, olders’ earnings have a small contribution on the income inequality.