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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Çocuk ve Adölesanlarda Şeker İlaveli İçeceklerin Tüketimi ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri
    (Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020) Uslu, Mücahit; KERMEN, SEDA
    Çocuk ve adölesanlar tarafından sık tüketilen şeker ilaveli içecekler, yüksek enerji içeriğine sahip en büyük ilave şeker kaynağıdır. Meyve suları, gazlı içecekler, enerji içecekleri gibi içecekler bu gruba girmektedir. İçeriğinde bulunan şeker türleri, tatlandırıcılar, kafein, uyarıcı maddeler çocuk sağlığı açısından risk taşıyabilmektedir. Bu içeceklerin tüketimi cinsiyet, yaş, etnisite, sosyoekonomik durum, eğitim seviyesi gibi birçok faktörden etkilenmektedir. Kronik kullanımının fazla kilo, kalp damar problemleri, metabolik sendrom, tip 2 diyabet, kan lipidlerinde ve kan basıncında artış, gibi birçok hastalık ile ilişkili olabileceğini gösteren çalışmalar mevcuttur. Olumsuz sağlık etkileri çok küçük yaştan başlayarak yetişkinlik döneminde devam edebilmektedir. Bu nedenle çocuk sağlığı açısından erken dönemde bilimsel öneriler çerçevesinde çocuk, aile, çevre ve politikalar üzerinde çalışmalar yapılarak sağlıklı besin tüketimleri desteklenmelidir.
  • Publication
    Çocuklarda Seçici Yeme ve Risk Faktörleri
    (2018-12-03) Aktaç, Şule; KERMEN, SEDA; 268496; 40690
    Seçici yeme, çocukluk döneminde yaygın olarak görülen beslenme sorunlarından biridir. Çeşitli yeme davranışlarının bileşiminden oluşmakta olup, hem alışılmış, hem de yeni besinlerin reddedilmesi, güçlü besin tercihleri ile yetersiz miktarda veya çeşitlilikte besin tüketimi ile karakterizedir. Geçici veya hafif seçici yeme davranışları normal gelişimin bir parçası olarak görülebilmektedir. Fakat erken çocukluk döneminde görülen seçici yeme, bazı durumlarda kaçıngan / kısıtlayıcı yeme bozukluğu için öncül olabilmektedir. Seçici yeme davranışları, çocuklarda besin tüketimini, diyet kalitesini, normal büyümeyi ve gelecekteki sağlık sonuçlarını olumsuz olarak etkileme potansiyeline sahiptir. Erken çocukluk döneminde yaygın olarak görülen seçici yeme davranışlarının, okul yıllarında hatta yetişkinlikte de devam edebileceği ve olumsuz sağlık sonuçları göz önüne alındığında, seçici yeme için risk faktörlerinin belirlenmesi önemlidir. Seçici yeme davranışlarının çoğu, herhangi bir müdahale yapılmadan düzelebilir. Fakat hem ebeveynlerin çocuk beslenmesi ile ilgili bilgilerini geliştirmek hem de endişelerini azaltmak için beslenme eğitimi verilmelidir. Bu derlemede, mevcut çalışmalarda kullanılan değerlendirme yöntemleri, seçici yeme prevalansı, besin tüketim özellikleri, gelişimini etkileyen risk faktörleri ve seçici yemeye yaklaşım incelenmiştir
  • PublicationRestricted
    Assessment of the Correlation Between Weight Status and the Frequency of Dietician Interviews in Sleeve Gastrectomy Patients
    (Springer, 2021) BATAR, NAZLI; SEVDİN, SEZEN; Güçlü, Duygu; KERMEN, SEDA
    Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the weight status of sleeve gastrectomy patients during the first two postoperative years and the frequency of dietician interviews. Materials and Methods This was a retrospective cross-sectional study, and the subjects were patients who had surgery at a special obesity clinic, Bariatriklab, in Istanbul, Turkey, between February 01, 2014, and February 01, 2018.The mean age +/- standard deviation of the participants was 38.8 +/- 11.9 years. The mean body mass index (BMI) +/- standard deviation was 44.2 +/- 6.1 kg/m(2)preoperatively. The preoperative (pre-op) and 12-, 18-, and 24-month postoperative (post-op) weights and the frequency of interviews with dieticians for 2 years after the operation were collected, and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS ver. 23.0. Results A total of 247 laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) patients, 161 women (65.2%) and 86 men (34.8%), were evaluated in this study. As the frequency of dietician interviews increased in the first year, the amount of excess weight loss (EWL) increased in the second year (p < 0.01). In addition, as the frequency of dietician interviews increased in the second year, the amount of EWL in the second year decreased (p < 0.01). The frequency of dietician counseling among participants who did not experience weight loss between 12 and 24 months was significantly higher than that among those who experienced weight loss (p < 0.05). Conclusion It should not be forgotten that bariatric surgery requires teamwork, and patients should be cared for with an interdisciplinary approach. Dieticians play an important role in changing nutritional habits and making them sustainable.
  • Publication
    The relationship between orthorexia nervosa and body composition in female students of the nutrition and dietetics department
    (Springer International Publishing, 2018-08-29) Agopyan, Ani; Kenger, Emre Batuhan; Ülker, Mutlu Tuçe; Uzsoy, Mustafa Ataberk; Küçük Yetkin, Meral; KERMEN, SEDA; 58275; 258944; 268496; 202390
    This study was carried out to determine the relationship between orthorexia nervosa (ON) and eating disorder and body composition, class level, and place of residence in university students from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. The participants (n = 136; 20.9 ± 2.0 years) were all female students, whose scores on the Orthorexia Nervosa Questionnaire (ORTO-11) and the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-40) indicated a prevalence of ON and eating disorder. Assessment of body composition indices (Tanita bioelectrical impedance; SC-330) of the participants showed there to be no significant difference in the EAT-40 and ORTO-11 scores in terms of body composition, class level, and place of residence. A large majority of the participants (70.6%) had high ORTO-11 scores, and a significant negative correlation (p < 0.05) was identified between the EAT-40 and ORTO-11 scores. Final results from analysis of the data showed that although abnormal orthorexic tendencies were common among the students from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, they were nonetheless able to maintain body composition within normal values.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Effect of Pilates Exercises on the Body Composition of Fasting Females
    (Bezmialem Vakif University, 2022) BATAR, NAZLI; Ersin, Aybüke; Güçlü, Duygu; SEVDİN, SEZEN; KERMEN, SEDA
    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the changes in the body composition of individuals who fasted and did Pilates at least twice a week during Ramadan versus those who fasted but did no Pilates. Methods: This was an experimental study conducted on 60 healthy women who were admitted to the Noi Pilates in Istanbul Turkey, which was a private Pilates studio. The study was carried out on 60 grown-up, healthy women between 18 and 65 years of age who fasted in Ramadan 2019, some of whom did Pilates and some who did not. The women involved in the study had been doing Pilates for 6 months prior to Ramadan and did Pilates at least 3 times a week during Ramadan. Results: Significant increases were observed in body mass index (BMI), triceps skin-fold thickness (SFT), muscle mass and fat percentage in the fasting and non-pilates group (p<0.05). Our study found the change in the percentage of triceps SFT and fat in women who did Pilates to be more than those who did not. BMI, muscle mass, waist circumference and hip circumference of women who did Pilates and who did not do Pilates during Ramadan did not differ compared to the first measurements, and neither of the two methods dominated in terms of these variables. Conclusion: While a long period of fasting in Ramadan leads people to inactivity, personalized exercise and nutrition programs planned by experts may result in weight loss, especially for obese and slightly overweight people.
  • PublicationRestricted
    Effect of Pilates on Body Composition and Some Biochemical Parameters of Women with Type 2 Diabetes on a Low-Carbohydrate or High-Complex-Carbohydrate Diabetic Diet
    (Zamensalamati Publishing Company, 2020) BATAR, NAZLI; Ersin, Aybüke; San, Sevil; Erdem, Mustafa Genco; Demir, Halime Pulat; Güçlü, Duygu; SEVDİN, SEZEN; KERMEN, SEDA
    Background: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has increased dramatically in the past 30 years. The World Health Organization has prepared an action plan to stop the increase in diabetes and obesity by 2025. Objectives: This study was conducted to assess the effect of pilates on body composition and some biochemical parameters in women with T2DM on a high-complex-carbohydrate diabetic diet or a low-carbohydrate/high-monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) diet. Methods: This experimental study was conducted on 120 woman patients with T2DM, referring to the Fatih Medical Park Hospital's Internal Medicine Department, Istanbul, Turkey, between December 2018 and June 2019. Participants were divided into 4 groups and were followed up for 12 weeks. The mean participants' age was 41.67 +/- 3.83 years. The first group received a low-carbohydrate and high MUFA (LC, MUFA) diet, the second group received a low-carbohydrate and a high-MUFA diet and did pilates (LC, MUFA + PL), the third group received a higher complex carbohydrate (HCC) diet, and the fourth group took the HCC diet and did pilates (HCC + PL). Results: According to the applied intervention method, there were significant differences between the preliminary and final measurements of bodymass index, body fat percentage, muscle mass, and fasting blood glucose, insulin, HbA1c, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglyceride (TG) values (P < 0.05). In this study, only an increase in body muscle composition of the women in the LC, MUFA + PL group was found significant (P < 0.05). The highest decrease in body fat ratio was determined again in the LC, MUFA + PL group (P < 0.05). HDLlevels of the women who did pilates increased significantly than other groups (P < 0.05). Conclusions: In the treatment of diabetes, the patient should be evaluated with a multidisciplinary team. Diet and exercise are important non-pharmacological interventions in the treatment of diabetes.
  • PublicationRestricted
    Assessment of the Quality and Reliability of Information on Nutrition After Bariatric Surgery on YouTube
    (Springer, 2020) BATAR, NAZLI; Yıldız, Nida; Güçlü, Duygu; SEVDİN, SEZEN; KERMEN, SEDA
    Background YouTube (TM) is a platform that many people, including patients, use to access health information. Recent studies have revealed that videos on YouTube (TM) are misleading or that medical videos may not contain appropriate information. This study aimed to assess the quality and reliability of videos on nutrition after bariatric surgery. Materials and Methods The keywords "after bariatric surgery diet" and "weight loss surgery postop diet" were used, and the first 100 videos for each keyword on YouTube (TM) were analyzed by considering the source, duration, content, and the number of likes of the video. The popularity of the video was calculated using the video power index (VPI) and view rate. The educational quality of the videos was evaluated using the DISCERN score, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) score, the Global Quality Score (GQS), the usefulness score, and a novel postoperation nutrition score (PONS). Results One hundred fourteen patients were included in the study. The mean duration and number of views were 12.51 min and 87,558.46, respectively. The DISCERN score, JAMA score, GQS, and usefulness score of the physicians or dietician-based videos were significantly higher than those of the patient-based videos (p < 0.001). Positive correlations were found between the VPI and view ratio, as well as between the duration and number of likes. Additionally, the DISCERN score was significant correlated with the duration and number of likes. Significantly positive correlations were found between the usefulness score and duration, usefulness score and number of likes, and PONS and duration (p < 0.01). Conclusions Informational videos on nutrition after bariatric surgery on YouTube (TM) are of low quality. Although the videos uploaded by physicians and dieticians have higher quality, only a few are available. Additionally, patients prefer to watch low-quality videos.